Home > Craven Cove Royalty (Craven Cove, #4)(14)

Craven Cove Royalty (Craven Cove, #4)(14)
Author: Alexa Riley

In the distance I see movement, and it’s Jackson making his way to her. He must be as irritated to see her as I am.

“Going once,” Dad says slowly, but I’ve had enough.

Walking over beside him, I give the crowd my biggest smile as I drape my arm over his shoulder and pull the mic out of his hand. He’s reluctant to loosen his grip, but he doesn’t want to embarrass me or himself.

“Sold to Celeste Binx for ten thousand dollars,” I say, and the crowd cheers.

I give my dad a tight smile as I hand him back the microphone. I know him better than anyone, so I know what everyone sees is just some good-natured teasing. But what I see is my dad’s irritation that I’ve managed to get my way. I can also tell he’s pissed at Celeste’s mom, but I don’t know why.

As I walk to the stairs, I see Jackson holding on to Amber’s arm, but this time he’s got security with him. She rolls her eyes at me as they walk past, and I clench my jaw. Why does she have to start trouble? I never gave her any indication that I wanted to be her friend, let alone anything beyond that.

Immediately I walk over to Celeste and see her wide eyes and shaking hands. “I can’t believe I just did that,” she says softly as I take her face in both my hands and kiss her hard on the lips.

There’s a few people who wolf whistle until I pull back. “Thank you,” I say to her, and her cheeks burn with embarrassment as she ducks her chin.

“You’re welcome.” She bites her bottom lip nervously, and I feel movement to my right.

“Congratulations,” Celeste’s mom says, and then she gives me a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. “This has been a wonderful party, but it’s getting late.”

“Of course,” I say, disappointment climbing my throat. Thinking quickly, I turn my focus to Celeste. “Are you free tomorrow? I can take you out on the water—”

“We’re going into the city tomorrow for a girls’ day,” Anna Binx cuts in once more. She takes Celeste by the hand, and I see the small squeeze she gives it.

“What about tomorrow night?” I ask, and I know I’m pushing my luck.

Celeste starts to answer, but once again, her mom stops her. “We won’t be back until late.”

“Mom,” Celeste hisses, but Anna Binx isn’t fazed. Not one little bit.

“I guess I’ll pick you up for school on Monday then,” I confirm, and this time Celeste beats her mom to the punch.

“Yes,” she says firmly, and the look she gives her mom leaves no room for argument. “I’ll be ready at eight.”

“It was lovely to see you again, Apollo,” Mrs. Binx says before she releases Celeste’s hand. “I’ll meet you at the car, sweetheart.”

Before she can take a step, my father is right there in front of her. “Where are you going?” he asks her, and she smiles brightly as she sidesteps him and keeps on walking.

He moves in front of her again, but it's too far away for me to hear anything they’re saying. I watch as she puts her hand on his arm and leans in close to whisper something in his ear. My father’s eyes widen, and he whispers something to her before putting his hand in his pocket.

Anna Binx looks up at him like an innocent kitten as she takes the black American Express from his hand and walks away without so much as a glance over her shoulder. What the fuck?

“Hey, I’m sorry about tomorrow,” Celeste says, pulling my attention back to her. “I didn’t know my mom had anything planned.”

“It’s okay.” I step forward and put my arm around her waist. “I just know tonight when I go back to my room, I’m going to picture you on that bed, with me between your legs.”

“Apollo,” she hisses, looking around self-consciously, but I see her smile.

Taking her hand, I walk with her to the valet and see her mother waiting in their car. I don’t want to do anything to piss her mom off or make her honk the horn, so I give Celeste a chaste kiss and take a step away from her, if only to keep myself from grabbing her and throwing her over my shoulder like a caveman.

“Text me so I know you get home safe,” I say, and she shakes her head.

“It’s like two miles.”

“Fine, then text me so I can tell you goodnight.”

That has her trying to hide her smile but nodding quickly. “Okay,” she says softly as she gets into the car, and they drive away.



On Sunday, I spend the entire day on the water working out and on my boat. We’ve got a rowing race next week, and I text Celeste to ask her if she would come and cheer me on. I’ve never had anyone in the stands besides my dad, and I know it would be different with her. Having her support makes my chest feel warm and loose. Anytime I’m with her, it’s like I’ve never been more relaxed.

It was late that night before I heard back from her, and the only thing I got was a quick text telling me her mom had her phone all day, and she was about to go to bed. Disappointment was an understatement, but I couldn’t fault her for spending time with her mom. Maybe it’s selfish, but her mom has had her all to herself for eighteen years. Isn’t it time to share her a little? Plus, I’m an only child, so I’m used to getting my way.

Monday morning, I’m outside Celeste’s house an hour early just because I was so ready to see her. She must have had the same thought because when she answers the door, she’s fully dressed, and the smile that she gives me makes everything in my world right.

“Want to go get coffee before class?” I ask, and she nods as she goes up on her tiptoes and kisses me.

With her on the front porch stairs and me on the ground, she only has to go up a little to reach me. And it’s kind of adorable that this time it was her initiating the kiss.

“So how was your day with your mom?” I ask when we get in the car.

“Um, it was okay.” She’s hesitant, and I blink in confusion.

“What happened?”

“Nothing, it was just a day at the spa together. We’d never done that before. I guess you’d say it was an experience.” She grabs my hand as I drive to the coffee shop and quickly changes the subject. “What did you do yesterday?”

We talk for a while about the boat I’m working on and my rowing meet this week. When I ask her to come, she agrees quickly and then asks what it’s like. It’s always so easy with Celeste that anytime we’re together it’s like I lose hours in the day. Our conversations roll from one to the next, and by the time I’m walking her to class, I’m already anticipating the next time I get to see her.

“I’ll see you after,” I say and squeeze her hand before she walks in the classroom.

“You got it bad, bro,” Jackson says as he walks up beside me and watches Celeste go to her desk.

“Don’t look at my girl.” I push him out of the way, and he pretends to fight back while we walk to class.

“You coming to my party this weekend? My parents are out of town.” He wiggles his eyebrows, and I laugh, rolling my eyes.


“What do you mean, maybe? Come on, I’m inviting everyone, we’re getting a keg.”

“Maybe,” I say again, and he makes a dismissive noise.

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