Home > Thomas (Members From Money Season Two Book 24)(23)

Thomas (Members From Money Season Two Book 24)(23)
Author: Katie Dowe

“You are irreverent and downright rude,” he gritted out. “Every word that comes out of your mouth is offensive- “

“I don’t care,” she whispered, her eyes on his sensuous lips.

“I should get rid of you. I shouldn't care so much but I can't stop wanting you. Oh Christ! How I want you!” he whispered thickly, his head descending to hers. She put up a token resistance, but it was only for show and didn't last long as she melted in his arms, her arms going around his neck as she sank into the hungry kiss. His lips moved roughly over hers, his fingers going up to dig into her hair, scattering pins as he held her head steady for the invasion of his lips on hers. He ended the kiss abruptly, his smoldering dark eyes staring at the swollen lips and the limpid dark brown eyes. He reached towards the side of his desk and touched a button, engaging the lock on the doors before turning back to her. “I want you,” he told her hoarsely. “Right now.”

He closed his eyes briefly before pulling the dress over her head. He unhooked the clasp of her bra and brushed it off her shoulders. “You make me so crazy,” he muttered as he cupped her breasts and ran his thumbs over the stiff nipples. “So crazy,” he murmured as he bent his head and pulled a nipple inside his mouth. Donna arched her back, her fingers digging into his hair, the fire charging through her body. He lowered her onto the thick carpet, fighting to get his aching erection out while his mouth was busy on her nipple. He couldn't think, didn't wonder why for the first time he was so unable to control himself that he was taking her right there in his office, while the phones were buzzing and he had meetings to attend.

Nothing mattered but easing the incredible need he had for the woman lying beneath him. He drove into her, lifting his head from her nipple when he did. He met her lips with his, fingers clamping on her hips as he increased the pace. It felt like a fever had invaded his body and was burning out of control. Everything was blocked, the sounds of the phones ringing, the crackling of the fire in the hearth. All had faded and there were just feelings: Incredible, unbelievable feelings that were coursing through his body as he sank deep inside her.

She met his frantic thrusts with her own, her fingers digging into his neck and then into his lustrous hair as she returned the bruising kisses. She'd missed this—had denied herself the lovemaking because of what he'd said to his mother and sister and had sworn that she would keep herself aloof and would wait until the year had gone so she could be rid of them. But she'd fooled herself!

The climax was fast and brutal and had her bucking her body against his. He came in the middle of hers, the passion sweeping through his body at an alarming rate that had him beating his fists on the carpet as he spun out of control. He was rough, his lips devouring hers as she drove into her, his body shuddering.

He rolled off her, still shuddering as reason came back slowly. Without looking at her he got to his feet shakily and stuffing back his wet semi-hard penis into his underwear, he zipped up his pants. He leaned down to give her a hand up and then turned away again. “You can use the bathroom to clean up,” he told her stiffly.

Donna stared at his broad back for a moment before gathering her bra and dress and hurrying off to the bathroom. When she came back he was standing by the window looking out.


“I have work to do. Send back a revised proposal and I'll approve it,” he told her without turning around.

“Okay,” she said quietly.

He didn't turn around until he heard the doors closed behind her. His eyes went to the patch of carpet where he'd taken her and he saw her black panties there. Striding forward he picked them up and holding them against his face, he took in her scent, his eyes closed. With an impatient sigh he shoved the scrap of lace into his pocket and went back behind his desk. Forcing himself to focus he went back to what he was doing.


The occupants at the dinner table were quiet as the dinner was being served. The maids placed the different dishes onto the table and then retreated from the room. Donna had come home before him and had laid on her bed, thinking the entire time. So he'd taken her right there in front of his desk—a move that had shaken her to the core. She had a feeling that it had been the first for him, losing control like that, and he was angry with himself. He hadn't said anything to her when he came down to supper and she'd left him alone. Rosalee was the first one to strike up a conversation, and of course it had to do with Donna and her new title.

“Darling, I don't see why there has to be an added department to the ones we already have in the company. A social media department? Isn’t that what the PR department is for?” she asked as she cut into the thin slice of veal.

“My thoughts exactly!” Talia said triumphantly as she glared at Donna. “What exactly are you supposed to be doing anyway?”,

“I would tell you, but I would have to kill you,” Donna told her mildly as she speared the artichoke and brought it to her lips.

“See what I tell you, darling?” Talia said turning to her brother. “She's rude—”

“Enough!” all three of them jumped as he slammed his palm on the table. “I am tired of the bickering! Call a truce or don’t talk to one another, I don’t give a damn! But I want this over right now!” Pushing back his chair, he tossed the napkin onto the table and strode out of the room.

“See what you did,” Talia said with a pout.

“Zip it, Barbie!” Donna told her angrily as she got to her feet. “Your brother is right; we're adults and the constant bickering is exhausting.”

“Where are you going?” Rosalee asked her.

“To apologize to my husband.”

“I'll go—”

“Talia, sit down!” her mother ordered.

Donna found him in the book lined study. He was standing by the window staring out, his hands shoved into his pockets.

“I want to be alone,” he said without turning around.

“I just want to apologize for my part in the argument.”

He nodded. “Close the door on your way out.”

She started to do that but decided against it. “You know what? I'm not going to do that.”

He turned to face her, his eyes scanning her face. “You have a very hard time doing as you're told, don’t you?”

“I do.” She nodded and came over to him. “You're angry at what I make you feel, and I get that, but why are you taking it out on me?”

“You confuse me,” he admitted, much to her surprise. “I do things I'm not used to doing when I'm with you and I don’t like it.”

“Is that such a bad thing?” she asked him gently.

He stared at her for a moment and then looked away. “I want you in my bed.”

“I want to be in your bed.”

He turned his head to look at her. “It doesn't mean that I won't be serving you divorce papers at the end of the year.”

Her tapered brows arched. “It doesn't mean I won't accept them.”

A smile touched his lips briefly and he reached out to pull her towards him. “I have never wanted anyone the way I do you.”

“That’s good because it's the same thing with me.” She curled her fingers into his chest.

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