Home > Far from Bliss (Nights in Bliss, Colorado)(38)

Far from Bliss (Nights in Bliss, Colorado)(38)
Author: Lexi Blake

“These aren’t so bad,” Ty whispered, his fingertips brushing the cups of her bra. “But they definitely aren’t as pretty as what’s underneath. Do you know how long I’ve fantasized about seeing you naked? How often when we were teens I would think about you and yank my own dick? Sitting near you in math class is why I almost failed.”

“You never almost failed a class in your life.” Ty was far smarter than he let on. Sometimes she thought he discounted himself. He could have gone to med school, but he’d wanted to be back here with her. He could have gone to a big city and found a good-paying job, but he’d left it behind for her, and she believed him now. She’d put up walls, and he’d been too afraid to knock them down for fear they’d both be caught in the landslide.

“Well, I thought about you far more than geometry,” he muttered as he twisted the clasp of her bra and it came off.

Cool air hit her nipples and they tightened and peaked. She looked at Michael, whose eyes were on her chest, taking in every inch of her.

Ty’s hands reached around to cup her naked breasts, molding them. She loved the warmth and rasp of his calluses against her skin. She had to remember to breathe as his hands skimmed down her torso to the waistband of her undies. He slipped his fingertips under and eased them down her legs, helping her when she stepped out. He tossed them aside, showing her she wouldn’t need them again. Not tonight.

“Yes, that’s what I wanted.” Michael reached over his shoulders and pulled his own T-shirt off, tossing it aside and sitting back like he was a decadent king on his throne and she was the serving girl brought in for his nightly entertainment.

She might have some kinky scenarios of her own she wanted to play out with these guys.

“She’s fucking gorgeous,” Ty said, his fingers tracing down the line of her spine to her lower back. “Even better than I imagined.”

“I didn’t have to imagine most of Ty since he always found a reason to take his shirt off around me.” She couldn’t help but smile now. She was staring at Michael and admiring that sculpted chest. He proved a man didn’t need a gym to stay in shape. Michael’s shoulders were broad and strong. His chest had a light dusting of dark hair in a V that led down his six-pack abs to disappear into his jeans, but she could imagine where that trail would lead her.

She shivered as Ty lightly bit the nape of her neck.

“I was trying to tempt you to jump me.” Ty licked the spot he’d nipped. “I hoped you would take one look at my manly chest and fall at my feet.”

A smile lit Michael’s features. “And when she didn’t the first time? You kept hoping it would have a cumulative effect?”

Ty’s hand slipped lower on her back, resting right above the curve of her ass. “I kept working out, hoping someday I would meet her very high standards.”

She’d gone out with a former cult leader, so she didn’t think she had super-high standards. More like fumble along standards because she couldn’t face the fact that she was in love with her best friend and falling for the damaged dude on the mountain. “If you knew how many times you distracted me, you would feel very good about yourself.”

“Is he distracting you now?” Ty’s lips were right against her ear.

It took all her will power to not lean back against him. “A bit. I think I shouldn’t be the only one who’s naked. It’s lonely.”

“I wouldn’t want you to be lonely, baby. And I think I can distract you, too,” Ty promised.

“Why don’t you do that while I make myself more comfortable. I don’t want Lucy to be lonely either.” Michael stood and kicked out of his boots.

That was the moment Ty’s fingers moved lower, and she felt one finger caress the split between her cheeks.

She was caught between the visual feast of watching Michael undress and the dark temptation of that finger getting closer and closer to her asshole. No one had ever played with her there. It was completely new territory and one she’d been almost sure she’d never try.

Michael pushed his jeans and boxers off and stalked toward her. He was muscled everywhere from his shoulders to his strong legs. His cock was hard, jutting out from his body as though trying to get to her as fast as it could.

Her heart raced as Ty skimmed over her asshole, making her squirm and shiver. Michael moved into her space and took her face in his hands before lowering his mouth to hers. He kissed her while Ty teased her, and she couldn’t think about anything but how her body felt electric, a live wire waiting to spark.

Michael kissed her over and over before stepping back. “Ty, it’s time to get serious. I think we both promised her something and we should deliver.”

She felt Ty move away from her as Michael leaned over and picked her up, carrying her as though she didn’t weigh a thing. He moved toward the bedroom and laid her out. Before she could wonder what he was doing, he showed her. He gripped her ankles and dragged her down the bed, arranging her feet on the edge.

She was open wide and vulnerable, and for a moment she felt like she was on the edge of more than just the bed. Then she wasn’t thinking at all because Michael’s mouth was on her pussy. He didn’t play around and tease her. He suckled on her clit before parting her labia and spearing her deep with his tongue.

In the meantime, she watched as Ty shucked his clothes before climbing on the bed and lying next to her. His hand found her breast, fingers plucking at her nipples while he leaned over and kissed her. He was kissing her when Michael pressed a finger deep inside her while using his tongue on her clit, and she went careening over the edge.

The orgasm slammed into her and rolled through her system.

Ty pulled back but only a bit. His domineering kiss became softer, sweeter, and he rubbed their noses together. “Is that better, baby?”

“So much,” she replied with a sigh.

“Good because now it’s my time,” he vowed before rolling away.

She got the feeling the night was far from over.


* * * *


Ty rolled off the bed and thought about the fact that it didn’t feel weird to be around another dude with his clothes off. It felt oddly right. They’d talked about the fact that they weren’t ever going to be like Max and Rye, who seemed to share a soul, but it did feel like destiny to have Michael here.

Although the man was bossy as hell, and now Ty felt like he needed to assert himself a little, too. After all, he had something he wanted to do to Lucy, and why shouldn’t he get a show while he was doing it?

“It’s your turn, baby. I want to watch you suck Michael’s cock while I play with your ass,” he commanded.

This wasn’t even close to the way he’d always envisioned the night when he made Lucy his. Those dreams had been soft and sweet. He would have taken her to bed and gently made love to her and held her all night, and maybe he would never have shown her the side of him that wanted to fuck her hard and in all kinds of dirty ways. He would have protected her from that side of his personality.

Now he realized she would revel in his bad boy side. They didn’t have to hide anything from each other. They could play and explore and fuck to their hearts’ content.

Michael made that possible.

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