Home > Griffin (Hope City #11)(31)

Griffin (Hope City #11)(31)
Author: Maryann Jordan

Impressed as hell with the young man, he grinned as he stuck his hand out. “Well, all right. Welcome to Capella Construction. I’ll have my office manager email some forms to you that you’re going to need to get signed and get your mom’s signature. Once we get all that taken care of and you’ve turned in your notice to the grocery store, I’ll put you on the schedule. And we may have to tweak your schedule as we go along. Schoolwork is most important. And I need you to stay out of trouble, stay clean and sober, and show me the work ethic that I believe you have. You do all that, I promise to teach you what I know.”

Staring at Russ now that he knew a little more about his background was truly like looking into a mirror. He watched Russ swallow deeply, visibly holding himself in check. He remembered doing that a few times himself when he was young and someone gave him a chance.

“You guys all finished?”

Griffin turned and watched as Caitlyn moved into the room. Her blue eyes moved between them, her smile beaming. “Yes, we are. And as soon as he gets the paperwork done, you’re looking at my newest employee.”

He couldn’t help but laugh as Caitlyn clapped her hands, giving a little hop in the middle of the room. “Oh, how exciting!”

Russ ducked his head, pink staining his cheeks but a smile curving his lips. Looking back up, he said, “Thank you, Ms. McBride. This wouldn’t be possible without you.”

She waved her hand, dismissing his words. “You would have found a way to make your dreams come true.” She glanced at her watch and said, “I know you have a later shift at the grocery store, but we’d better go if I want to get you there on time.”

Waving goodbye to Griffin, Russ thanked him again and then walked back out to the front porch. Mouthing her thanks, Caitlyn followed, and Griffin watched as they made their way back to her car and disappeared down the road. Sucking in a deep breath, he let it out slowly, tension easing from his body.


Turning as one of his men called, he went through the house to the back porch, continuing to finish the work. Occasionally, his gaze would drift across the street as the athletes left the practice field and dissipated. He remembered his adolescent envy of the jocks, wishing he could play sports when instead he had to get to work or help with his siblings.

As the last of his crew left, he walked around, making sure the area was clean and the tools put away. It dawned on him that he hadn’t had any new worksite thefts recently, now glad that he’d forced his crews to remember to secure the workspace at the end of the day.

Shadows were forming in the yard when a slight movement caught his eye. Leaning to the side, he watched as two boys left the fieldhouse. Even from a distance, he could see how they jerked their heads from side to side before running toward one of the back gates, scaling the fence, and disappearing down the sidewalk. While it didn’t appear they had anything in their hands, their actions appeared suspicious. He wondered if they’d snuck back in because they forgot something after practice. I’ll mention it to Caitlyn, nonetheless. After locking up, he climbed into his vehicle, grinning at the idea he had a reason for searching her out when he got home.






Griffin climbed the stairs to his apartment, startling when he saw Caitlyn’s door wide open, hearing voices from inside. Just as he put his key into his door lock, she popped out.

“Griffin! I was hoping to hear you come in.”

He smiled as he turned around, tilting his head to see what she needed.

“I was helping Terri and Bjorn pack up some items, then invited them to dinner. Margaretha came up, and we were hoping you’d join us. Sort of an impromptu apartment party.”

He held her gaze, wondering if he was being invited out of politeness, but decided it didn’t matter. If she was inviting, he was going to accept. Before he had a chance to speak, she stepped closer.

Her chin jutted out slightly as she held his gaze. “Please, Griffin. I’d love it if you join us.”

“I’d like that, too.” Her gaze drew him in, and he could have stood in the hall, mesmerized by her blue eyes all night. Laughter from inside her apartment caught their attention, and they both turned to look, seeing Terri twirling in the middle of Caitlyn’s living room, wearing a skirt that appeared to have been sewn together from multicolored scarves with another one tied around her braids. “Is there anything I can bring?”

“Just yourself,” she said, her smile sending shivers down his spine.

She turned and walked into her apartment, and he followed eagerly. Once inside, he was greeted with enthusiasm by the others. The tantalizing scents of roasted meat and vegetables wafted by, and his stomach growled.

“Here, here!” Bjorn pressed a glass of amber liquid into his hand. “It’s my special homebrewed beer. I’ve been experimenting so you’ll have to tell me what you think.”

Taking a sip, his eyes widened as he fought to keep from choking. Coughing slightly, he looked to see Bjorn’s eager, puppy dog expression. “It’s… um… certainly different.” Glancing beyond Bjorn, he caught Caitlyn staring at him, her eyes twinkling as her hand slapped over her mouth. She managed to quell her laughter but snorted instead.

“I never developed a taste for beer,” Margaretha said, walking over to offer Griffin a saucer with several small food items—and he had no idea what they were. She winked as he set the beer down so that he could try one. “That is a saucijzenbroodjes.”

He’d picked up one of the small pastries and had it almost to his mouth. Stopping, eyes wide, he said, “It’s a what?”

“Don’t let her scare you,” Caitlyn called from behind her kitchen counter, her eyes still twinkling. “It’s a Dutch sausage roll.”

With that information, he took a bite and groaned in delight as the delectable flavors and spices hit his tongue. Popping the rest of it into his mouth, he eagerly reached for the next treat. “And this?”

“Beef Bitterballen. It’s often served in bars and cafés to be eaten with beer.” Margaretha inclined her head toward the beer that he’d set to the side, she grinned. “But I think in this case, you can enjoy it by itself.”

Quickly polishing off two, he reached for the last appetizer on his saucer. “This looks like fried cheese.”

“You’re right! It’s fried camembert.”

He finished and hoped no one minded that he licked his fingers. It appeared that Terri and Caitlyn were setting out several platters with a variety of delicious-looking appetizers along with a plate filled with veggies and dip.

Making his way toward Caitlyn, he asked, “Is this a special occasion?”

She smiled, and he felt his chest twinge, both loving the look on her face and that she appeared to have forgiven him.

“We do this occasionally. Although, the woman that used to live in your apartment was not very social. We’d always invite her, but she managed to be busy.” She reached out and placed her hand on his arm. “I’m really glad you decided to join us.”

“I’m really glad you invited me.”

They shared a smile before everyone grabbed their small plates and loaded them with finger foods. It didn’t escape his notice that Caitlyn managed to snag his beer and pour it down the drain, refilling his glass with a store-bought beer. He leaned closer and whispered, “I’ve had homemade beer before and liked it. I can’t imagine what he’s added to it.”

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