Home > Griffin (Hope City #11)(19)

Griffin (Hope City #11)(19)
Author: Maryann Jordan

“Things are getting complicated.”

A snort erupted. “You thought this shit would be easy? Just remember what you’ve got going into the bank.”

When finally alone, the last one in the room sighed heavily. Bank account won’t mean shit if my ass is dead or in jail.






It wasn’t as though the Celtic Cock was the best bar near the Inner Harbor, but as Caitlyn walked down the sidewalk toward the iconic pub, she was struck with how many good times she’d had in the old establishment. Owned by siblings Torin and Maeve Flanigan, it was one of the favorite haunts of many first responders, including her three brothers, her brothers-in-law, and the Kings. Of course, that was why she’d avoided it during college, but now, the Celtic Cock felt like family, even more so since her sister, Erin, and Torin were engaged.

As her heels clicked on the sidewalk, she glanced up at the iconic wooden sign that swung over the doorway. The carved relief of a rooster inside a Celtic circle called like a beacon. Pulling open the heavy wooden door, she was immediately met with sounds of friends mingling, music, the clink of glasses, and laughter. Smiling at some familiar faces, she weaved through the crowd to the high-top table where her friends waited.

Before hefting her booty onto a bar chair, she moved first to Erin, offering a heartfelt hug. Next, she greeted Sandy, a friend and now sister-in-law. Last but certainly not least, she wrapped her arms around Bekki. Once seated, she gave her drink order before turning back to the others. “What have I missed?”

“Not much,” Erin said. “We’ve only been here a few minutes.”

Taking a sip of her vodka and cranberry, she glanced at the glass of water sitting in front of Sandy. Her gaze jumped up to the beautiful blonde sitting across next to her, discovering a smile playing about her lips. “Sandy, where is your Lemon Drop Martini?” In all the years she’d known the beautiful blonde who was now Rory’s wife, she’d never seen Sandy just stick to water.

Sandy continued to grin as the others stared, then gasped.

“Oh, my God! You’re pregnant!” Caitlyn gushed. When Sandy nodded, the four women became a tangle of arms as they all rushed to hug her.

Once seated again, Sandy pinned them with a hard stare. “But you cannot say anything to anyone! Rory and I haven’t told the parents yet.”

“Please, tell me you’re not going to wait long,” Erin begged. “If Mom finds out that we knew and she didn’t, there’ll be hell to pay!”

Caitlyn nodded emphatically. “Yes, please, tell us that you’re going to let them know soon.”

“We’re going over tomorrow to tell your parents. Then we’ll announce it at the next family meeting.” She reached over and clutched Erin’s hand. “Considering I’m married to your twin, I know Rory wanted to be the one to tell you. But as soon as he looks at you, he’s going to know that I’ve already let the cat out of the bag.”

Erin waved Sandy’s concerns away. “Don’t worry about it. Rory and I ran into each other earlier today, and he told me. I just didn’t want to let anyone else know until you were ready.”

Caitlyn looked at the three women sharing her table, her heart full. She was lucky, she knew it, and she never took it for granted. Her family was large, loud, in your business, and some of the most wonderful people she’d ever met. The Kings next door were the same.

For the next few minutes, the conversation rolled around to who was expecting, due dates, husbands, soulmates, and future plans. It wasn’t hard for Caitlyn to keep the smile on her face. She loved these women, and their happiness meant the world to her. She just hoped that one day there’d be someone out there for her to feel the same about.

“So, Caitlyn…”

Sandy’s singsong voice caught her attention. “Yeah?”

“I’ve been designing the offices for a new law firm, and one of the lawyers is gorgeous, funny, does not take himself too seriously, and believe it or not, is single. I happened to mention that I had a friend—”

“No, no blind dates.” As the other three women blinked in surprise, Caitlyn realized her voice was harsher than she’d intended. Blushing, she shook her head. “Sorry, it’s just that I’ve been on so many first dates lately that turned out to be un-fun. I think I’d just rather meet someone organically.”

“I get it,” Bekki said, nodding. “But you could be missing out on someone amazing just because you haven’t run into them yet but one of us thought of you.”

Her brow scrunched as she nibbled on her bottom lip, Bekki’s explanation making sense.

“I think it’s important to respect whatever Caitlyn wants to do. If she’s not into a blind date now, that’s fine. And if she decides later that she’d like to try it again, that’s fine, also.” Erin reached over and placed her hand on Caitlyn’s arm, squeezing it.

Caitlyn held her sister’s gaze, gratitude filling her smile. In many ways, they were such opposites. Erin had come back from her time in the Army a haunted woman, brought back to embracing life by Torin, while Caitlyn had always been taken care of by all the older siblings. Bekki was the most like her, carefree and fun-loving. But now that she was with Killian, Caitlyn could see his calming influence on her friend.

“Thank you, Erin. You put it perfectly.” Looking back at Sandy, she continued, “And I might take you up on some date set-ups later, but for now, I think I’d like to just see what comes my way.”

“So, what’s up in the world of teenagers?” Erin asked. “No more fights to break up?”

“No,” she laughed. “It’s a good year. My classes are fun, the students are really into what we’re learning. Out of seven, I’ve got four that are advanced, more than last year. Probably why my principal mostly stays out of my business.”

“More kids are interested in you than in literature,” Bekki grinned. “You’re smart, funny, a great teacher, and let’s face it, you’re a dream come true for those adolescent hormones.”

“Ugh, please,” she groaned, taking a sip of wine. “Believe me, those hormones are not aimed at me, but some days, trying to keep everyone on task and not looking at each other is hard!”

“I happened to drive by your place the other day and saw some scaffolding materials on the outside. Is your landlady having work done?” Sandy asked.

She nodded. “She’s hired a contractor who’s going to be doing some historical refurbishing of the outside. I think he’ll also do some work on the inside as well.”

Sandy’s eyes sparkled and she grinned, her decorator instincts showing. “Ooh, that sounds delightful.” She then crinkled her nose. “Although, the noise and mess can be a problem while the work is being accomplished.”

“What about that empty apartment across from you that I’d looked at before moving in with Torin?” Erin asked. “Is it still empty?”

Shaking her head, she looked down at her wine, pretending great interest in the half-filled glass. “No, someone has just moved in. It’s the contractor who’s doing the work.”

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