Home > BULL (The Buck Boys Heroes #1)(35)

BULL (The Buck Boys Heroes #1)(35)
Author: Deborah Bladon

My wife’s gaze drifts to me. I see surprise in her eyes, but there’s something else there. Gratitude.

I know it’s for the invitation to join us at the meeting this afternoon for the spring launch campaign. Perhaps there’s a small slice of gratitude for the two orgasms she had this morning before she dragged me out of bed.

She woke to find me hovering over her.

I kissed her then before I trailed my lips down her body so I could feast on her pussy.

She wanted to return the favor by taking me in her mouth, but by then, Lloyd was awake and calling my phone, looking for me.

I’ll cash in the favor tonight after I surprise her with a belated wedding gift and something else I sense she’s been craving lately.

“I’m all for that.” He smiles at my wife. “You’ve brought new life to Abdons, Trina. Both you and your husband have.”

Trina’s gaze drops to the rings on her finger. “I’m honored that you trust me to participate in planning the spring campaign. I know how big of a deal that is.”

“If your husband trusts you with his heart, how can I not trust you with something like this?” Lloyd replies before he turns his attention back to the bowl of fresh fruit in front of him.

Trina’s gaze catches mine, and I see emotion swimming in her blue eyes.

I do trust her with my heart.

I want to say as much, but I don’t, because even though this fake marriage has now been consummated, we haven’t discussed anything beyond that.

“I’m going to get a newspaper and sit on a bench in the sun for a few hours,” Lloyd says as he pushes back from the island so he can stand. “I’ll be at the office by two.”

Trina’s on her feet too. “I’ll walk out with you.”

“What about you, Bull? Are you heading into work?” Lloyd glances in my direction. “Your tie is crooked.”

Before I can reach up to adjust it, my wife is rounding the island headed straight for me.

I drop my hands to her waist as she tugs the knot on my tie loose. Then she skillfully ties it back up before her gaze wanders up to my face. “That’s perfect.”

“It is,” I agree with her even though my words have nothing to do with the goddamn tie around my neck.

This is perfect.

This easy morning routine of coffee and breakfast after a night spent in bed together is utter bliss.

She gazes down at the white blouse and red skirt she’s wearing. “How about me? Is everything in place?”

I reach for her left hand and lift it to my lips. I plant a kiss on her palm. “Everything is exactly where it should be, Mrs. Locke.”

Her eyes skim over the rings on her finger.

“I’d say that I’ve never seen two people more in love, but that would be a lie.” Lloyd chuckles. “Sela and I were just like you two once upon a time. If I can offer you any advice, I’d say to appreciate moments like this. Cherish every minute you’re granted with each other.”

“I do,” I whisper as I stare into my wife’s eyes.

“I do,” she repeats before she brushes her lips against mine for a soft kiss.



“Have you considered a career in marketing?” Hank Bartmess, the head of marketing at Abdons, asks Trina.

The question is rooted in sincerity because she just blew a hole in the proposed spring campaign.

Trina walked into this meeting prepared with flow charts, statistics, and a determined mind.

Lloyd, Hank, and I listened as she ripped apart the plan that’s been in place for months.

Her approach is more targeted, cost-efficient, and social media based than anything we’ve done in the past.

The fact that she pulled all of that together today is impressive.

“I haven’t.” She tosses Hank a wide-mouthed smile. “Should I?”

Hank nods. “It’s no secret that I’m retiring next year. We’ve got a good team in place, but no one like you.”

That’s because there isn’t anyone on the face of this earth like her.

Scratching the side of her nose, Trina glances at me. “I like what I’m doing now, but no one can predict the future.”

I want to.

I want to plan my future down to the minute when I’ll draw my final breath.

Between now and then, I want to fill every second of it with time spent with her.

“I like this idea,” Lloyd pipes up from where he’s sitting across the boardroom table from me. “Graham and Trina are the company’s dynamic duo.”

That draws a hearty chuckle from Hank. “We all make a hell of a good team.”

“We do,” Trina echoes his thoughts. “Abdons has the best team in the business.”

We do fine.

There are a few employees I’d fire today, but my current contract prohibits that.

Those people are still here because Lloyd is in their corner.

“I call this meeting adjourned.” Lloyd laughs as he bangs his fist against the table. “It’s time for a scotch.”

Seeing as how we’re nearing the end of the workday, I’m inclined to agree with him, but I have to opt-out.

“You don’t have to ask me twice.” Hank pushes back from the table. “Are you joining us, Mr. and Mrs. Locke?”

“I can’t.” I stand. “I have something to take care of.”

That perks my wife’s brows. “You do?”

Nodding, I reach out a hand as she glides to her feet. “I’ll see you at home in a couple of hours.”

“Where are you off to, Bull?” Lloyd asks as he rounds the table headed toward the door with Hank on his heel.

“I want to surprise my wife with something special.”

Trina squeezes my hand, luring my gaze to her face. “You don’t have to do that, Graham.”

As tempted as I am to take her in my arms and kiss her, I resist that in favor of a soft brush of my lips against her cheek. “I do have to do it. I promise you’ll like it, dear.”

She catches my chin in her hand. Holding it there, she stares into my eyes. “I know I will, darling.”



Chapter Thirty-Nine





I fist my hand around the box containing the diamond earrings I just purchased for my wife.

I made a return visit to the same jewelry store I went to when I bought the engagement ring for Trina and my wedding band.

The woman who helped me that day was eager to lend a hand today. She set me up with a pair of earrings that will look beautiful on my wife.

I explained that they were a belated wedding gift, and after the store clerk sighed and commented on how lucky my wife is, she covered the box in wrapping paper and topped that with a glossy white ribbon.

Tucking the box into the inner pocket of my suit jacket, I swing open the door to a bakery.

I’m in Brooklyn at a place called Dobb’s Bakery.

I’ve never been here before, but judging by the T-shirt Trina was wearing last night, she has been.

Normally, I’d stop by the bakery in the West Village that sells the over-baked cheesecakes that Lloyd thinks are the best thing in the world, but tonight I’m planning on putting a smile on my wife’s face.

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