Home > Christmas Playboy : A Billionaire Holiday Novel(5)

Christmas Playboy : A Billionaire Holiday Novel(5)
Author: Sloane Howell

Our little moment is quickly cut short.

“How many times do I have to tell you? I’m sick of my offices being turned into a goddamn daytime soap opera.” Decker’s words boom from around the corner, before three Collins brothers emerge.

Decker is in the middle, with Deacon and Dexter, the twins, flanking him on each side. It’s easy to tell they’re twins in the face, but Deacon has about thirty more pounds of muscle from his football career days, and Dexter’s tattoos are visible since he’s jacketless and his sleeves rolled up.

“You want to keep your voice down?” Tate glares right at them.

Quinn does the same.

All three men freeze in their tracks. It’s fucking hilarious. I can’t imagine ever being that pussy whipped, but I’d never say that to any of their faces. Unlike Karli, I know when to run my mouth, and at whom to run it.

“Did you know what was going on in accounting?” Decker stomps over to Tate.

At the same time, Quinn walks up and kisses Deacon.

Tate says, “Will you calm down? Is it affecting anyone’s work?”

“It’s the principle. Coworkers dating in the same department is against the rules. It’s giving me a damn headache.” Decker turns to me, still looking pissed off. “What are you doing?”

“Giving the new intern a tour. This is Karli.”

He softens his expression and holds out a hand. “Decker Collins. Sorry about that, and welcome to the firm.”

Clearly, Karli knows who he is. Which she fucking should anyway, if she did a minimal Google search.

“It’s nice to meet you, sir.” She shakes his hand.

“These are my brothers, Asshole One and Asshole Two.” Decker glances down at the handbook she’s holding, then up to me. “Both of you be sure to read the chapter where it says no dating at the workplace.” Then he storms off toward his office.

“How the hell do you live with that?” Deacon glances over at Tate, grinning his ass off. Then he walks over and greets Karli. “Deacon Collins, the best brother.”

Fuck, I always forget how big he is until I’m next to him. His shoulders are so broad they could fill up a doorway.

Dexter walks over as well and shakes Karli’s hand. “Don’t listen to any of these clowns. They’re all full of shit. I’m clearly the best brother, and if you’re with Matthew, you’ll be working in our department. Corporate finance and tax law?”

Karli nods. “Yes, that’s what I’m specializing in.”

Dex smiles. “Perfect. We have plenty of work for you. Happy you’re here.”

“All right, I’m going to go show her where she’s going to be stationed.” I start toward the bullpen of cubicles in the middle of the giant floor.

Almost all of them say, “Nice to meet you, Karli,” or some variation all at the same time, and the sounds all jumble together. Karli follows close behind, and I can tell she’s excited right now.

It makes sense. She just met pretty much every partner with the last name Collins, which, let’s face it, are the most important ones. Now, she’s about to see her desk for the first time, at her first real law firm.

I could ruin the moment for her, but I won’t. I’m an asshole, but not that big of one. I remember how big of a deal it was when I landed my first internship. Seems inconsequential now, but at the time, it was everything to me; all that mattered. Nothing but possibilities on the horizon, if you wanted to work hard enough for it.

“Don’t forget what Tate said back there.” I waggle my eyebrows at her as we continue on.


“I’m a good one.”

I swear she mumbles, “Good ass kisser,” under her breath, but I can’t fully make it out.

“What’s that?”

She glances up. “Nothing, said your hair looks nice.” There’s a shit-eating grin on her face as she says it.

It’s so odd, this back and forth between us. I think I enjoy being around her. I think I even like it when she gets one up on me. It’s weird.

“Here it is. Your new home. Get used to it.” I point to her cubicle and do my best to give her an actual genuine smile, then I step back, giving her a wide berth this time to move around in her new space.

“It looks great.” She walks into the tiny cubicle and sits down.

It’s so funny to me. Not Karli, but this moment in general. To any employee at the firm, an intern’s workspace is inadequate, like bare minimum. But to the interns, it’s everything. It’s the first step toward a corner office.

I point over down a hallway. “There’s a supply closet that way, that has most of the things you’ll need.” Then I point to her desk. “There’s also a catalogue there. It has bigger things, like hole punches, staplers, that kind of stuff. Just fill out the sheet and give it to me. I’ll make sure you get whatever you need.”


“Oh, and before I forget. IT will have your computer and everything set up by the time you come in tomorrow. They’re doing all the intern computers tonight, after hours.” I point in between the rows, on a little table. “That’s a network printer you share with the people around you. There are several others too. You’ll probably want to ask a paralegal or someone who’s been here a while about printing etiquette if it’s a large document. We’ve gone mostly paperless, but you’ll still have to print some things for dinosaur clients who can’t open a PDF. You don’t want to piss off the people around you with a thousand-page document creating a bottleneck.”

“Thanks, I appreciate the help.” She takes one last look at her desk, then stands up. “So, what now?”

“Follow me.” I lead her around the perimeter of the floor, showing her each partner’s office.

When we finally get to the largest one in the corner, Decker’s assistant looks over from her computer. “He’s ready for you.”

“Huh? We’re not here to meet with him. Just showing the new intern around.”

“He told me when you come by, to snag you so he can talk to you.”

My eyes dart to Karli then back to her. “Both of us?”

She stares at me like I’m an idiot, then nods slowly. “Yes.”

My eyes meet Karli’s, then I shrug and say, “First meeting with a partner. Let’s do it.”

Karli steps back as I lead the way into Decker’s office.

He’s glaring at his computer and doesn’t even make eye contact with us at first. “Matthew, Karli, have a seat.”

We both do as he says, while he pounds away on a few keys like he’s pissed off at the keyboard. Then he inhales a deep breath, walks over, and sits down.

“Don’t worry, this won’t take long.”

This is bizarre. I’ve never had him ask me to come by his office with an intern during orientation. Did I do something wrong? Did she somehow manage to complain about me before she’s even left my sight?

HR, you dipshit, while she was filling out tax forms.

It all makes sense at once. She fucking ratted me out while she was filling out her paperwork. Man, I don’t know if this chick is going to make it. She thinks she’s smarter than she is. You have to establish relationships and shit with people before you start pulling dick moves like this.

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