Home > Twisted Christmas(171)

Twisted Christmas(171)
Author: Sara Cate

I toss myself onto my bed and reach for the remote to my stereo. Before I turn the music on, I hear the soft whimpers through the wall. She’s still crying. I wait for it to stop. Minutes turn into hours. There’s no end. I should turn my music on and put myself out of my misery. She’s not my problem. I don’t care what happens to her. Then why am I sitting here torturing myself? Why do I want to go in there and fix her? When I’ve had enough, I sit up and make a fist, ready to bang on the wall and tell her to shut up, but then it stops.

Now, I’m the creeper, with my ear to the wall, trying to listen. She had to have fallen asleep. Would Gibson breaking it off with her make her that upset? The way she huddled into herself when I came in. Her body trembled, but it wasn’t in the way I’ve witnessed before. She was. . . scared.

I lie back in bed, taking in the way I found her. She missed class today. Mr. Gibson seemed off his rocker. He barely held it together until the bell rang, and he stormed out. Every time he stalked the hallway during passing periods, he looked unhinged. Fuck.

What did you get yourself into, Stray?



Chapter 13






I wish I could hide in my room forever. But I know I have to face reality. I need to go to the principal. Speak to someone I can trust and who will listen. When I look in the mirror, I cringe at my puffy face. There is no way to hide that I’ve been crying. It’s a good thing my mom doesn’t take notice of me. Grabbing my backpack, I head downstairs, sporting a pair of sunglasses.

“Morning, kiddo,” William greets me as he does every morning. Hunter sits at the breakfast table next to his dad. Mom is at the counter cutting up fruit and doesn’t give me a second glance. “What’s with the sunglasses?”

“Sporting a new trend. Shades in the winter are the new hip thing. Welp, gotta go.” I turn to make an escape when Hunter’s voice ruins it.

“You need a ride?”

I turn back. “Nope. It’s a nice day. Think I’m just gonna walk.”

William looks appalled. “Walk? We’re almost two miles from school and it’s snowing. Why would anyone walk?”

Mom waves me off as if it’s no big deal. “She walks every day. Let her be.” Gee, thanks, Mom.

William’s eyes break into a concerned frown. “Olivia, no child should be walking in these conditions. They’ll get sick. Catch pneumonia.”

“She only wishes. Then she’d be able to skip more school. They called, by the way. Your physics teacher called, saying you were absent again in detention. Detention, Cat? Really?”

The mention of Mr. Gibson has me spinning all over again. I brace myself against the wall, making eye contact with Hunter, who looks about ready to murder me. I roll my eyes as if it’s nothing, putting on a show for my mom and William. “They must have made a mistake and not told him the nurse sent me home. I had a fever.”

William sets his newspaper down and stands. “Let me drive you to school. This is absurd.”

“No, really. It’s fine. I was kidding, actually. My friend Melissa is on her way to pick me up. You all enjoy your breakfast. See ya.” This time, I don’t stop for anyone and hurry out the door. I’m almost down the driveway when Hunter snatches my arm and stops me. “Let go of me.”

“No. Not until you tell me what the fuck’s wrong with you.”


“It’s not nothing. You kept me up all night with your damn crying. What, did he break it off?”

I tug on my arm. “Leave it be.”

“Yeah, not gonna do that. And you don’t have anyone picking you up. Do you actually walk straight to school? You’re always late. Make any stops on your way? Who else do you have on your roster? Me? Teach—”

I shove him so hard he loses his grip and almost slips on the ice. “Fuck you, Hunter. You know nothing about me.”

“That right?”

I’m so done. I get into his personal space and take a stiff jab at his chest. “You think just because you fucked me you know me? Think again, asshole. What you know is I was desperate and would have let a complete stranger fuck me. You just happened to be there. Don’t think you’re anyone special. You’re just another asshole thinking he has what it takes to fulfill a woman. Stay the fuck away from me.”

I turn around without another word and make my two-mile walk to school.



My stomach wants to bottom out as I drag my legs up the stairs. Students push past me as they hustle into the building. The snow picked up mid-walk, and I’m covered in a pile of white fluff. Opening the door, I shake off the excess snow and head the opposite way of class. When I enter the main office, I ask the secretary if my counselor is in. Thankfully, he is. I wait fifteen minutes for him to finish up before he welcomes me into his office.

“Miss Mitchell, what brings you into my office today?”

I can’t stop fiddling with my fingers, my nerves going haywire. I have a problem with a teacher. He’s coming on to me, and it’s gone too far. I’m afraid he’ll try and hurt me. All the things I want to stay, but I chicken out. “Well, I need a class change.”

“Oh yeah? Which one? You seem to be doing well in all of them.”


There’s no reaction when I say the class. Mr. Beller leans in and inspects my grades. “Hmmm. . . why? Looks like you’re doing great. Mr. Gibson speaks highly of you. Just this morning, he turned in a list of achievement awards for students to be recognized at the end of the year and your name was on it.”

He’s also unhinged, and I need to be far away from him. “I know, but it’s just too much for me. I feel like I can spend my time more wisely on another subject. The class isn’t required, am I right?”

He shakes his head. “No, but it looks good on transcripts. Students highly recommend Mr. Gibson. I can’t say I’ve ever had anyone ask to be transferred out of his class.”

He’s scary and possessive and— “It’s for the best. I’d prefer something else. Anything, actually.” I fight to keep a passive smile. The last thing I need is for him to call in Mr. Gibson and discuss my request.

“I’ll have to see what we have open. Assuming I can place you somewhere in the next day or two, you can attend class as normal or take a study hour during first period.”

I hop out of my chair. “Study hour sounds perfect. Thank you.” One problem down. Separating myself from the situation seems like the smartest solution right now. I head down to study hall, making sure to take the long way so I don’t pass Mr. Gibson’s class. Study hall goes without a hitch, and I catch up on the homework I missed yesterday. It’s when I have to return to my locker that my anxiety starts up again. Just don’t ever be alone. He can’t try anything if I’m with another student.

Walking into the girls’ locker room, I grab a girl and latch arms with her. “Hey, Beth, right? Love the new hair. Wanna buddy up today in gym class?”

She eyes me strangely, then thrusts my arm away. “Not a chance,” and walks down the opposite row of lockers. Shit. So much for that idea.

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