Home > Locked Hearts (Chained Hearts Duet #2)(10)

Locked Hearts (Chained Hearts Duet #2)(10)
Author: T.L. Smith

I wasn’t aware he still had a relationship with this other woman. I guess in the end he was good at hiding things.

“I have a feeling this Sailor won’t be happy as your side piece, Keir. Are you prepared for that?”

“I will never be a side piece,” Sailor says as she returns and smiles at my mother. “Thank you for giving him the correct advice, but it’s not necessary. You see, your son and I are not intimate any longer. I don’t plan to ever be again.”

Those words, those stinking words that have just left her mouth make me fucking mad—no I am furious, there’s no denying that. My eyes track her as she walks over to me at the table and looks down, so I retort with, “No one has ever said you will be.”

“Good! Just so you’re aware.” She nods and looks over to Wren. “It was lovely meeting you, but I’m afraid I have to go and get Wren to bed.”

My mother stands, goes to Sailor, and kisses her cheek. “I would like to visit you and Wren more often, if that’s okay. My sons never have enough time for me anymore.”

“That’s not true, Mamma. We love you.”

“Well, bring your brother back,” she retorts, at which Sailor looks to me and just stares silently with her head slightly tilted to the side.

“But would that be okay?” My mother directs her question to Sailor. “If I visited? I would love to spend more time with her.”

Sailor bites her lip before she answers, “Yes, of course.”

“Wonderful. Now my son will be the perfect gentleman and drive you home.” My mother steps back and Sailor coughs and splutters at the part about being a gentleman because we both know I’m anything but.



“I don’t plan to stay here long,” Sailor announces as we walk out of Wren’s room. She gently closes the door behind her and looks at me. “You’re marrying her, and you can’t have me on the side, supporting Wren and me.” She shakes her head. “It’s so wrong on all levels.”

“You are the mother of my child. It’s what any man would do.”

“But you aren’t like any other man. We’ve established this already, Keir.”

I move closer to her. My fingers itch to touch her face, to drag them along the edge, then lift her chin so her lips can press against mine.

“Yes, we have,” I reply. Against my better judgment, but I do it anyway, my fingers brush her chin.

However, she quickly steps back and looks down, shaking her head.

“See...” she waves her finger between us, “… this cannot happen. Now or ever.” Her head continues to shake, slowly moving back and forth like she’s trying to reiterate that fact to herself. But then she surprises me with, “Tell me about her.”

Now I step back. That’s not a conversation I ever want to have with Sailor.

“That’s what I thought. You don’t want that conversation, right?”

“You should get some sleep.” Quickly, I make my way to the door but stop at her voice.

“But, Keir…” I turn back to face her, “… don’t you want to eat some pussy?” She moves her dress to the side to reveal the black panties she’s wearing. When I make a quick move toward her, she drops the dress. “See, asshole? That’s not going to happen now or ever. Get that in your mind because two can play games and keep secrets.”

Closing my eyes, I sigh then pull open the door and pause. “Be ready tomorrow morning.”

“I’ll be waiting patiently with excitement.” I step out, but she has me pausing again when she asks, “I’ll have full control, right? They’ll do whatever I say?”


“This is going to be so much fun.” She claps her hands together, and I fight the smile that pulls on my lips.

“Bellissima.” Her mouth drops at my word, but I shut the door in haste and walk away from her.

She could destroy everything I’ve built in one single day—what my family has taken a lifetime to build.

But she’s worth it.



Chapter Eight






He’s early, and he has breakfast in his hand as he walks through the door. He knocked this time, which is a plus, and a complete surprise.

“You look good.” His eyes assess me, and the heat is there but his stone face tries to hide the fact.

I’m dressed in a black suit. Like him. Except today he isn’t dressed in his usual full business attire. Instead, he’s wearing no jacket and only a white button-up shirt with trousers.

He looks amazing.

I’m wearing a white shirt—buttoned to just above my breasts, so there is some cleavage showing—underneath a black jacket, and my black knee-high boots under trousers that fit me perfectly. I’m nervous as my palms are sweaty so I wipe them gently on my pants as I walk through and ask, “Do I meet them anywhere?”

Keir pulls out a croissant for me and I smile when I see the gooey chocolate inside.

“No. Roberto should be here soon to collect you.” Once his hands are free, he reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a gun, then a belt with a holster, and walks over to me. Lifting my jacket, he situates the belt around my waist before he slides the gun into the holster.

His fingers linger.

He lingers.

His smell encases me, circling around me and I hate that I enjoy it. I hate that I want him to linger. His touch on my waist is soft, but he is anything but soft.

“Why do I need a gun?” I change my train of thought, because if I linger the way he does it won’t end well.

“Because some people may need to be taught a lesson,” he bites out and steps away from me. Wren begins to cry, and Keir goes to get her, coming back with our daughter snuggled in his arms and calm as can be. If I didn’t already know what a pain it is to be the mother of his child, I would consider having another with him.

“Her bottles are done, and her nappies are in her room. She’ll sleep around lunchtime for about two hours.” He nods as a knock sounds on my door. “How much money will I earn today?” I ask, smiling. He shakes his head, not answering me as I open the door. When I swing it back, Roberto’s standing there. “Hey.” I offer him a wave, but he looks in to see Keir and then checks back to me.

“Ready, boss?”

Keir told me they would do whatever I said, but I didn’t expect them to be so willing.

“I mean… I should earn enough to pay for this place for a month or so, right?” I ask Keir. Roberto coughs and it’s obvious there’s a problem. “What?” I ask.

“You want to know about money?” he asks.

“How much will we make today doing what we do?” I question Roberto again. He turns his head toward Keir, but I click my fingers in front of his face. “He’s not in charge today.” Roberto looks back to me.

“Half a mill,” he answers.

Well shit! If I had something in my mouth, you can guarantee it would be no longer in there. I gape at Keir, who’s rocking Wren on his hip.

“You earn this daily?” I ask.

“No, weekly,” he answers.

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