Home > Enemy Heir (Tattered Royals #2)(9)

Enemy Heir (Tattered Royals #2)(9)
Author: Carrie Ann Ryan

She tried to brush past me, but I slid smoothly into her path, putting myself between her and the door.

“I’m sure your friend Niko is very talented,” I purred, and she narrowed her eyes into slits. “Only he’s not as talented as me. That is, if I decide to help.”

She lifted her chin and glowered at me, and my dick hardened. Motherfucking hell. Down boy. She seemed like a viper more likely to bite my dick off than make it feel good. And as gorgeous as she was to look at, she was not my type.

I loved to see her move. The sexy sway of her ass had commanded my attention more than once. She was smart as a tack, and I loved to watch her work. Hell, I could even respect her, but I wanted nothing to do with her. She wouldn’t be a quick fuck, and that’s all I wanted in life. No, Sparrow was the kind of woman you kept. Therefore, she wasn’t the one for me.

But somebody needed to tell that to my dick.

Not to mention she was a friend of my sister’s, and London would kill me if I dared touch a friend of hers. Yet hell, just her looking at me like that? It took me a second to calm myself. The last thing I needed was her knowing that I got hard every time she was around me.

“So, you’re going to do it then, Breck?” Wilder asked, and I turned my head away from Sparrow, breaking the connection that was probably only on my side.

What the hell did he just ask me? “Do what?”

Sparrow whirled away from me and faced my brother. “See, Wilder? He can’t even pay attention for two seconds, and you think he’s going to be able to help me find who attacked me?” She sighed. “Look, Breck, I’m sure you’re good at what ever princely thing you do, but I need someone I can actually count on. And I respect you, Wilder, but I need to ensure this is dealt with and Kannon Security is safe before Kannon and London get back. And I can’t do that with him,” she said, pointing at me over her shoulder.

There was something about her tone that said she wasn’t trying to hurt me to be malicious, even though she knew exactly where to hit me. I was used to the reputation, used to people thinking that I was the flake, that I was third best, not even worthy of being second best.

And that was usually fine.

I didn’t like the fact that she felt that way, though.

“You two need to stop acting like children and talk to each other. Breck is the best when it comes to tech. He could probably rival your Olly.”

I nearly puffed out my chest at that compliment, but held back at Sparrow’s look.

“Please, nobody’s as good as Olly. No need to put yourselves out. Niko and I are good on our own.”

I ignored the barb. But this was the second time she’d mentioned Niko. It made me wonder who this Niko was to her. But it wasn’t any of my business. She could be with who she wanted. I shouldn’t care. And yet, I did. And I hated it.

“I need you to pull it together and stop acting like first years. I know you guys seem to piss each other off just by breathing, but get over it.” Wilder practically growled. “I will get Roman involved if I must, so don’t push me.”

I held back a curse. Roman intervening would be a headache. I loved my brother, but he could be a tyrant. That’s what happened when your brother was a king.

“I’m not Your Highness’s royal subject,” Sparrow muttered.

“Oh, I’m fully aware of that, but you were hurt on our grounds, and I want to know why.”

“So do I,” I added, dropping the attitude for a moment.

Sparrow shot me a look. “I would just rather not have Breck helping.”

Wilder’s voice was soft as he addressed her. “I want to make sure it’s not going to happen again, and it’s not part of something bigger. Because not only do I want our people to stay safe, London and Kannon will be back eventually, and if anyone dares harm a hair on my baby sister’s head, there’ll be hell to pay. Breck is the fastest way to that solution.”

Sparrow’s eyes softened for a moment, and then they nearly blinked in surprise. Well, it seemed caring about my sister was a way to soften her on the idea of me.

“Trust me, I’m as unhappy as you are, but the faster I help you, the faster I’ll be out of your hair. Come with me to my office,” I said after a minute.

“Said the spider to the fly,” she muttered.

“I promise not to eat you,” I said with a grin.

“Wild,” Sparrow pleaded.

“Go.” He looked at me. “And stop acting like you’re twelve, Breck,” Wilder muttered.

“I wasn’t this bad when I was twelve,” I said. “Or maybe I was worse, mostly because I didn’t have the full vocabulary of the fiend that I am now.”

I winked and then turned on my heel, grateful when she followed me.

“Where is your office?” she asked, annoyed.

“I have a home office here, I also have one in another building, but let’s not bother driving there.”

“You mean an actual office? Not just your bedroom with the velvet sheets?” Sparrow asked sarcastically.

And now there was an image of Sparrow draped on black velvet, or perhaps even black silk, her hair strewn about her, her skin kissed by the soft light.

I’d spread her thighs, slowly bite my way up her silkiness, before licking that sweet honey, one taste, one touch until she came on my mouth, and I drove her to orgasm.

And then I’d sink my cock inside her, watch as she arched for me, her breasts right in my face as I licked and I sucked, and I fucked her hard into those velvet sheets.

Or were they silk?

Get your shit together. Sparrow isn’t like that. Stop with the fantasy.

Sparrow eyed me warily. She was right to be wary. I wasn’t to be trusted. I cleared my throat, wishing my cock would stop pressing so hard against my slacks.

I was probably going to hell, but damn, I was sure having fun on my way down there.

In my office she glanced around, brows raised as she practically tripped into the room. “Dear God,” she muttered.

I had screens on one side of the wall, arching to the other side, tables with other tablets, and tech in the center. There were electronic boards on the opposite wall. That way, I could work out what I was thinking there, and automatically go directly to my server, and I could look at my computer instead of recoding everything.

I was good at making tech, fucking brilliant at math, and I was okay at security. Wilder was better, or I’d call myself great.

“What is all this?”

“It’s my porn kingdom. How do you think I edit all those videos?” The joke fell flat, and she just stared at me and shook her head.

“Who are you?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

I swallowed hard and pushed my dirty thoughts from my head. “I am who I need to be. I’ve already been looking up some of the footage, and I’m trying to find out where he got in. There’s a hole in our security system, and I think it has to do with the IDs.”

“You’ve already been looking?” Sparrow asked as she came to my side and pulled out her tablet. “I should bring Niko in on this.”

My shoulders tensed, and I shook my head. “He can meet us in my other office once we get some things done. Let’s get through this initial stuff, and you tell me what you need, and I’ll get it to you. That way, you can get back to your job, and I can do mine.”

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