Home > Twisted Christmas(205)

Twisted Christmas(205)
Author: Sara Cate

“Put me down old man,” she sneers, “Bet you’re enjoying yourself aren’t you, with your hand gripped around my ass you perv.”

She has to be fucking kidding me. I’m tempted to drop her, make her walk on her own, or bend her over my knee and show her just how tightly my hand can grip her ass, but decide against giving her something she’s sure to enjoy.

Instead I smirk at her, “No need to fake an injury to get me to put my hands on you sweetheart, I would have done it if you’d asked nicely.” With that I set her down and take two steps, before I hear her wince in pain once again. I know I’m playing with fire speaking this way to Chloe’s best friend, but she pushed my buttons claiming it was me who planned this to get my hands on her. As if I need to trick her into it.

“Fuck, okay,” she squeals hopping on one foot. “I’m sorry I said that, just not used to men putting their hands on me in a harmless manner.” I abruptly turn to stare back at her. “Fuck, not like that either. Usually guys who are nice and shit, want something in return.”

“Trust me sweetheart,” I say as I walk back to her, hauling her into my arms once again. I daringly bring my mouth just a mere inch from hers, inhaling the subtle scent of vanilla and spearmint. “There’s nothing you have to offer that could appease a man like me. You’re a child, I’m a grown ass man. My likes and needs are so far out of your league.”

There is a flicker of shock in her eyes at my forwardness but it’s quickly replaced by something mirroring defiance. “We’ll see about that old man.”

I chuckle deeply, so fucking confused as to what the fuck I’m doing flirting with Avery just a few feet away from Chloe. If she heard the things I said to her best friend, she’d cut my fucking dick off. It’s harmless of course, no way I’d actually act on any of it, but Avery’s pluckiness is entertaining and fun to mess with.

I know I’m a good looking man, I’d even go as far as saying I’m above average. Dark hair, bulging muscles, green eyes, and a sharp jawline, I can have any woman I want. Despite Avery’s claims of me being old, thirty six is merely old. Rebecca was five years older than me so technically, I’m the young one in that relationship. But flirting and bantering with an eighteen year old, no matter how fucking tempting she may be, is dangerous fucking territory.

I managed to carry Avery into the house and over to the living room sectional, without dropping her on her ass. Maybe that’s because her snide comments stopped and she remained silent, and dare I say appeared embarrassed the whole walk over.

“I got the ice and the first-aid kit. The driver brought the bags in and left them by the door. Do you think she needs to go to the hospital? Shit, I should have asked the driver to stay so we could take her.” Chloe’s one hundred miles a minute blabbering is making me tense.

“Chloe, calm the fuck down sweetie. She’s fine. I’ll take a look at the foot and if she needs medical attention, I’ll drive you guys down to the hospital. Although if it needs to be amputated,” I say, turning back and nearly laughing at the sheer look of panic on Avery’s face, “I have an ax in the back I can use. You know, to save us time and money.” I smirk, breaking out of character, and get an eye roll from Avery.

“Zane,” Chloe shouts, smacking me on my arm, “He’s kidding Avery. Tell her you’re kidding.”

“I’m sorry, I have a weird sense of humor,” I confess, though Avery is not buying my apology.

“Yeah weird as in it is non-existent. Where’d this guy come from?” Chloe asks, and now it’s Avery who smirks, surely thinking my mood has something to do with our earlier exchange outside. Can’t let her think that.

“Well now that my favorite girl is here,” I say, engulfing Chloe in a bear hug, “I can’t believe you’re all grown up Chloe. I missed you baby girl.” I place a soft kiss upon her head.

Chloe’s face turns bright red at my admission, something I must admit happened more often than not whenever I’d compliment her. My baby girl has never understood how stunningly beautiful she is. Her beauty is natural and effortless, unlike girls like Avery who are stunningly gorgeous it’s almost unreal, Chloe bleeds class and sophistication making her all that more intriguing. That, I'm afraid, comes from her mother’s wealthy pureblood and high-class upbringing.

“Zane, I missed you too,” Chloe mumbles, her voice cracking as she snuggles under my arm.

“Not to interrupt this beautiful reunion, but um I’m in fucking pain over here.” Chloe rushes to her feet, while I simply turn and raise a brow at Avery, who is no longer downplaying her injury.

“Well then, let’s look at the damage.”



“So, what’s the damage Doc?” Chloe asks, pacing back and forth behind us.

“Stop fucking pacing,” both Avery and I shout at the same time.

“Oh my god it’s like you’re the same fucking person,” Chloe mocks, sitting back down on the ottoman.

“It’s just slightly sprained, I’m afraid there will be no chopping it off. Damn I was really looking forward to using the ax. Oh well, verdicts in, you’ll live, Avery.” I can’t help the teasing, which I need to turn down a notch if I don’t want Chloe reading into it. I’m never like this, especially not with a fucking stranger.

“Thanks for nothing Doc, I could have figured that out on my own.” Avery moves to stand, but I bring my hand down on her thigh to keep her in place. Her eyes go wide at the contact, and I slowly remove it before she calls me out on touching her again.

“I need to bandage it to ensure it heals properly and the swelling goes down. Chloe can you grab the compression tape, it’s the tan roll.”

“How fond of these jeans are you?” I ask, grabbing the pair of scissors Chloe hands me along with the tape. I’m only teasing but, it would be easier if she weren’t wearing her jeans so fucking tight.

“Don’t even think about it buddy,” she sneers, sitting up.

“They’re too tight, I can’t roll them up enough and I need to start the wrapping a bit further up your leg.”

“I can just take them off,” she says with a hint of seduction.

“Avery!” Chloe shouts, clearly hearing her friend's insinuation.

Avery’s toying with me, a clap back at my earlier comment about being out of her league. I raise a brow in question, oh sweetheart you don’t know what you’re playing at.

“I mean obviously not here Chloe,” Avery says, realizing she spoke out loud.

“You can’t walk on it,” I spit out in frustration.

“Maybe you can just carry her upstairs…”

“No!” Both Avery and I shout out again, Chloe raising a brow in suspicion.

“Just cut them Doc,” Avery sneers, throwing her head back against the couch. She lifts her head up slightly, her eyes look at me through thick, long lashes, “But you’ll owe me a pair.”



I cut them, slow and careful not to snip at her flesh, though it would have been fun to watch her snap at me for cutting her. I don’t know why I find the thought of irritating and taunting her so pleasurable, but I need it to stop. This can get out of hand quickly if I don’t watch myself. Avery isn’t only gorgeous and sexy as fuck, but she’s experienced and not at all shy, at least she acts like she is. However, none of these high school boys are a match for a man like me.

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