Home > The Sinful Ways of Jamie Mackenzie(68)

The Sinful Ways of Jamie Mackenzie(68)
Author: Jennifer Ashley

“I won’t thrash the man then.” Jamie shrugged grudgingly, then he flashed his smile at her, the one she’d missed all these weeks. “You’re a treasure, Evie, lass. I’m sorry I missed the excitement, but you turned the tables more neatly than I could have. I’d have blustered and coerced, but you simply marched in with all guns blazing. My perfect lady.” His admiration warmed her through as he swerved the car down a narrow lane that ran through a stand of trees. “Ah, here we are.”

The car emerged from the copse and Jamie halted in front of a lovely little cottage. Ivy covered bright red brick to the slightly crooked chimney, and the shutters and front door gleamed with fresh black paint. A garden behind a low wall surrounded the house, the tableau thoroughly charming.

“Oh, how beautiful.” Evie stepped from the car, not waiting for him to open her door. “Who lives here?”

Jamie’s gaze held warmth along with a bit of tension. “You do,” he said.



Chapter 31



Evie stared at Jamie in disbelief. “I don’t live here, I—” She broke off, her mouth too dry to continue.

Jamie removed a ring of keys from his pocket. “It’s not far from your mum and dad’s, it’s on the same little river as their house, but it’s wider here, better for rowing. There’s a scull in the shed yonder, a single one, so you can row to your heart’s content.” He spoke quickly, as though needing to get through the speech. “A maid and a cook will come in each day, so you don’t have to worry about the meals and cleaning. You can do as you like here—send antiquities back to Greece, become a champion rower, or whatever you please. It’s a place to be yourself.”


“I know you’ll say you can’t accept it,” he cut in. “But it’s too late. Your name is on the deed, and the cottage is paid for. It took some machinations to finish the business, which is why I waited so long to seek you. The man who owned it is now an expatriate in France but wasn’t certain he wanted to sell, and the correspondence, not to mention the banks, took longer than I anticipated. I wanted to hand it to you, fait accompli.”

“But …” It was adorable, this house. Evie opened the gate and wandered dreamily through the garden, wondering if the cottage would be as delightful on the inside.

Jamie leapt ahead of her to unlock the door, then he handed her the keys and gestured her in.

It was as enchanting on the inside Evie saw as she stepped over the threshold. A small foyer led to a flagstone hall, its whitewashed walls endearingly crooked but solid. A sitting room, flooded with sunshine, looked out over the garden. A dining room opened from the opposite side of the hall, and a narrow stair at the end of the corridor led above.

Evie skimmed up the staircase. Three bedrooms awaited her on the upper floor, one with a cozy bed and a big wardrobe to hold plenty of clothes, plus a cushioned seat in a recessed window.

Across the hall from this was a study with a desk and a shelf full of books, its window showing a view to the river. The third bedroom was equally cozy, if smaller. For her visiting sisters, perhaps, or Gavina, or Iris.

“Did you put in the furniture too?” Evie asked Jamie, who stood at the top of the stairs.

“I did. I had a bit of advice from Megan and Belle, who have excellent taste.” Jamie contrived to look modest, as though he’d had little to do with the decorating, but Evie believed differently. He’d added all the things he’d known she’d love.

“It is the most beautiful cottage I’ve ever seen.” Evie inhaled in excitement, then let out the breath, trying to stem her hopes. “But a young lady can’t live alone without shocking the world.”

Jamie shrugged. “Use it as a retreat then, for days you’re bothered. Or …”

He lost all casualness, his tension returning. Jamie removed a small box from his pocket, and to Evie’s utter astonishment, dropped to one knee, right there on the bare hall floor.

“We could share it together,” he finished.

Jamie opened the box. Inside lay a ring studded with sapphires surrounding the largest diamond Evie had ever seen.

She opened her mouth to answer, but nothing emerged.

“I was given instruction on how to do this.” Jamie’s playfulness had deserted him, everything about him rigid. “I am not sure how long I’m supposed to remain in the pose—possibly until this knee starts hurting like holy hell.”

Again, Evie tried to answer, but all that came out was a dry huff.

Jamie cleared his throat. “Maybe I’m doing it wrong.” He shifted his stance, kilt falling to give Evie a fine look at his strong thigh.

“Will ye marry me, McKnight?” he rumbled.

He spoke from his heart, she could see in his eyes. Jamie asked because he wanted to be with her, Evie.

Evie wanted him. Not to save her from the humiliation of her betrothal to Hayden, not as a salve for her earlier, tragic love. When she’d burst forth with her proposal at the river, she’d been hurt and wanting to cling to the happiness he’d showed her a glimpse of that day.

She no longer had any hesitation. Jamie filled her thoughts, her dreams, her heart. During their time apart, she’d been able to think of little but him. Not only the taste of eroticism he’d given her, but his laughter, his voice, the way she’d find him watching her with a sinful glimmer in his eyes.

When she’d needed help, she’d immediately turned to his family. Without hesitation. They’d aided her without question and without demanding anything in return.

The Mackenzies had made her a part of them because they loved Jamie, and they extended that love to her.

Evie at last found her voice. Happiness poured through her loosening her tongue and filling her with light.

“Of course, I will marry you, Mackenzie,” she answered in a near shout.

“Whew.” Jamie’s eyes lost their apprehension. “Does that mean I can get up?”

Evie flew at him. She seized his wrists and dragged him to his feet, then she went straight into his arms, burying her face against his chest.

His heart pounded beneath her lips, and she kissed him, right over his racing heart.

Jamie pulled her up to him, their mouths meeting in a frenzied kiss. The ring, cool and heavy, slid onto Evie’s finger as the kiss went on, she tasting his relief and his longing. His hands roved her back, her waist, her breasts, as though he wanted to learn her in this wonderful moment.

At last Jamie eased away, running his thumb across her lower lip. “I love you so much, Evie.” The declaration was low, gruff.

Evie answered with all her heart. “I love you, Jamie.”

“Good.” Jamie’s shoulders sagged, and then the wicked light returned to his eyes. “Shall we try out the bed?”

Evie growled in her throat. She grabbed the lapels of Jamie’s coat and began yanking it from his shoulders. The coat became a dark pool on the floor, then Jamie guided her with firm hands into the bedroom.

He lifted her from her feet and laid her on the bed before he came down on her, kissing, touching.

“I’d wanted our first time to be here,” he murmured. “Not that I mind it was in my chamber at home, in a place full of happy memories.”

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