Home > The Sinful Ways of Jamie Mackenzie(13)

The Sinful Ways of Jamie Mackenzie(13)
Author: Jennifer Ashley

Evie’s throat tightened. “Do you mean that Mr. Mackenzie slips un-respectable ladies into these rooms?” She took a step forward and lowered her voice. “Please do not mention this to my sisters, and certainly not to my mother.”

“No, actually. Jamie has never done that here.”

Elsewhere then. Evie was supposed to laugh or shake her head at the licentiousness of gentlemen, but she did not like the thought of Jamie installing paramours here and there. Remembering his easy laughter and warm eyes today, the idea sent a dart of pain into her heart.

“I’m certain he was only doing a good deed for a friend,” Gavina said quickly. “That is Jamie Mackenzie all over. He’ll go to great lengths to help others, often nearly killing himself to do it.”

“Killing himself?” Evie’s unease turned to alarm.

Gavina glided across the room to a seat and waved Evie to resume hers. Though Gavina moved gracefully, Evie sensed an energy about her that was barely contained.

“Have him tell you about all his adventures sometime,” Gavina said. “He nearly got stuck in a wadi in Egypt once, trying to rescue someone’s goat. When the goat’s owner disappeared, leaving Jamie at the bottom of a sheer drop, he thought he’d be there until he died. Fortunately, the man only ran to fetch his brothers and ropes. Jamie was pulled to safety, obviously, along with the goat.”

Egypt. In spite of the harrowing tale, Evie felt a restless longing. How splendid to be able to travel to such remote locales. Some women did journey to these places nowadays, but most were wealthy ladies or daughters of peers who’d decided to break away from convention. Alone in a desert night Evie might forget heartache and sadness.

“He also almost fell off the top of a train in India,” Gavina went on. “Again, in a daring rescue—this one of a child who was falling between cars. Pulled up the boy and then nearly went over himself, silly thing.”

Evie’s heart missed a beat at the thought. Jamie had looked whole and healthy, none the worse for wear, but even a hearty person could meet death so easily.

“I assure you, this rescue was not dangerous at all,” Evie said. “Our reservations went awry, and Mr. Mackenzie was on hand with his motorcar. Or, not his, I understand …”

“Cousin Violet’s.” Gavina nodded. “She and Danny build the cars together. They will talk your ear off about them if you let them.” Her flashing dimples told Evie she found them more amusing than annoying.

“Jamie—I mean, Mr. Mackenzie—said the same thing about himself.” Evie remembered Gavina was also the cousin he’d said would threaten to throw cold water on him.

“Yes, Jamie loves the cars. And aeroplanes and any machine he can go very fast in and crack himself up in. His mum is in constant worry, though she insist he’s charmed. And perhaps he is. Only thing that explains why he’s still alive.”

“That is frightening.” Evie did not like to imagine the handsome, capable Jamie falling between train cars or perishing in a wadi or crashing to the earth in an aeroplane. Although the adventures did sound exciting. She pictured herself sitting with Jamie, perhaps here by the cozy fireside, listening to his tales with rapt attention.

“A bit,” Gavina conceded. “I certainly envy him for it. Girls are supposed to stay home and attend to their husbands. Not that I have one of those, thank heavens.”

“I will have one soon,” Evie said, then wondered why she sounded glum. “I am to be married in the autumn.”

Gavina’s eyes widened. “Will you really?” she asked in disbelief. “Your pardon—that sounded rude. I’m just surprised … No, that’s rude too.” She beamed Evie a smile. “Congratulations. I hope you will be happy.”

Her words rang with sincerity, though Gavina continued to peer at Evie as though quite perplexed.

Before Evie could ask why she was so surprised, or think of any reply at all, Mrs. McKnight emerged from her bedchamber, followed by Clara and Marjorie. All halted at the sight of Gavina, who sprang to her feet.

“This is Miss Mackenzie,” Evie said, rising as well. “Cousin to Mr. Mackenzie—”

Gavina cut her off. “There are so many Miss and Mr. Mackenzies we’d better be clear. I am Gavina Mackenzie. This is my dad’s suite, and Jamie was wise to tuck you here. It’s comfortable, and if you need an item, you have only to ring. This hotel is amazing. They will find you anything.”

“Anything?” Marjorie repeated with interest.

“I do mean anything. Once my father heard about a new sort of bit that was supposed to be easier on the horses. He asked the concierge if the man could find some literature on it. Not an hour later, a sheaf of papers about the bit, plus the bit itself, was delivered into this very room. My aunt Eleanor read about a fossil the British Museum had recently acquired and merely mentioned it to the maid who does the rooms. The next morning, a chap from the museum was here to show it to her.”

“How very delightful,” Mrs. McKnight said. “Well, I doubt we’ll want anything more than fresh towels and a pot of tea.”

“This is my mother,” Evie said when she could jump in. “My sisters Clara and Marjorie.”

“Very pleased to meet you all,” Gavina said with true friendliness. “Any friends of Jamie’s …”

“Evie is his friend,” Clara said. “We’ve only just met him.”

“So I gathered.” Gavina’s eyes twinkled. “Well, I shall leave you to it. Do remember, you have only to ask for what you need. So glad to make your acquaintance, Miss McKnight.” Gavina sailed to Evie and enclosed her hand in a firm grip. “I hope I can see more of you, and your family.”

“We’re off to Bedfordshire in the morning,” Marjorie volunteered. “But Evie isn’t. She’s staying in London, with her fiancé.” She emphasized the final é sound.

“Oh?” Gavina shot Evie a look of great curiosity.

“With his family,” Evie explained hurriedly. “They have a house in Upper Brook Street. Hayden isn’t in much. He works with his father, and he often stays the night at his club.”

“That sounds splendid.” Gavina’s wide smile held all kinds of merriment. “Perhaps we can lark about together after all. Plenty to do in London while the gentlemen lock themselves away.”

Evie hoped her mother would not quash this idea, though Mrs. McKnight appeared to be taken with Gavina. Like Jamie, Gavina had a way with her.

“It is kind of you to look in on us,” Mrs. McKnight said. “We promise to keep the place tidy.”

“I have no doubt. Lovely to have met you all. Good evening.” Gavina waved as she headed for the door with her animated stride. The door instantly opened for her, a pageboy hovering just outside. With a swirl of skirts, Gavina was gone.

Evie let out her breath as the door closed. Gavina Mackenzie was dizzying.

“She is quite beautiful,” Marjorie said with feeling after they heard Gavina’s footsteps and voice fade down the stairs. “I hope you can be friends with her, Evie. Then maybe you can ride in Mr. Mackenzie’s motorcar again.”

“She is an exquisite young lady,” Mrs. McKnight said with a frown at Marjorie. “I hear her mother was once lady-in-waiting to Queen Victoria.”

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