Home > Two of a Kind : Kind Brothers Book 2(36)

Two of a Kind : Kind Brothers Book 2(36)
Author: Sandi Lynn

“Something special.” Sam smiled. “I’ll go call Julia and Simon and let them know about tomorrow.”

“I can’t believe I didn’t know.”

“Did you ever ask her?”

“No. She did tell me that her birthday was the one day of the year her father didn’t drink. I should have asked her then when it was. God, I’m so stupid.”

“No, you’re not. Now get out of here and go buy her something. After tomorrow night, she’ll be moving back in with you and all will be right with the world again.” He gave me a wink.

I left the office, climbed in my car and thought about what to get her. A nice necklace sounded about right so I texted Julia.

“Hey. I want to get Alex a nice necklace for her birthday but I’m not sure where to go. Any ideas? And don’t judge. This is all new to me.”

“Lol. No judgement here since my husband had to take all his brothers to help him pick out my wedding ring. Go to Tiffany & Co. They’ll have what you’re looking for.”

“Thanks, Julia.”

“You’re welcome.”

I had been looking at the display of necklaces for a few moments when a young woman with long auburn hair behind the counter walked over.

“See anything you’re interested in?” she spoke in a flirtatious manner.

“Can I see that pendant right there?” I pointed.

“Of course. Are you shopping for your wife?”

“No. I’m not married.”

“Even better.” The corners of her mouth curved upward.

She pulled it from the case and draped it across a blue satin pillow.

“This is our loving heart pendant by Paloma Picasso. It’s his interpretation of love. Is this for your girlfriend?”

“I’m hoping she will be after I give her this. How much is it?”

“Twenty-four hundred.”

“Perfect. I’ll take it.”

“I was hoping it was for your mother.”

“It’s for a woman I’m in love with.” I handed her my credit card.

“Shame.” She took it and walked away.



Chapter 36




My alarm went off and when I grabbed my phone from the nightstand, I saw I had a text message from Stefan.

“I decided to stay home from work and spend the day with Lily, so consider this your day off and enjoy yourself.”

I frowned as I read his message. Why the sudden change of plans? If he was going to stay home, why didn’t he tell me last night? I let out a sigh and rolled over. Today I turned twenty-six and I didn’t tell anyone. It wasn’t a day I wanted to celebrate, especially with my complicated situation with Stefan. But today I would celebrate with one person. A person who was already very special to me. My baby.

I placed my hand on my belly and softly rubbed it.

“Today we’re going to celebrate over an amazing chocolate mousse filled cupcake from my favorite bakery. Just you and me, little one.”

After I managed to drag my tired body out of bed, my phone pinged with a text message from Julia.

“Hi, Alex. Sam told me that Stefan took the day off which means you’re kid free today. Let’s meet for lunch.”

A smile crossed my face.

“I’d love to. What time were you thinking?”

“I’ll pick you up at noon. Sound good?”

“Sounds good. I’ll see you then.”

I placed my hand on my belly and looked down.

“Change of plans, little one. We’re going to have lunch with Julia and then we’ll go get our cupcake.”

It was noon when I heard a knock at the door. Opening it, Julia stood there with a smile on her face and a bouquet of beautiful mixed flowers.

“It feels weird knocking on the door where I used to live.” She smiled. “These are for you.”

“You don’t ever have to knock here. You know that. These are so beautiful.” I brought them up to my nose and took in their fragrance. What are they for?” I asked suspiciously.

“No reason.” She stepped inside. “Flowers brighten people’s days and with the whole Stefan thing, I thought you could use a little brightening.”

“Thanks, Julia. I love them. But I’m okay.”

“I know you are.” She smiled. “Have you ever eaten at Manuela?”

“No. I haven’t.”

“You’re in for a treat. The place is amazing. Don’t tell Sebastian I said that. They have wonderful food, and we can sit outside and enjoy a beautiful afternoon.”

“Sounds good.” I grinned.

After we enjoyed a delicious lunch, the waiter walked over and asked if we’d like dessert.

“They have this burnt honey cake with a honey caramel feuilletine that is simply to die for. Let’s share one.” She grinned.

“Sounds delicious.”

She was right. That cake was amazing, and I savored every delicious bite.

“You didn’t have to pay for my lunch,” I said as we stepped into my apartment.

“I wanted to. I told you it was my treat. Next lunch is on you.”

“Thank you and it definitely is.” I gave her a hug.

“I have to get back to the coffee shop. Enjoy the rest of your day.”

“I will. I have to work at the restaurant tonight, so I think I’ll sneak in a little nap.”

“I’d die for a nap right now.” She pouted.

After Julia left, I climbed on my bed and fell asleep.




“Dad, why didn’t Alex tell us today was her birthday?” Lily asked as she filled her bucket up with sand.

“I don’t know, baby girl. Probably because she didn’t want to make it a big deal.”

“That’s weird. I love my birthday!”

“I know you do. But don’t worry. We’re celebrating her birthday tonight at Uncle Sebastian’s restaurant.”

“Do you think she’ll be super surprised?”

“Yeah, baby girl. I think she will.” I smiled.

“Are you going to tell her you love her?”

“I am, and hopefully come tomorrow, she’ll be back living in our home.”

“Will she sleep in your room?”

I swallowed hard at her question for I wasn’t prepared to have this kind of talk with her.

“I don’t know.” My brows furrowed.

She looked up at me and set her shovel down.

“It’s okay, Dad. She can sleep in your bed with you. I know adults who love each other have sex.”

My heart started racing while my chest tightened.

“May I ask how you know that?”

“Dad, I’m nine. I hear things and I see things.”

“See what?” I asked with nervousness.

“Different girls leaving Uncle Sebastian’s and Uncle Simon’s house in the morning. They sure love a lot of women and have a lot of sleepovers. And I know how babies are made.”

I was at a loss for words as I sat there staring at her.

“I know you love Alex, and you have my permission. She can sleep in your room with you.”

“Thank you, I think.” I furrowed my brows at her. “I guess it’s time we sat down and had a little chat about life. But I’m not prepared right now to do that.”

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