Home > VIKTOR (Immortals of New Orleans #11)(55)

VIKTOR (Immortals of New Orleans #11)(55)
Author: Kym Grosso

“May I see it?”

“Is there a way to block the mermaids?” Greyson asked.

“I believe they’ve signed NDAs,” Thorn said. “Tori sees to the details.”

“I’ve got it.” Rafe reached over to the table and held up a small black remote. With the press of a button, an aluminum curtain slid over the glass, blocking their view. “Who’s the child now?”

Greyson laughed.

Viktor reached into his pocket, retrieving an object bound within a black silk handkerchief. He unwrapped it and held the blade in the air.

“We suspect a paranormal is involved with this human brotherhood. Giving them inside information about vampires,” Viktor said, referring to Adam. “Helping them drink blood. It’s not unheard of. These groups of humans. Posers if you will.”

“Some of them could have fake fangs of course, but it’s more likely they’re using fleams, bloodletting rings or other tools,” Greyson added.

“When we acquired the fleam handle, this human, Adam. He mentioned Waverly’s friend,” Viktor said. “He may know where she’s at.”

“But Teagan never mentioned Adam. I guess it’s possible they’ve remained in touch. But the way he said it…it was almost as if he knew I was at that club looking for her,” Waverly told them.

“The human, Adam. He works for a museum, but we believe he is the one who sent Waverly the fleam. He gassed us with silver. Tried to kidnap Waverly. We got away,” Viktor sighed. “But there were others helping him. And Waverly said he responded to a woman’s voice. It’s possible she’s a boss. Could be vampire. We don’t know.”

“What did she look like?” Thorn asked.

“I didn’t see her,” Waverly replied. “When she called him from outside the room, he acted nervous. But she had to have heard me scream and she didn’t do anything.”

“Why do we think she’s paranormal then?” Thorn pressed.

“Instinct,” Viktor said. “All hell was breaking loose.”

Waverly shook her head. “Everything was chaos. But Adam knew Viktor was a vampire. And the odd part is that he didn’t seem to care about the fleam. It was like it was all just some sham to get me to come to New York. I don’t know if it was his plan to kidnap me. He didn’t tie me up but there was no way out of the room. The woman who called for him had a French accent.”

“So, this.” Viktor ran his finger over the wooden handle noting the gold inlay. “The handle. This wood is Acacia.”

“Shittim,” Greyson agreed.

“Acacia has been around for thousands of years,” Viktor said.

“It was used to make the ark of the covenant,” Kade told them.

“May I?” Ilsbeth held out her hand. Viktor stood and leaned toward her. With care, he placed it into Ilsbeth’s hands.

“The blade is old as well,” Ilsbeth said as she examined it. “Like the covenant, they used gold.”

“It’s unholy,” Thorn stated flatly.

“Would you like to hold it?” the High Priestess offered.

“Nope. I’m good.” Thorn crossed his arms and shook his head. “That thing there. I don’t know where it came from, but I can feel the bad juju from over here.”

“Demonic energy?” Viktor asked, surprised he hadn’t detected any energy one way or another from the object.

“I’m getting more of a directly from Satan, do not pass go kind of vibe. Someone made a deal with the devil himself. Maybe a blood contract. Literal soul-binding black magick shit.”

“Are you saying the devil’s energy is on the bloodletter?” Viktor asked.

“I’m saying the energy coming from that belongs to its owner. That person. That monster. He or she made a deal with Satan. Sold their soul. But the true evil is not from Hell. It’s from the Hell within.” Thorn removed his glasses and rubbed them against his pants and reset the frames on his face. “Hell lives in the hearts of those who walk on earth. Immorality. Sadism. Torture. Serial killers.”

Baxter. Viktor and Quintus exchanged a knowing look.

“He’s dead,” Greyson told him.

“I killed him. But—” Quintus began.

“But nothing. We’ve gone hundreds of years with no trace of him,” Viktor insisted.

“I’m just saying. Mao was dead too. Then she wasn’t,” Quintus said.

“No.” Viktor held up a hand. “Mao was different. Anyone can attempt necromancy. But coming fresh out of Hell, I know for a fact he’s in there and he’s not getting out.”

“How do you really know? Demons aren’t to be trusted. Whatever allies you’ve made could be lying,” Thorn challenged him.

“I can’t wrap my head around what you’re saying.” Viktor stared at Ilsbeth as she examined the fleam. There was no way he was about to believe that the monster who’d tortured him still walked the earth. “Let’s just say I’m about to indulge your crazy theory. Someone would have to help him get out of Hell. And let’s just say he got out, that diabolical piece of shit wouldn’t spend time fucking around. He’d be here right now.”

Thorn glanced at the bloodletter. “All I can tell you is that there are no absolutes…no matter what you think.”

“Quint. Have you heard anything about this brotherhood?” Viktor changed the subject.

“There’s always rumbling about humans playing as vampires. But nothing serious. Most secret societies are no more harmful than a knitting group.”

“Even wooden needles can take out a vampire,” Viktor countered.

“Here in New Orleans, we’ve got more groups than I care to have. And of course, there are the humans who embrace vampire culture, indulge in drinking each other’s blood. But it is the very nature of our city to celebrate the unique. The unusual. Paranormals and humans alike.” Kade looked to Ilsbeth. “What do you sense from this situation?”

The high priestess fell into a contemplative silence, humming as she stroked the handle. She raised her head, her gaze landing on Viktor.

“This fleam was brought to you by someone who knows you care for this woman.” She glanced at Waverly. “Brotherhood or no, the human who sent you this is being directed by another. Likely a paranormal creature who knew your sire. I know you don’t want to hear this, Viktor.”

“Don’t say it. I don’t want to—” Viktor’s lips pressed tight together.

“Mom and Dad are about to have another fight.” Rafe whispered to Waverly.

“I believe this fleam belonged to Baxter or someone who knows of Baxter,” she stated flatly.

“There are other vampires who knew Baxter,” Quintus stated.

“Who in the hell would play this kind of game?” Viktor reflected upon the words he’d spoken. Nothing would have pleased Baxter more than a brief game of cat and mouse before killing them all. A master of manipulation, he knew every button to push, saving his worst torture for the finale.

“The mess they left for Waverly in her apartment sent a message to her. It was sent to scare her. She was shot, yet she’s here. Harmed, but not dead…simply tortured a bit. And this fleam. It leaves you wondering. Is he lurking?” Ilsbeth took a deep breath and straightened her back. “Someone knows. Someone who knows the same agony he put you through. Someone who knew Baxter is helping the humans.”

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