Home > Twisted Christmas(32)

Twisted Christmas(32)
Author: Sara Cate

“She’s still here!” Just very different.

“Alright, get some sleep. See you tomorrow. Love you!”

“Love you too,” I tell her before hanging up. I set the phone on the counter and move out of the bathroom towards him.

“You know,” he tells me as he stands up, “I was so in the moment, I forgot about your fantasy to lose it in front of the fireplace.”

“To be honest, so did I. The fantasy of losing it to you trumps any fantasy I’ve ever had about the location.” I laugh as he lifts me up effortlessly.

“Still. I’m going to make love to you in front of the fireplace now.” He carries me through the apartment and sets me on my feet when he reaches the living room. He lays a blanket down in front of the fire that is still going but has died down significantly. He stokes the flames and sits down next to me. I waste no time moving into his lap and he wraps his arms around me. “I’m never going to have my fill of you.” He rubs his nose against mine and the tenderness is too much.


“I’m serious. This…” He lets out a breath. “I shouldn’t be surprised by how good it feels but I am surprised that I’m rationalizing the thoughts of keeping this going past tonight.”

I gasp. “How…how would we tell our parents? Our friends? People that know us?”

“I don’t know, Gabrielle. All I know is it’s not fair to us that we can’t have what we want.”

“Society will say what we want is illegal.”

“Is it really if we aren’t blood related?”

“Can’t say that I’ve researched the semantics on incest,” I reply sardonically.

“You haven’t? Not after all the times your hand was in your panties thinking about me?” he jokes and I shove him gently.

“I didn’t think we’d ever get here, J. What reason would I have to look it up?” He shrugs and a wicked thought crosses my mind. “Have you thought about me…while you touch yourself?” I ask him and his eyes search my face for anything besides curiosity.


“I told you about me.”

“It’s different for you.”


“You’ve been legal for a little over six months. You fantasizing about me doesn’t make you a pervert.”

“You thought about me…before I was eighteen?”

“I don’t want to talk about it…” He shifts uncomfortably and I grab his face.

“Hey, this is me.” I bite my bottom lip before brushing my lips against his. “I would never judge you. Hell, I can’t even stay mad at you.”

“I feel…terrible for it, but I just couldn’t stop myself. You were consuming my thoughts. I had to stop jacking off for months because I couldn’t stop you from floating into my head while I got off. Even when I wasn’t thinking about you, right when I’d climax, it would be your face I saw.” He rubs his eyes and lays on his back bringing me with him. I straddle the space just above his cock and lean down on my arms so that I’m hovering over him.

“Mmmhmm and?”

“I told you, that time I came home and you were just…different. But you were only seventeen. And you were my fucking sister. How sick was I to be looking at you like that? Baby, I’m sorry for all of this.”

“Don’t you start regretting it now,” I warn him. I can hear his mind going a mile a minute but it’s too late now.

“I’m not, trust me, but I am sorry for looking at you when I should have known better. We’ve always been so close and I spent a long time wondering if I’d somehow groomed you. Even now, I’m wondering if you’re so attached to me because of how close we’ve always been. How I’ve treated you. But I swear I never felt these things when you were younger. Not that anyone would believe that…”

“I do,” I tell him honestly. “You’ve never been anything but good to me. You’d never hurt me. And even before tonight, I’d never had an inkling that you felt the same.” He nods and I sit down on his dick and begin to rub back and forth over him. “Look, this is heavy and we said we wouldn’t talk about it. I’m wet and I do remember something about you putting your mouth between my legs.” I grin at him. “So how about we forget about this for now and sixty-nine instead?”

“A girl after my own heart.”

I resist the urge to correct him that his heart wasn’t his own anymore.

It’s mine.



Chapter 7






A searing pain in my neck has my eyes snapping open and only then do I realize I had fallen asleep on the floor in front of the fireplace. James does have pretty plush carpeting but not comfortable enough to sleep on the floor for an extended period of time, which is the cause of the ache shooting up my side. I blink several times and wipe the rest of the sleep from them before turning to the sleeping man whose arms are wrapped around me. I press my lips to his and he smiles instantly, pulling me closer, and wraps the blanket tighter around us. I don’t know how long we’ve been asleep, but I know for a fact we didn’t sleep much last night. I’m pretty sure the sun was starting to rise the last time he slipped out of me.

“What time is it?” he murmurs against my lips.

I reach over him and look at his phone and happen to see something catch my eye. “Eight-thirty.”

“Fuck, we have to start getting ready to head out soon. I’m surprised Dad hasn’t called to make sure we’re up and moving.” He stretches and lets out a yawn.

I’m still looking at his phone, staring at a text from a woman asking if she could come over last night at two in the morning. “Ummm a girl named Mila texted you.”

His eyes snap to mine and then to his phone that’s still in my hands. I sit back on my knees and he sits up as well. His hand reaches under my chin and lifts it to meet his gaze. “That’s nothing.”

I nod. “I know…I just…I’m trying not to be jealous.”

“There is no one for you to be jealous of. No one knows me the way you do. No one is in here but you.” He puts a hand over his chest. “No one can have this now but you.” He grabs his dick and surprisingly that’s what I needed to hear more than the sweet romantic part.

I know he doesn’t love this Mila girl. I know he doesn’t feel anything deep for her. I’m pretty sure James has never been in love. But I know he’s been in lust. I know he’s had girlfriends and fuck buddies and one night stands. I know his heart is mine, but I needed to know his dick is mine too.

“She asked to come over.”

He runs a hand through his chestnut hair that’s messy from sleep. “Baby…don’t get yourself worked up over this.”

“It would be so easy for you to be with her. No sneaking around. No lying. No hiding.”

“You’re right,” he tells me and my heart hurts at his words even if they are the truth. “But it’s too late for all of that. I want you, Gabrielle. I need you. I love you. Sex has never meant as much to me as it does with you. I’ve fucked, sure. But I’ve never made love to anyone.” He cocks his head to the side and his blue eyes bore into mine. “Until you.” I nod, suddenly feeling super foolish. I hadn’t imagined everything that had transpired last night. James loves me but he does have a past. A past I’m somewhat privy to.

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