Home > Thomas (Members From Money Season Two Book 24)(15)

Thomas (Members From Money Season Two Book 24)(15)
Author: Katie Dowe

“I'm afraid my love for politics and procedure gets away from me. And her passion and fire is so hard to ignore.”

“You're supposed to be in love with your wife!” Thomas bit out, his green eyes flashing.

“And my wife knows that my heart belongs to her alone. That doesn't mean I've stopped admiring a beautiful woman—one who has such intellect and heart. What do you care? She's your wife in name only.”

Thomas bit back the retort that that particular ship had sailed two nights ago. He was still reeling from the event of that night still and had no idea what to do next. “You're right.” He finished the drink and slammed the glass down onto the table. “Goodnight.”

Francesco watched him leave with a slight smile on his dark, handsome face. He knew the signs of jealousy when he saw them because he'd experienced them himself with his wife. He remembered the urge to throttle the man who'd dared to flirt with her and had dedicated a song to her. Notwithstanding the fact that he'd been at his own engagement party at the time. He sipped the scotch thoughtfully and wondered how far he could push the man’s buttons. He'd known Thomas for a long time and had never seen the man this nettled. His dark eyes lit up when his wife came walking into the room, wearing a lace peignoir and that molded her slender curves.

“If Thomas was still in here I would have to ask him to leave the palace at once.” He took her hand and pulled her onto his lap. “Tesoro, the servants are still around.”

“I made sure that they weren't about to see me before I came down. And I passed Thomas on his way up the stairs.”

Francesco’s brows drew together. “You allowed him to see you like this?”

“He barely looked at me and when I said goodnight, he grunted something that I didn't understand.” Her dark brown eyes peered into his. “What did you do— other than the fact that you were openly flirting with his wife and offered her a job and a place here?”

He looked at her worriedly. “Were you jealous, amore?”

“No,” she told him immediately. “I knew what you were doing, but no one else at the table did. What did you say to him?”

“He took offense to me offering his wife a job and reminded me that I was supposed to be in love with you.”

“I told you he cares.”

“He does more than that,” Francesco said with an amused smile. “He desires her. I think they engaged in lovemaking recently.”

“They did,” Tiana said with a smug smile. “And now he's avoiding her. Men!” She shook her head.

“We are lost without a beautiful woman to guide us,” he agreed as she tilted her chin up. “I think we should close the door and I should show you how lost I would be without you.”

“I think that is a very good idea.”


Up in his suite of rooms, Thomas was unable to get any sleep. He'd taken a shower, thinking that the warm water would soothe his frazzled nerves. He'd even taken out his laptop and tried to get some work done. Hoffman Industries was very diversified and had their stamp on several different entities. Now that he'd been declared CEO of the operation, a lot had fallen into his lap, much more than before. They had a pharmaceutical company with researchers working assiduously around the clock trying to find a cure for cancer and make a breakthrough with regards to Alzheimer’s. There was also a branch that had teamed up with a very popular super model into coming out with a cream that set back the aging process by several years. There were apartment buildings, hotels, business complexes and shares in shipping industries. He had a lot on his plate and before now he'd always been able to focus on business, no matter who he was with. But that had been before she came into his life. She was an enigma that mystified him and angered him. He'd sat at the dinner table and listened to how informative she was—how revolutionary her ideas were. He'd also discovered that she had a degree in political science, something he hadn't known before. What the hell was she doing, being an assistant for the marketing manager? She deserved an office of her own and maybe he should suggest it.

But Francesco was right. What would become of them when the divorce papers were served? Would she still want to be at the company? Would he still want her there? He dragged his fingers through his hair and strode over to the window to look out at the darkness. It hadn't snowed but he could see the ice forming on the palm trees and that the wind was picking up. They were due to go back home in two days and he couldn't wait! In this place, with her just a door away, was getting to him. At home he would be involved with work and had every intention of focusing on just that. Back home, it would be business as usual and he would be able to forget about what happened between them.


“I have a very small circle and you are now included, Princess Tiana,” Donna told her as they sat in the woman’s private sitting room, having tea and pastries. It was the day after Christmas and the men had gone out for the afternoon. The twins were taking their afternoon nap and Tiana had invited her to sit with her. “For a princess, you're okay.”

“I wasn't born a princess,” Tiana said with a regal smile as she sipped her tea. “My husband likes you a lot.”

Donna’s eyes flew to hers. “I hope that isn't a problem.”

Tiana laughed softly. “It would have been if I didn't know where I stand. He's fascinated with your views of the world.”

“I like his view on policies and admire the way he runs the place. I wish Thomas was even half as fascinated as your husband is.”

“Oh, he is, honey.”

“He is?”

Tiana nodded. “I was watching him when you and Francesco were having that discussion. He couldn't take his eyes off you, and the looks he kept sending my husband spoke volumes.”

“Maybe he thought I was embarrassing him,” Donna said wryly. “I tend to do that when I speak my mind.”

“Please continue to do so,” Tiana urged. She settled back against the cushions. “I became a model when I was too young to know better and got drawn into the excitement, the glamor and shallowness of it all and before long I felt the brunt of it. I wasn't thin enough, so I went on eating binges and threw up to get rid of it. I almost died from it all and that was when I decided to own my truth and get out before it was too late. I wasn't outspoken because I was afraid to offend people and hurt their feelings. You have no such compunction and I like that about you.”

“I read that about you,” Donna said with a shake of her head. “I look at you and see perfection and to realize that you had problems of your own makes me realize that there's always something, some weakness that we have to cope with, and no one is perfect. I was bullied in middle school and high school because of my size and I went into depression for about two weeks. I told my mother that I wanted to be home schooled and I told her why. She sat me down and told me that running away or staying away from my problems wasn't the answer. She told me to face it head on and that I was beautiful—just in a different package. I went back to school and kicked butt.” She added with a grin. “I don’t know how this is going to turn out between Thomas and me—it isn't just us but there are others who are against me being his wife.”

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