Home > Snowy Ever After(12)

Snowy Ever After(12)
Author: Samantha Chase

Mia studied her for a moment before Mia’s hands flew to her mouth. “Syd…are you? I mean…” She nodded to her friend's belly and then watched as Sydney slowly nodded. “Oh, my God! Are you serious? This is amazing!”

“Shush!” Sydney hissed. “We’re not telling anyone yet.” She shook her head. “I just took the test a few days ago, but…yeah. We’re pregnant again!”

Emma leaned forward with a big smile and whispered, “Congratulations!”

“Thanks,” Syd said with a small laugh. “The good news is Jax is still little so they’ll be close in age. The bad news is that he’s still so little and I don’t know how I’m going to handle being pregnant while taking care of my baby boy, who’s only fourteen months old!” She looked at Mia. “I may not be the best assistant for the next nine months or so.”

And for some reason, Mia burst into tears.

Not happy tears, but a full-on cry.


“I promise I’ll do the best I can,” Sydney said as she tried to comfort Mia.

“It’s not that,” Mia cried.

“Oh, gracious!” Julie said as she walked back over. “Is everyone okay? The brownies will be here soon, I swear!”

Waving her off, Mia quickly tried to compose herself. She wiped her face as best she could before she straightened and looked at Julie. “Sorry about that. I’ve just been overly emotional this last week. I think all the wedding preparations are finally getting to me.” Then, with a sniffle, she turned to Sydney. “And you know I am beyond excited for you, and we’ll deal with whatever you need for this…” She paused and looked at Julie and realized she probably shouldn’t say anymore since Sydney had just said they weren’t telling anyone yet.

Leaning in, Julie winked. “Your secret is safe with me, Sydney. Congratulations. And no wine for you, but I can offer you some bottled water or apple juice.”

“I’ll definitely take the apple juice. Thanks.”

Once she was gone, Mia leaned back in her chair and felt like a complete idiot. “You know I’m not an overly emotional person, but I swear everything this past week has made me cry. Poor Austin’s been walking on eggshells.” She let out a long breath and felt herself relax. “But it’s one more week. That’s what I have to keep telling myself–one more week. And really, everything is done, so…I should start feeling normal again, right?”

“Probably not until you’re safely on your way to Hawaii,” Sydney told her with a sympathetic smile. “Every bride feels like that. You remember how crazy I was the week of my wedding.”

“Yes, but that’s because you’re a crazy-organized person and you hated giving up control to anyone,” Mia reminded her. She turned to Emma. “How are you on things like this? Do you feel the need to be in control or are you happy to let others have it?”

“Hmm…I think now I’m a little more about having the control. I spent too many years with someone else controlling my life, so now I think I’m more aware of it.” She shrugged. “But I think it will be different when it’s a wedding we’re planning. I know my strengths and weaknesses, so…”

“That’s how I felt, too. But everything just seemed to hit me hard this week. My parents are still giving me grief about the whole thing. They’re exhausting.”

“Mia,” Sydney said quietly, “you can’t let them get to you. Has Austin talked to them?”

She shook her head. “It wouldn’t do any good. They’re just mad that they didn’t get their way on this, and, to be fair, they’re still not used to me standing up for myself with them.”

“Still, it’s your wedding, and it’s supposed to be a happy occasion. I just wish they’d see it that way for you.”

“You and me both.”

They all sat in companionable silence for several minutes until Julie’s daughter came walking over with a giant pink box.

“I think she really did buy all the brownies,” Emma murmured.

“No one better judge me if I eat more than one,” Sydney warned. “I’m pregnant and hormonal, and even though I have a bridesmaid gown to fit into next week, I deserve this treat.”

“Have at them,” Mia told her. “Because I’m going to have more than one, too. I’ve made myself sick a time or two this week and I’ve skipped a few meals, so I’m splurging today. So even if my dress is a little snug, it will be worth it.”

Beside them, Emma laughed. “My dress is very loose and flowy–nothing snug or fitting–so I can eat what I want and hide the food baby!”

“Here you go, ladies,” Julie said as she walked over with a tray of drinks. “An apple juice for Sydney. White wine for Emma and Mia…” Turning, she handed the empty tray to her daughter and took the bakery box from her. “And help yourselves to as many of these gooey treats as you like.” Taking one for herself, she chuckled. “But you know we’re taking a few for ourselves. Enjoy!”

“Thanks, Julie!” they called out in unison. And once they each had a brownie–and fortunately, some napkins–Sydney stopped them from taking any bites.

“What? Why? Wasn’t it just decided how much we all deserve these?” Mia asked.

Holding up her glass, Sydney said, “I just wanted to propose a toast to you.” She paused. “To my best friend, Mia. I am happier for you than you’ll ever know, and I love that you came to Magnolia Sound and not only found a home, but the love of your life. I wish you nothing but happiness, and thank you for letting me share that with you. I love you.”

And that had her crying all over again.

Leaning forward, Sydney looked at Emma. “I have a feeling she may be like this for a while, so…cheers!”



Late Thursday afternoon, Austin was driving home and cursed the weather. It was gray and cold, and he thought of Mia telling him how she envisioned herself barefoot on the beach for their wedding and how that was seriously not going to happen.

Not even for a few pictures.

The temperature was dropping, and it was the coldest winter on record for Magnolia Sound because…well, because of course, it was. But, because Mia had grown up in Boston, this weather didn’t bother her a bit. As for Austin, he’d lived several years up and around the Baltimore area, so winter weather wasn’t a huge deal to him either.

However…this was Magnolia. It was unusual for the temperatures to drop this low, and even though there was always a threat of snow in the forecast every year, this was the first time he was seriously afraid it was going to happen.

“Stop courting trouble,” he muttered as he pulled into the driveway. Things had finally leveled out with the wedding plans and there hadn’t been any mishaps in about two weeks, so that should have convinced him that the snow would be a non-event. “It’s all going to be okay. Cold, but okay.”

But as soon as he walked into the house, he wasn’t so sure.

“No, I can’t pick you up at the airport tomorrow,” Mia was saying into the phone as she paced.

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