Home > Cherishing Doe (Rockers' Legacy Book 7)(9)

Cherishing Doe (Rockers' Legacy Book 7)(9)
Author: Terri Anne Browning

“That’s it, baby. I can feel it building. You’re almost there.” His voice was raspy, almost hoarse, and it caressed my spine, made me ride his fingers, silently begging him to do it faster, harder.

When the climax hit me, I felt as if I literally exploded. Not a star, but me. He was there, kissing me, telling me how beautiful I was when I came. He was breathing heavily, as if he was struggling to get air into his lungs. But he was still able to hold me together so I didn’t fall into the abyss he’d nearly pushed me into from the delirium of such pleasure.

Slowly, I lifted my lashes. He smiled down at me and stroked a hand over my hair. “Welcome back.”

“That was…” I shook my head, unable to find the right words to describe how incredible he’d just made me feel.

“I promise it will only get better.” He tenderly pulled his fingers out of my core and sucked them into his mouth. “Mm,” he groaned, his eyes closing as he tasted the cream I’d left on his fingers.

Heat filled my face, but lower, I began to ache all over again.

His eyes snapped open, locking with mine. There was something different in their depths, something…almost dangerous. “You’re mine, Doe. There’s no going back now.”

“I don’t want to go back,” I told him. “I only want to be yours, Jenner.”









The instant the Niall farmhouse came into view the next morning, I got a shot of energy that I normally lacked this far into my daily run. From the moment I’d opened my eyes that morning, all I could think about was Doe. Not unusual—she was rarely far from my thoughts—but this was different. Now I knew what she tasted like, the way she looked right after she came, how she clung a little closer when I kissed her goodnight at her truck.

I ached to see her. As I got closer and spotted her sitting on the top steps of the porch, I increased my speed. The need to touch her again was too much to resist.

I was several yards away when she got to her feet and walked down the steps, reaching the bottom just as I stopped in front of her. Dressed in jeans and a red flannel open over a black T-shirt, she had her hair pulled back in a tight ponytail, and she was holding a bottle of water in one hand along with a cup of coffee in the other. The smile she gave me was shy as she looked up at me through her lashes.

“Good morning,” she greeted quietly, the streetlights casting a soft glow over her in the predawn darkness. “I thought you might be thirsty,” she said as she offered me the water.

“Thanks, baby.” I took the bottle from her then extracted the mug from her hands, rubbing my thumb over her palm as I did. Taking a sip, I committed the taste to memory so I would know what to get at the grocery store to have in my fridge for her.

She stared at me in openmouthed surprise as I swallowed and gave the mug back to her. Taking it from me, she kept her eyes glued to my mouth, her tongue teasing me as it swept over her bottom lip.

Not even bothering to fight the growl that filled my throat, I bent my head for a slow, deep kiss. The bottle of water hit the ground as I cupped her ass in both hands. I was covered in sweat, but I wanted to soak her in it, make her smell like me to warn anyone who got near her that she was taken.

She wrapped her free hand around the back of my neck, her nails stroking over my skin. Groaning, I deepened the kiss, wanting to taste all the way to her soul if possible. With a little whimper, she pressed closer, her curves rubbing against me. My cock tented my basketball shorts, fighting to get closer to her.

“Fuck,” I muttered as I lifted my head, both of us breathing hard. “I need to let you go before I push you up against your parents’ house and do very bad things to your sweet pussy, little lamb.”

“I might be okay with that,” she panted.

“I’ll keep that in mind, baby.” Dropping another kiss on her lips, I had to force myself to take a step back. “Can I see you tonight?”

“I would like that,” she murmured shyly.

I stroked my hand down her arm as I bent to pick up the bottle of water. “I’ll pick you up around six.”


Unable to resist, I stole one more kiss before running back the way I’d just come. After a shower and some breakfast, I got dressed and walked over to check in with Violet. The football season had ended in January for Tennessee when they’d lost the AFC championship game. They’d come so close to going to the Super Bowl, but there was always next year.

Luca would have spring training shortly, so I knew she wasn’t planning on making any trips anytime soon, and with him home so much for the moment, he didn’t tend to want her to leave the house without him, which meant I wasn’t needed as often. Luca liked his alone time with Violet and Love Bug, and when I was with them, I drew even more attention to the famous couple.

I knocked on the back door twice before opening it and stepping into the kitchen. Violet stood by the coffeemaker. Dressed in a purple robe with her hair in a messy bun, she looked so much younger than she was, which was only barely twenty. Krush sat at her feet, huffing because he wanted a treat or attention or both. At the table, Love Bug was in her high chair, an assortment of Cheerios and sliced fruit in front of her while she drank juice from her favorite sippy cup.

“Good morning,” Violet greeted.

“Morning.” Crossing to the table, I dropped a kiss on top of the baby’s head, and she rewarded me with a happy squeal. Lifting her hand, the chubby fist wrapped around a blueberry, she offered it to me. I accepted it, knowing if I didn’t, she would pout, and my heart couldn’t handle the sight of that pout when it was directed at me.

“I’m just going to hang out here today,” Violet informed me as she poured herself a huge mug of coffee once it was done dripping into the pot. “Shaw is coming over later, so we’ll just be chilling out in the family room.”

“Okay. Let me know if anything changes.” I took a seat at the table, leaving Luca’s place directly beside Love Bug empty. “I have a date tonight.”

She paused with her mug at her mouth, her violet eyes growing huge. I heard her gulp her coffee down and then the cup was nearly slammed on the counter. “Shut up!” She practically bounced over to me. “Tell me it’s with Doe, or I’m never speaking to you again.”

I leaned back in my chair, grinning up at her. “How could it be with anyone but Doe?”

She playfully shoved at my arm. “It’s about damn time.”

“Language!” Luca grumbled as he walked into the kitchen. Dressed in only a pair of basketball shorts, he gave his girlfriend a shake of his head before shooting a look at their daughter. “Little ears hear everything, babe. She’s been talking up a storm lately.”

“Da-da-da-da-da,” Love Bug jabbered to prove his point.

“Yeah,” Violet said with a roll of her eyes. “She’s adding so many words to her vocabulary. And oddly enough, ‘Mommy’ or ‘Momma’ isn’t one of the words she can say.”

He gave her a smirk as he wrapped an arm around her tiny waist and bent to kiss her. “We’ve been working on that one, I swear.”

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