Home > Thomas (Members From Money Season Two Book 24)(33)

Thomas (Members From Money Season Two Book 24)(33)
Author: Katie Dowe

“I'm happy you feel that way.” Rosalee cut into her chicken. “They serve the best broiled chicken here. I'm afraid that I might have gained a pound or two over the holidays and am trying to get back to eating right.”

“You gained weight?” Eleanor scoffed. “Impossible.”

Rosalee laughed softly. “I wished that were true.” She put the utensils down and looked at the woman she'd been friends with for years. “We both wanted our children to end up together because of the relationship we share. When Thomas started going out with Caroline, we were thrilled and hoped that it would develop into something more. But that isn't the case. I've seen Thomas with his wife, and he's happy and fulfilled. She does something for him that is a beauty to see. Caroline confronted Donna inside the bathroom because people saw her going after her. So it's safe to say that she provoked Donna and now she's intent on dragging Hoffman’s name through the mud. I cannot sit by and allow that to happen.”

“She broke my daughter’s nose!” Eleanor whispered.

“And we'll pay for the reconstructive surgery. She could go to Paris or Italy for a vacation to cool out until this entire thing blows over.”

“What would you like me to do?”

“Take the offer to your daughter and see to it that she accepts it.”

“Or else?”

Rosalee smiled at the woman gently. “You've known me long enough to know that I don't make threats. We're on the board of Henry’s banks, darling, and we're also his biggest client. What do you think?”

“She won't listen to me,” Eleanor muttered.

“I often find that even adult children will listen if they discover that their allowances are going to be taking a beating. Given enough incentives, they'll fall in line. Get back to me tonight with the answer.”


“I'll be up in a few minutes.” He kept his hand on his wife’s arm as she got up from the dining table. “Would you like some tea sent up to the suite?”

“I hate tea,” she said with a pout.

“It will settle your stomach.”

“Okay.” She leaned in to kiss him and he held her close for a minute before letting go.

“I have some phone calls to make,” Talia said as she got to her feet and hurried after Donna.

“How about some more wine, Mother?”

“Thank you, darling.”

Thomas dismissed the maid who was hovering at the table and poured the wine himself bringing it to her. Pulling up a chair, he sat across from her. “What did you do?”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“Clint called to tell me that the lawsuit had been dropped.”

“Oh, that?” Rosalee shrugged slender shoulders and continued to sip her wine. “I just had a little heart to heart talk with Eleanor and told her that she had to have a candid talk with her daughter. I guess she did.”

Thomas gave her a contemplative look. “Just like that?”

“I did promise that we would pay for Caroline’s reconstructive surgery and advise her that it might be a very good idea for her to go off to Europe for an extended period.”

Thomas shook his head in admiration. “I wanted to take a different approach.”

“I know, darling. She touched the woman you love, and you were out for blood.”

“I still want to take a different approach,” Thomas said grimly. “She attacked Donna and was very vicious about the things she said to her.”

“And your wife is now over it. Take my advice and let it go.”

“Donna said the same thing,” he told her with a whimsical smile.

“You love her.”

He looked at her, a soft expression on his face. “If anyone had told me that I would feel this way about someone, I would have scoffed at the idea. She wasn't my type. I would never have chosen her, but I have no idea what dad knew or even what he was thinking but I wish he was here so that I could thank him. I've never been so happy in my life! It's not all about the company anymore. I find myself longing to come home to her.”

Rosalee stared at him for a moment before she nodded. “I'm happy for you darling. I've seen the changes in you since she's been here, and for that I welcome her with open arms.”


“Don’t you think it's time to start choosing colors?” Talia had walked with her to her suite and had come inside, closing the doors behind her.

“I thought you had calls to make.”

“I do, but I also want to talk to you about my niece or nephew. I want to start ordering some things from Romano’s. I was browsing online, and I saw these cute little outfits for both boys and girls and I was tempted to buy.” She plopped down one of the sofas and kicking off her shoes, made herself comfortable.

“You aren't going to treat this baby like it's your next toy. I've seen the house you refer to as a closet, Talia, and you really should be ashamed of yourself. There are people out there who don't have a pair of shoes on their feet.”

“Here we go again,” the girl said without rancor. “I emptied my closet two weeks ago at your behest and had to restock. Isn’t that enough?”

“No.” Donna sat on the side of the bed and took her shoes off. “The wives and I have come up with this thing where we'll be having an auction at the end of May. I'm going to need some more clothes from your closet. The money from the sale will be going to several children’s homes.”

“Another project to save the world? Where do you find the time?”

“When there are things to do, you find the time.”

“Okay fine. I'll just give away the clothes I just bought,” she grumbled.

“That’s all I'm asking,” Donna said with a grin. “And I was thinking neutral colors for now—for the nursery.”

They both looked up as Thomas came into the room, stopping short when he saw his sister seated comfortably on the sofa.

“Your wife is on another crusade,” Talia said mildly.

“And I'm on a crusade to get you out of suite. I need to be alone with my wife.”

Talia shook her head. “Try and control yourself, darling. She's already your wife.”

“I know, now leave.” He hauled her up and planted a kiss on her cheek. “Goodnight, darling.”

“That was pretty rude,” Donna murmured with a grin as he came and sat on the edge of the bed.

“I wanted to be alone with you.” He brushed back her hair from her face. “And to let you know that I'll be hiring someone to decorate the nursery.”

“Talia is insisting on being involved.”

“Good. She has excellent taste.”


In retrospect, she realized that she'd been foolish to give in to her cravings. She was no longer simply Donna Nichols; she was now Donna Hoffman and as such was highly visible. But she'd been on her way back from a meeting with the decorator in midtown and had realized that she had a craving for a calzone and the best ones were made by a little Italian eatery stashed in between a hairdressing salon and a computer place. She used to visit it when she was much younger, and it had been years since she'd made an appearance. She was just on her way out with an extra in the bag when it happened! She'd seen the guy lurking at the side of the building but hadn't paid him much mind. As she got to her car, she felt when his body smashed into hers. The package went flying and when she turned to light into him he grabbed the necklace around her neck and tugged at it, breaking the clasp. Donna noticed the crazy eyes and even though he was thin and scraggly looking, she realized that he was hopped up on drugs, which made him even stronger. “Give me your money!” he hissed.

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