Home > Far from Bliss (Nights in Bliss, Colorado)(81)

Far from Bliss (Nights in Bliss, Colorado)(81)
Author: Lexi Blake

Nell frowned but continued. “Like I was saying, two years ago Sonya Foster realized that everything she’d worked for was going to be handed to her brother. That was when she started trying to find a way out. Agents, did you know that Brock Foster has been involved in two strange accidents in the last eighteen months?”

“That is interesting,” Agent Wallace allowed. “What happened?”

“He was taken to the hospital when the horse he was riding bolted and nearly killed him,” Nell explained.

“That was stupid hunters,” Kendall argued. “He said it himself. Someone was shooting and his favorite horse was known for being jumpy. It was an accident.”

“And then he was also nearly killed when the brakes in his brand-new vehicle went out,” Nell continued.

“The dealership admitted they didn’t do a proper check on the car.” Sonya’s voice had gone toneless. “None of this explains how someone got poison into his drink. The only one who could is Lucy or the bartender.”

“Not at all.” Nell seemed to relish her role. “On the night of the party your brother gave in the family villa, you helped him move into the suite after he and Chet fought. We’ve got security camera footage of you walking him to the suites. You were the one to convince him to move, not Chet.”

“Chet had already passed out,” Sonya replied. “I would have to have carried him.”

Nell continued on. “You were also the one who ordered one of the maids to take the Scotch to the main bar. The next morning you went to the main bar and slipped the bartender a hundred. We have that on security camera, too. Unfortunately the bartender went off shift early in order to get down the mountain before the storm hit, and we haven’t been able to get in touch with him. He was the one who gave the order to move the Scotch.”

“We’ll contact him,” Nate advised. “It’s only a matter of time.”

Sonya’s head shook. “Of course I asked him to move it. I was hoping that Brock would join us at the party. I tipped him well because I didn’t want him to forget. I was trying to force my brothers to make up before we went home. My father doesn’t like it when they fight, and he always takes Brock’s side. I was watching out for Chet. That’s all.”

“Maybe that’s why you did it,” Lucy said, her voice going soft. “You couldn’t make your dad see who the real Brock was, and you had to protect your siblings. I know how that feels. I understand. I would have done almost anything to save mine.”

Sonya’s jaw went tight. “All of this is ridiculous. Where would I get cyanide?”

“Who said anything about cyanide?” Michael was sure Nate wouldn’t have said a word to Sonya Foster until he’d gotten the toxicology report back.

The room seemed to go still, and for a moment Sonya didn’t move a muscle. Then she seemed to decide on how to handle her flub. “I’m not stupid. Like you said, I’m Harvard educated. What other poison works as quickly? I read, you know. I’m afraid the fact that I’m educated doesn’t make me a killer.”

“No, but access might,” Nell continued. “What work were you doing in Johannesburg?”

Sonya ran a hand over her hair. “I was visiting one of our companies. I take a hands-on approach. Unlike some executives, I want to know how things work.”

“And what company were you visiting?” Nell asked quietly.

Sonya stopped, seeming to realize she was caught in a trap.

Kendall frowned her sister’s way. “Was it the gold mine one? I don’t remember the name, but you went down into that mine and they taught you how they get the gold and then you talked about it incessantly.”

Sonya’s eyes closed. “You are such a moron, Ken.” She opened them, a grim resignation coming over her face. “I’d like to speak with my lawyer before this goes any further.”

Slate stood, his hands on his hips. “Ms. Flanders, I’m afraid you’re going to have to illuminate me on why the fact that she was in a gold mine makes Ms. Foster our prime suspect.”

“Cyanide is how they separate the gold from the rock around it.” Nell took a deep breath as though she’d found the entire experience satisfying. “And the precise chemical mixture can likely be traced right back to South Africa. I don’t believe Lucy has been out of the state lately, much less to South Africa.”

“Ms. Foster, I believe we’re going to have to talk further,” Agent Wallace said. “You should call your lawyer, and we’re going to need for you to not leave the resort for the moment.”

“I’d like to see you try to stop me.” There was no mistaking the righteous anger in Sonya’s eyes.

“Is this why you told Chet he should hurt the waitress chick?” Kendall had started crying.

“Shut up, Kendall,” Sonya growled.

“Did you give him the gun?” Kendall wasn’t listening. “Because I couldn’t figure out how he got that gun. He doesn’t know how to use a gun. Were you going to use me, too?”

“I have done everything I’ve done to protect you. I did it all for you and Chet,” Sonya practically roared. She shook her head and grabbed her sister’s hand before pointing Agent Slate’s way. “This is not over.”

But it felt like it was. She stormed out, dragging Kendall with her.

“And that is why you shouldn’t talk to the cops without a lawyer around,” Gemma said triumphantly. “Like I kind of wish we’d recorded that whole thing so I could use it as a teaching point.”

“Who said we didn’t?” Henry asked with a predatory grin. He pointed to the chandelier hanging in the middle of the room. “I wired it myself. Colorado is a one-party consent state, and Nell consented. We can use that in court.”

“I don’t think we’ll have to.” Agent Slate shook his head as though trying to process what had happened. “I think forensics and eyewitness testimony are going to be key here. She had means, motive, and opportunity. Once we talk to the bartender, we’ll be able to arrest her.”

Lucy wiggled her way in between him and Ty. “Does this mean I shouldn’t be worried about going to jail for a crime I didn’t commit?”

Agent Wallace flashed her a smile. “I think we’ll be turning our attention another way. But you should know the attorney she hires will use you as possible reasonable doubt.”

Michael let his hand wrap around Lucy’s, giving her a squeeze. “Don’t worry about that. We’ll handle it if it comes up. There’s nothing we can’t get through.”

“As long as we’re together,” Lucy replied with a squeeze of her own.

“I just wish she’d confessed fully and we’d gotten a I would have gotten away with it if not for those meddling kids from her,” Cam mused. “I’m going to go to security and make sure we’ve always got eyes on her. She’s not going to be able to slip away.”

“And I’m going to take this lady detective back to our room because we’ve got a good hour before we pick up Poppy.” Henry strode over to his wife and lifted her against his chest. He smiled down at her. “Did you have fun, love?”

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