Home > North of Love (Xtreme Ops #7)(26)

North of Love (Xtreme Ops #7)(26)
Author: Em Petrova

Hunt’s breaths came in white puffs on the air. “What did it say?”

“We can get together soon.”


“Yeah. Scary stuff. She hasn’t mentioned it?”

“Not at all…” She had to remember Colby’s unwelcome advances. Why was she keeping it locked inside?

Because she’s a foster kid. She’s spent a lifetime locking up her feelings to protect herself.

“What’s next, Penn?”

“The cops are on the hunt for him. They thought at first he might have fled the county, but after speaking to a Michelle Anderson who was his foster guardian for a time, they don’t think he’d go far. He’s got something wrong mentally, more than being generally fucked up by the system.”

“Got it. This can’t go on. I can’t return her to her life and risk—”

“We won’t let it get that far, Cason. If the cops don’t have him behind bars soon, I’ll grab a couple o’ my guys and we’ll find him. Don’t worry.”

Relief pounded through him. “I wish to hell I could be with you if it comes to that.”

“You’re where you need to be right now. With Freya. Keep her safe. That’s your job.”

Yes, his job. One he would take on for the rest of his days.



“Hold on a sec. You’re missing something.” Hunt’s deep voice had Freya swinging from the open cabin door toward Hunt. He looped his black scarf around her neck and reeled her in.

“Can’t have you shivering your way through the festival.” His voice pitched low. He knotted the scarf around her neck and then slowly fluffed her hair around her shoulders while gazing down at her.

Her heart tripped and fell into a wilder rhythm. Breathless from the expression he wore, she pressed her palms against his chest.

Was it even possible to feel the way she did about a man she’d just met? Hunt was…perfect.

“Warm enough?” he asked.

“Very.” She didn’t think she was talking about her temperature anymore.

His eyes gleamed, and he gave her a hunky heartbreaker smile that dazzled her even more as he led her to the SUV. After he loaded Aries in the back seat, the dog poked his head between them, panting and smiling all the way down the mountain.

The town was even merrier than the first time she’d been here, if that was possible. Music and laughter filled every inch of the long street, and everywhere Freya looked, she saw all the things about Christmas that she loved so much.

They strolled down the street along with the crowd, stopping occasionally to look at a booth with handcrafted Santa Clauses made out of wood or angels for a winter garden.

More than once, Freya caught women slanting glances at Hunt. And no wonder. The man stole everyone’s breath away. His red ski jacket fit right into the festivities and clung to his muscled torso like a lover’s arms. And his rugged good looks were lit with a smile that never faded.

“Fresh popcorn! Who wants popcorn! Get your popcorn!” a vendor called out as they passed.

Hunt paused, arching a brow at Freya.

“I love popcorn,” she said.

“Me too.”

How crazy that they’d been through so much together, yet they had so much to learn about each other. The idea of spending more time with Hunt left her tingling with excitement.

Hunt pulled some bills out and traded them for a red-and-white striped bag of popcorn. He handed it to Freya. “Let’s grab some hot cider and find a place to sit.”

She nodded happily.

On the way through the crowd, someone touched her arm. She spun to look, but the person disappeared among the people before she could see who it was. They probably just bumped into her by accident. But something about that touch felt unwelcome and left her looking over her shoulder the whole way to the stone wall Hunt found for them to sit in a spot of sun.

Aries sat next to them, and two little kids ran up asking if they could pet Hunt’s dog. He nodded and instructed them on where he liked his ears scratched.

After they ran off giggling, Freya cocked a brow at him. “I thought you wouldn’t like people petting Aries. Since he’s a working dog.”

“That’s often the case with support animals, but Aries knows the difference between working and having fun.” He plucked a piece of fluffy popcorn from the bag and held it out to Freya.

Her belly dipped as she opened her mouth and he popped it in. She chewed, and he leaned in to kiss her on the nose. “You’re so damn cute. Okay, the line for apple cider looks shorter. Don’t let anyone take my seat on the wall.”

She shook her head, still reeling at the love glimmering in the depths of his eyes when he looked at her. “I won’t.”

“C’mon, Aries. Let’s brave the crowd again.”


Hunt turned.

“You could…leave him with me. He’ll stay with me, right?”

“If I tell him to, yes.” He narrowed his eyes. “Are you sure?”

She looked down at Aries, who wagged his eyebrows at her in that expressive manner that gave him more of a human appearance.

“Yes. I’ll watch over him.”

Hunt’s grin spoke volumes as he gestured for Aries to stay and he walked into the crowd.

The sun was warm here despite the cold temperature. It caressed the top of Freya’s head and her shoulders. She tipped her face up to it, drinking in the pleasure of the heat and being out here, with Hunt, doing something she never imagined she’d get a chance to do.

This was the Christmas fairytale she’d always dreamed of experiencing as a girl. It made her buy up Christmas decorations on clearance after the holiday and lug home figurines from thrift stores and yard sales to add to her collection.

A low rumble made her open her eyes, and she looked down at Aries. Fear shot through her at the sight of him standing in a stiff pose, teeth bared on a growl.

“Aries, it’s okay, boy,” she said quietly. Did she dare to reach out and pet him to distract him from whatever was making his hair stand on end like that?

He didn’t move, stare fixed on something, though she couldn’t tell what it was. People shifted like a sea around them, too many to see clearly.

Her heart pounded, and she looked around for Hunt. She could no longer see the line for apple cider either. What if Aries went out of control and shot into the crowd?

“Aries,” she tried again.

He remained in his stiff posture.

Then the wind picked up, fluttering the festive banners strung around town, and Aries relaxed.

He sat next to her leg, close enough that she felt the heat of his body through her pants. Relieved that he was acting more himself, she popped a few pieces of popcorn into her mouth and chewed. He eyed her as if silently begging, though he was far too well-trained to do such a thing as blatantly beg for people food.

On impulse, she held out a kernel to him. Her fear of him biting her warred with her desire to give the dog a treat.

Very gingerly, Aries took the popcorn from her fingers, only touching the food and not even coming close to snapping his powerful jaws on her finger and lopping it off as she imagined.

He chomped the popcorn and gulped it down. A surprised laugh escaped Freya. “Now don’t tell Hunt.”

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