Home > Head Over Hooves (Boys of the Bayou Gone Wild #5)(8)

Head Over Hooves (Boys of the Bayou Gone Wild #5)(8)
Author: Erin Nicholas

“We have a lot of animals. We primarily raise the alpacas for their wool and have a nice business going with that. But that’s something my brother and I started just a few years ago. The whole farm’s been in my family for three generations now. I run it with my brother and my cousin.”

She sighed. “Wow.”


They led the animals down the fence line toward the gate. Drew was happy to see that the two trucks that Beau and Rory's father had pulled up in were both gone now.

“I know there are a lot of families like that around here too. They’ve been here for generations, and really put roots down. I'm envious of that. It's one of the things I like best about Autre. The roots and traditions and the way the big families just keep growing and incorporating more people into them. It's really lovely.”

“You didn't have that? Are you from Louisiana?”

She nodded. “I grew up in New Orleans. All my grandparents are gone. And my dad… I told you about him. After he and my mom divorced, I stayed with her, and we did our best. But we moved a few times into different places we could afford. She worked a variety of jobs. She tried to date for a little while, but it just wasn't her thing. They're both from small families, so I don't have a lot of extended family and no one really close. That's why I came to Autre.”

“What do you mean?”

They stepped through the gate and led the reindeer across the yard toward the barn.

“My dad ruined my idea of what a home and family was like. I spent sixteen years thinking that, even if my dad wasn’t around as much as my friends’ dads were, at least I had a family and we had a home that meant a lot to all of us. Then he just totally destroyed all of that. I realized that my family had been a lie and our home hadn’t meant what I thought it meant. So, I decided as an adult, I was going to find all of that for myself. I definitely wanted to put down roots and find a place that could really be a home. A place I could settle and that would mean all the things I thought a home should be growing up.”

They led the reindeer into the barn and to four empty, clean stalls sitting ready for his animals.

Both reindeer went easily into the stalls.

“So has that happened?” he asked Rory, wanting to hear more.

He busied himself with spreading the hay from the corners out over the floor and filling the feed and water.

“Yeah, Autre is everything Gabe said it would be and more.”

“Gabe?” Drew couldn’t help asking, shooting her a glance.

She was leaning against the side of the stall, watching him. “Gabe was my boss. I was bartending in New Orleans at this great bar in the French quarter that Gabe and his brother own. They had become really good friends with the Landry boys. When I started to talk about opening my own salon, he suggested Autre. He said it would be a lot easier to build the business and less expensive to get started in a small town than in New Orleans, and Gabe knew I was looking for a community connection. He knew that it would happen faster and probably deeper in a place like Autre. You can definitely get that experience in some of the neighborhoods, but a small town is different.”

“A community connection is important to you?” Drew wanted to just stand and watch her as she talked, but knew that was ridiculous. He kept acting busy, stirring the feed, brushing the reindeer, filling the water to the very top of the container.

“I chose cosmetology because I wanted to do a job that can be really important to a community and where I could build up return customers. I wanted it to be something where I could get involved in their lives and get to know them over time. And where I could be a part of bigger events. You know, weddings and prom and family photo sessions. If I can help people feel good and really celebrate important events, I knew I would feel like I was more a part of their lives and a part of whatever community I was living in. And I told Gabe all of that while I was going to school.” She shrugged. “He got it. His bar has been that for a long time. They have lots of tourists, of course, but they have regulars and they have tourists who come back to the city over and over and always stop at Trahans because of the experience they have there. That matters to Gabe and his brother. So he understood what I wanted from my salon.”

“And has that all happened here?” Drew finally gave in and turned to fully face her. He tucked his hands in his back pockets and just watched her.

She nodded with a happy smile. “They've completely welcomed me here, business is great, I really feel like I'm getting to know people and really providing an important service.” She sighed, her smile dimming. “That's actually part of the problem. I'm really booked up this week and last, and it's put me behind getting Santa's Village put together. People are getting their hair done and wanting to get colors and highlights and trims before they have Christmas parties and programs at school and church and before the taking of Christmas photos.” She smiled. “Don't get me wrong. I love it. And I'm so happy to work overtime to get all that done for them. It’s basically my dream come true. But I offered to do this village clear back in July and it's just been a bigger project than I expected.”

“They’ll all understand. Just let them know and I'm sure somebody will help you out.”

She shook her head quickly. “I can't do that. I want them to know I can handle this, and to love having me be a part of it. I want them to know I'm somebody they can depend on. So I have to pull this off on my own. I can't let them know that I'm in over my head.”

He shut the stall doors behind the two reindeer and they stepped back out into the yard, heading back for his truck for the other two animals. “But you are in over your head?”

She nodded.

Dammit. Everything about this woman, from her crazy green hair to her peppermint-scented skin to her desire to be a part of this community to the way she lit up talking about her business to the way she sighed into his mouth when he kissed her, was tying him up in knots.

He just wanted gumbo.

Okay, maybe a naked bayou girl for a couple of nights too.

But he really was just here for vacation.

This was supposed to be an escape. This was supposed to be just fun and frivolous. A get away from his own little town that was sounding more and more like Autre all the time. Everyone back home had deep roots and big families and long histories. Including him.

“I'm just gonna have to work harder and longer,” she said. “So far, I've resisted coming down here at night because I didn't want them to see all the lights blazing and wonder what was going on and then have to confess that I was behind and try to make up time. But I don't really see any way around it. That or I’ll have to come in early before the salon opens. But I have to be careful not to run into any of the Landrys doing that. They come down to the docks for the swamp boat tours really early. And Donovan and Griffin come in early to check on all of the animals before anything opens up. They’re all early birds.” She said it with an annoyed eye roll as if everyone else's daily routine was very inconvenient.

They got back to the truck and Drew put the halter and lead on another reindeer, then stood back and watched as Rory did the same.

“Do these guys have names?” she asked, reaching out to stroke the nose of the reindeer she was leading.

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