Home > Taking Vengeance (Vengeance #6)(49)

Taking Vengeance (Vengeance #6)(49)
Author: Kaylea Cross

Chloe nodded. “I’m sorry too.” She pulled free of Trinity’s grip, grabbed a handful of chips from a bowl on the table on the way by, and went to sit in a chair beside Ivy. “So, fill me in on everything I missed,” she said eagerly, shoving a handful into her mouth.

Crisis averted. A collective sigh came from the group.

With the tension broken everyone filed back into the room, including the guys. A few minutes later Trinity’s phone vibrated in her pocket. Rycroft. “Hey.”

“Hi. What’s all that racket going on in the background?”

“We’re having a reunion party, just like we told you in the first place.”

He huffed out a laugh. “Well, open the damn gate, will you? I want to meet this new Valkyrie.”

She blinked. “Wait, you’re here?”

“Drove out from London the second I heard about her. And I’m taking Briar to Heathrow with me tonight anyway. So, you gonna let me in, or what?”

She got up and started for the door. “Is it safe to?” she teased, hitting a button on the keypad by the door to open the front gate.

“See you in a minute.”

Trinity waited at the door while he parked and walked up the stairs. “How’s the clean up going?”

“As well as can be expected,” he said with a bland look, then glanced past her down the hall. “So, what’s she like?”

“She’s like all of us were before we came out to the world,” she answered, leading the way to the library.

A cheer went up when Rycroft stepped into the room. He grinned, shook hands with the guys and Chloe, then hugged the rest of them.

Finally, he stopped in front of Ivy, hands on hips, that penetrating silver gaze pinned on her. “So. Another one for me to worry about.”

Ivy rose and shook hands with him. “No, you don’t need to worry about me now.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Heard that one before.” He glanced around at the rest of them. “Didn’t believe it then, and still don’t believe it now.”

“Oh, come on, you know you love us,” Chloe insisted, reaching for a leftover cream bun from Huffkins. Lucky for her, her metabolism was as hyperactive as her brain.

Rycroft grunted, giving Trinity, Briar and Amber a hard look. “I distinctly remember you saying I wouldn’t have a mess to clean up this time.”

Chloe brushed his reprimand away with a careless wave. “Not as much as last time,” she said, as if what had happened was no big deal.

He stared at her. “You blew up a building. In London.”

She rolled her eyes. “A single vehicle in a garage. Not even close to the entire building. I made sure. Because I’m a pro. I know what I’m doing.”

“But thanks for looking out for us,” Eden interjected, coming up to curl an arm around his waist and giving him a fond smile.

The legendary NSA agent’s eyes narrowed at her for a moment, then he visibly melted and shook his head. “You guys drive me crazy, but for some damn reason I can’t stay mad at you.”

After that the party got into full swing. The whole room rang with conversation and laughter, and once again Trinity was struck by the joy and comfort of it. Everyone in this house shared a bond like no other—but now she just wanted to get home.

Over on a couch talking to Marcus and Ty, Rycroft suddenly pulled out his phone and answered it, standing. He covered his other ear with his hand and strode for the doorway as he spoke. Then he stopped abruptly and faced her, holding out the phone. “It’s for you.”

Brody. He was the only person it could be.

Trinity set down her wineglass and took the phone, stepping out into the hallway where it was quieter. “Hello?”

“Hey, gorgeous. How’s it going?”

“Going so great. Wish you were here to see it and meet Ivy.”

“Yeah? You might change your mind about that when I tell you why I called.”

She stilled, everything funneling out but the sound of his voice as he spoke.

The chatter and laughter in the next room faded into the background. The walls and hallway seemed to blur around her.

Heart thudding after she ended the call, she walked back to the library with a lump in her throat and tears pricking her eyes.

Conversation ceased immediately, all eyes turning to her. “What’s wrong?” Kiyomi said, frowning in concern as she stood.

Trinity shook her head, a smile trembling on her lips. “That was Brody. Apparently we’re having a baby.”

A collective gasp echoed around the room. “Now?” Briar demanded, rushing over, eyes wide.

“The birth mom’s in labor. They said it’s going to still be a long while, but…” She looked at Rycroft. “Got room in the car for one more on the trip to Heathrow?”

An instant later she was surrounded by Valkyries, all hugging her and talking excitedly. Chloe put her hand on top of Trinity’s, and one by one they all stacked hands in the center of the semicircle they’d formed.

“Wait.” Kiyomi waved Ivy over. “Come on, get over here. Hand in.”

Ivy complied, a little smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she placed her hand on the top of the pile.

Chloe grinned and threw her head back, shouting to the ceiling. “Bitchilantes ride or die!”

A collective shout went up, but Amber let out a shrill whistle. “No time to celebrate this momentous occasion right now—we gotta get this mama packed and on her way to the airport.”

In moments she was being ushered up the stairs in a happy swarm to help her get ready to leave.

“I’ll get her suitcase,” Eden said, hurrying to the closet. “The rest of you start grabbing her stuff.”

“Man, this is one lucky kid you’re about to have,” Briar said, giving Trinity a squeeze. More than anyone else, she knew exactly what becoming a mother meant to Trinity. “I’m so happy for you guys.”

“Yeah, and just remember, if anyone messes with him, he’s got a whole crew of aunties ready to step in and kick ass,” Chloe added from the en suite.

Trinity had never felt so loved. She and Brody might be about to start their own family, but nothing would ever replace this one in her heart.


Ivy’s euphoria dimmed when Alex Rycroft stepped back through the doorway. Tall. Broad-shouldered. Mostly gray hair but still powerfully built, his commanding presence instantly changing the atmosphere in the room.

She stiffened, her pulse picking up. If he’d come to single her out, it couldn’t be good news for her.

He sat on the chair Chloe had been in minutes before, leaning back to pin her with his intense silver stare. “I’m going to be leaving in a few minutes, so we need to do this now. And I’m going to be checking every single thing you tell me, so if you lie, I’ll know, and then you and I are gonna have a serious problem.”

If she hadn’t spent her entire adult life as the weapon the government had transformed her into, he would have intimidated the shit out of her. As it was, he wasn’t the sort of man she wanted to be on the wrong side of, especially when she was trying to get her life back.

She dipped her chin in acknowledgment of his statement, wishing at least one of the others were down here with her.

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