Home > Snowy Ever After(26)

Snowy Ever After(26)
Author: Samantha Chase

“Make that two,” Mia said before taking his hand and leading him to their table. Once they were seated, they both sighed with relief.

“I never knew it could feel so good to sit,” he said as he looked at her.

“Not me. Whenever I’m in heels, any time to sit feels fantastic!” She smiled at him. “But this is the first time I didn’t really mind it. I would have stood all through dinner if I had to because this…” She motioned all around them. “It’s beyond my comprehension. Every single person here pitched in to help us for no other reason than we’re family.”

Shrugging, he said, “I guess I never thought about it because that’s the way we’ve always done things.” Then he paused. “Well, maybe not always, but there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for the people in this room.” He saw his Aunt Georgia in the distance. “Well, for almost all the people in the room…”

She playfully swatted his arm. “Oh, stop. You’d do it even for the less…friendly. And you have to admit, even she came through.”

“Yeah, I know. I’m still a little in shock, but beyond thankful.” He took a moment to study her as she looked around the room. She was radiant; her smile was so sweet and pure and genuine, and she looked a little like a kid in a candy shop. Gently, he took her hand in his to get her attention. “I know this wasn’t the wedding we planned, but…”

“Are you kidding? This is so much better,” she replied, resting her forehead against his. “This is so much more because it’s intimate and personal, and while there is no way I’m stepping barefoot onto the sand, I couldn’t have dreamed of a more perfect wedding.”

“Well, hopefully we’ll be able to reschedule our trip and get to where the sand is actually warm and not covered in snow.”

With a soft hum, she nodded. “That does sound nice.” Then she straightened and looked around. “I should probably talk to Violet…”

“Dinner is served!” Susannah and Grace said in unison as they walked over, and Austin was never so relieved to be interrupted.

After thanking them, they both dug into their meals–which were plates piled ridiculously high with food.

Two for each of them.

“Good grief, I’m not sure I can eat even half of this.”

“I’ll finish what you can’t,” he assured her.

Turns out, she ate almost as much as he did, and by the time everyone was done eating, he was more than ready to stand up again.

Tables were cleared away and within minutes, Simon and his band were set up. And after a brief introduction, he called them up for their first dance–a cover of Ed Sheeran’s “Perfect”–and damn if the kid didn’t sing like an angel.

The rest of the night was a blur. There had been cake and dancing and champagne, and it was all just the best kind of party he could ever remember.

And definitely the best Christmas.

It was nearing ten o’clock, and he realized neither of them had a way home and seriously hoped no one expected them to have their wedding night here at the B&B. It would be a charming gesture, but when he got Mia alone and could get her out of her gown, he wanted to make love to her in their bed.

Garrett was standing close by and talking to Mason, so he figured he might as well ask what the plan was.

“Hey, sorry to interrupt…”

“As the groom, you’re allowed,” Mason told him with a grin. “What’s up?”

“I’m curious who’s taking us home. I drove here with you, G, and Mia came with Sydney so…”

“Ah, ready for the wedding night,” Garret said with a stupid grin. “I’m your guy–the designated driver–so if you’re ready, let’s start making our way to the door.”

It took almost an hour to get to the car because it took so long to thank everyone and say goodnight. They were the first ones to leave, and it seemed like several people were spending the night at the house, and he didn’t doubt they’d be celebrating into the wee hours of the morning.

That was his plan, too, but in a wholly different and sexier way.






She shivered from the cold because her gown was strapless and the small fur stole was really more for show than warmth. All of the things she’d worn earlier in the day to the B&B were packed up in the weekender bag she’d brought with her and it seemed more of a bother to dig through it to find her winter coat. But once they were in the house, Austin immediately walked over to the fireplace and lit it and then the tree before pulling her into his arms to warm her up.

“Thank you, husband,” she whispered, gazing up at him and still unable to believe that the day was real. She was married to Austin Coleman–the arrogant contractor who seriously inspired her to write a grisly murder story.

And she wouldn’t have it any other way.

“You’re very welcome, wife.” He held her close for several minutes.

There were so many things she wanted to talk to him about–all the incredible details of the day and how crazy it all seemed and how nervous she’d felt when the girls showed up earlier–but right now, she was enjoying the quiet. Nothing but the sound of their breathing and the warmth of Austin wrapped around her. There’d be plenty of time to talk later.

Or tomorrow.

Or the day after.

They had the rest of their lives.

Smiling, she rested her head on his shoulder and let out a very contented sigh. “This is nice.”

“Mmm…I agree.” His voice was low and rich and deep, and she loved it so much. “Are you warming up?”

“Mm-hmm.” His hands were slowly, rhythmically, running up and down her back, and it was so soothing that she was on the verge of melting into a puddle at his feet. Carefully, she slid her shoes off, and even though it lowered her a good four inches, he stayed wrapped around her.

“I bet that feels much better.”

She smiled against his chest. “You have no idea.” Snuggling closer, she added, “I don’t think anything has felt that good all day.”

Austin pulled back–just like she knew he would–and stared down at her with one dark brow arched. “Challenge accepted.”

“Austin, I…” Mia let out a small screech as he scooped her up into his arms and began to slowly walk toward their bedroom. And who was she kidding? That was where she wanted to go all along. When he gently put her back on her feet beside the bed, she smiled up at him. “I could have walked.”

Shrugging, he reached out and began to carefully remove the pins and clips from her hair. “I should have carried you into the house–the whole over-the-threshold thing–but it was a little too icy and I didn’t want to risk hurting you.”

Mia caressed his jaw. “Aww…okay, then I’m thrilled you carried me in here.” She moaned with pleasure when her hair was all down and he slowly massaged her scalp. “Oh, that feels so good.”

He leaned down until they were nose-to-nose. “Sweetheart, I’m just getting started.”

“Ooh…that sounds promising,” she purred.

As soon as his hands left her hair, he slowly turned her around so her back was facing him and began to unbutton and unzip her gown. He kissed her shoulder and then moved down along her back as more skin was exposed, his breath warm and wicked. “Have I mentioned how beautiful you looked today?”

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