Home > BULL (The Buck Boys Heroes #1)(25)

BULL (The Buck Boys Heroes #1)(25)
Author: Deborah Bladon

Lloyd purses his lips. “I happen to think that her design will catch on like wildfire. I’m sensing our biggest sales numbers are on the horizon when that design launches.”

Graham would disagree, but I’m on the Kay train. I believe a throwback to a traditionally designed watch is the right move for Abdons.

Lloyd takes a step back to study me. “You think I made the right call about that, don’t you, Trina? I see you’re a fan of our timeless designs.”

I glance at the watch on my wrist. “Why mess with elegance?”

“I agree,” says a deep voice from behind me.

I glance over my shoulder to see my husband approaching us.

What the hell?

I left the office before him. He came back from his tenth meeting of the day an hour ago and slammed his office door shut. I used the opportunity to sneak out.

Since I came straight here from work, he either has a twin, or there’s a secret elevator he boarded that brought him up here before me.

“My driver brought me home,” he answers my unspoken question. “You left early, so I didn’t have a chance to tell you that he was waiting by the curb in front of the building for us.”

I saw the car.

I marched right past it on my way to the subway because I assumed the driver was taking a much-needed break after chauffeuring Graham around Manhattan all day.

“I like the subway,” I say before I shift my focus back to Lloyd.

“You and me both.” Lloyd sighs. “The subway sets the pulse of this city. You can step on there and take stock of those around you. I’ve made more friends riding the train than I have at any country club or business meeting.”

I’ve never been to a country club, and my business meetings are typically with the people I work with. I already consider them my friends.

“I make a point of avoiding the subway,” Graham says as he moves to stand next to Lloyd. “Besides, I already have all the friends I need.”

Lloyd’s hand jumps to my husband’s shoulder. “Those friendships will withstand the test of time, Bull. The Buck boys bond is a strong one.”

Before I can question what that’s about, Graham shifts the subject to something that has nothing to do with him. “Since Lloyd had a craving for pizza that’s on the menu for dinner. I’ve arranged for delivery at seven.”

“I can’t wait.” Lloyd rubs his stomach through the white button-down shirt he’s wearing. “You two are spoiling me. Why are you so good to me?”

I bow my head because we’re far from good to him. We’re liars who are pretending to be something we’re not.

“I’m going to take a shower before dinner,” I say. “I’ll be back out before the pizza gets here.”

Graham catches my eye. “I ordered a pepperoni and mushroom pizza with extra cheese for you.”

“You what?” I don’t try to mask the surprise in my tone.

“It’s your favorite from the place in Brooklyn that you like.”

I stare at his lips as I struggle to comprehend what he said. How the hell can he know any of that?

Now is not the time to play twenty questions with him, so I manage a small smile. “Thank you.”

“Anything to make you happy,” he whispers before he leans forward to brush his lips over my cheek.



Chapter Twenty-Eight





Finally, all of those long-winded minutes to our staff meetings came in handy.

I carted a stack of them home with me last week, and since then, I’ve been reading them over each night before I fall asleep.

It’s not because I find shoptalk fascinating.

That’s a lie.

I’m always willing to reread anything about profits rising, but that hasn’t been my focus since I started combing through the documents Trina judicially types up after every staff meeting.

I honed in on the small talk that typically takes place before the meetings officially start.

I’m often running late, so my assistant will start her note taking as soon as everyone else is present.

So far, reading through the minutes, I’ve discovered that Trina’s birthday is in May. Her favorite flowers are white chrysanthemums, she likes her coffee with cream and sugar, and the pepperoni and mushroom pizza from a small restaurant in Brooklyn is her favorite.

I intend to continue my discovery mission until I’ve learned everything I can about my bride.

“You caught her by surprise, Bull.”

I glance to where Lloyd has settled on one of the couches in my living room. “Caught who by surprise?”

With a slight shake of his head, he chuckles. “Your wife, of course.”

I wasn’t sure if he noticed the shocked look on Trina’s face when I mentioned the pizza, but I should know better. Lloyd notices everything.

“Those little things make all the difference,” he points out as he drapes his arm over the back of the couch. “Every year on our anniversary, I’d surprise Sela with a gift that she wasn’t expecting.”

I make my way closer to him. “I bet she loved that.”

Sela Abdon was a saint.

She helped Lloyd build their company from the ground up, and during her last days, she held his hand as he wept over the loss of their life together.

I admit, watching them say their final goodbyes tore me to shreds.

I was outside the hospital room as she took her last breath. When Lloyd walked out, all I saw was a broken man.

I still see that now.

“She loved me,” he says quietly. “I loved her.”

I take a seat in a chair across from him. “What you two had was rare, Lloyd.”

His fingers skim over his cheek, chasing away a single tear. “I know it. I see the same connection between Trina and you.”

What he sees is a commitment to make his final wish a reality.

Trina is pissed at me for bailing on her right after she came on my hand in the library. I can’t blame her. It was a dick move. Pizza won’t make up for it, but since I’ve never tried to mend anything between a woman and me, I’m hoping food is a solid first step.

I shift the subject because lying to the man who gave me a second chance at life isn’t on my agenda for tonight.

The guilt gnawing at my gut since I married my assistant is only burrowing a deeper hole with every passing hour.

“I’ve done some research on cardiac specialists,” I say, wading into the water that Lloyd warned me to stay out of. “I can pull a few strings and get you an appointment with one early next week.”

His eyes lock on mine. “I told you not to worry about it.”

Surrendering to the inevitable in this case isn’t easy for me.

I want the old man to be here to celebrate the holidays with me. I want to see the smile on his face at the lighting of the enormous Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center. I want to build more memories that mirror the ones I already hold close.

And, I want my wife to be part of that.

Surely, if Lloyd lives beyond the next three months, Trina will agree to prolong our arrangement.

I’ll take an extra week or two, or a month or six. I want more of this. I want his wisdom and more time with the extraordinary woman who has made him happier than he’s been since Sela passed two years ago.

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