Home > Shadow Web (Moonshadow Bay #5)(30)

Shadow Web (Moonshadow Bay #5)(30)
Author: Yasmine Galenorn

Then, before I could catch my breath, he was bearing down on me, thrusting deep to meet my core. I rose to his pace, driving myself up to match his passion. He growled, low and sexy, pressing against my breasts and that drove me on even more.

I put my hands on his shoulders. “I want on top.”

He grabbed hold of my waist, rolling over so that I was laying on top of him. I pushed myself up, balancing on my knees as I straddled him, and he held up his hands. I took them, leveraging myself against them, and began to ride him hard, rocking against him.

Killian let go of one of my hands so I could take hold of the headboard as he slid his fingers beneath me, once again stroking me into a fury. I dropped my head back, moaning, and then, he took hold of my waist again and growled, driving himself in so deep that I could feel him to my center. He held me tight, thrust upward, and let out a loud snarl as he came. Once again, I fell off the edge, diving into the orgasm as it rippled through me.

A moment later, he collapsed and I went limp, lying down against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and we lay there, entangled, glistening with perspiration, until the last rocket had exploded, leaving us satisfied and thoroughly wrung out.



After a shower, I put on fresh clothes—I always left a few things at Killian’s, and he left clothing at my house too—and we padded downstairs. Tally had made her own breakfast and was finishing up her toast and eggs at the kitchen while she watched the news on her tablet.

Killian opened the fridge. “Bacon, eggs, and toast okay for you?”

“Ooo, yummy. I’m hungry.” My stomach rumbled.

“I’ll bet you both worked up a sweat,” Tally said with a laugh. “Have fun?”

“Always,” Killian said, grinning at her.

One thing I had discovered about shifter culture: while they tended to be more patriarchal—although the Rainier Pack was more progressive, and Killian’s family belonged to them—most of the wolf shifter Packs discussed sex openly, without any shame. They had more sensitive hearing, and so very little was private when shifters shared the same house. And at times, I had the feeling that the Packs shared a sixth sense that was hard to explain. It was some form of hive-mind mentality, but it didn’t extend to controlling the members, like bees did. And each Pack was its own unit.

“So,” Tally said, putting down her tablet. “What plans, if any, do we have today?”

“I’m trying to get hold of my grandmother. Ari and I need to ask her some questions for a project we’re doing for her. Other than that, I dunno. I think I want to put up my Yule tree today, which means a trip up into the attic. I feel like I can face my parents’ ornaments this year without being too weepy.”

“Want some help?” Killian asked.

“I’d love it. Ari’s booked solid today—the next four days are slammed with women getting ready for Thanksgiving. So she can’t come over. Teran would probably lend a hand, but it’s her busy season too, with making up winter protection charms and the like. And I doubt if Rowan is enthusiastic about decorating for the holidays.”

“You might be surprised,” Killian said. “You never know unless you ask.”

“I guess you’re right.” I texted Rowan again, asking if she wanted to come over and help decorate. She still hadn’t answered the texts from the night before, which left me mildly concerned, but I also knew that she’d answer when she got around to it.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you,” I said. “I saw Clyde Baker yesterday. He and his band are playing Celtic carols downtown in the square. Clyde gave me Xi and Klaus,” I explained to Tally. “The city’s gearing up for the tree lighting ceremony on Black Friday evening. Which, by the way, I plan to attend.”

“We’ll go,” Tally said. “When is it?”

“Eight p.m.” I turned to Killian. “I showed him pictures of Xi and Klaus and he was enchanted.”

“They’re enchanting cats,” Killian said. “Okay, so we decorate your house today. I’m getting a tree next week, so you can help me with mine then.”

I loved that my boyfriend was so into the holidays. My phone jingled and I glanced at my texts. Another one from Sheryl again, wishing me a happy morning and saying she hoped she heard from me soon.

“She sure doesn’t give up,” I muttered.

“Who are you talking about?” Killian asked.

Swearing both of them to silence, I told them about Majikoil, and then told Killian what we had found out about the company so far.

“They’re dangerous. I don’t think—” Killian started.

“I know,” I said, interrupting. “You don’t want me involved, you’re worried about me, yada yada yada. But this is important. The Court needs someone to go in who couldn’t be pinned down as having too many connections with them. Otherwise, Majikoil would find a way to shut them out. Witchblood-owned companies are much trickier to tackle when they’re operating a shady or negligent business.”

“I still don’t like it, but I guess that you’re doing something that needs done, and your grandmother wouldn’t ask you to do this if she thought it was dangerous. Oh, I got the gate finished last night. Now it’s—”

“Twice as wide. It looks good. You’re so handy…you can do just about anything,” I murmured, flashing back to the morning’s sex haze. I was still glowing.

“Not exactly everything,” Killian said with a laugh. “I’m not at all competent when it comes to wallpapering, as we found out to Tally’s detriment a couple years ago.”

“What happened?” I asked.

Tally snorted. “When Killian came up to look over Moonshadow Bay and decide whether he wanted to move here, he stayed with me for a few days. I was in the process of wallpapering my apartment. The manager bought the paper and supplies and I promised to hang it. Well, turns out that Killian wasn’t—at the time—one of those ‘Measure twice, cut once’ guys. In fact, have you seen that old I Love Lucy episode where Lucy and Ethel try to wallpaper Lucy’s bedroom?”

I snickered. “I love that show! Yeah, I remember that one.” Lucy and Ethel had basically swathed the room in striped wallpaper going the wrong way, and Lucy had managed to wallpaper Ethel to the wall.

“It was like that, with flowers instead of stripes,” Tally said. “By the time we finally finished the first wall, I had to send him out to buy more wallpaper—on his dime—and I called in friends to help because there was no way I was going to live in that kind of flowered hell.”

I gave Killian the side-eye. “Why did you tell her you could help when you couldn’t?”

“I wanted to be a good brother. Apparently, sometimes being a good brother means letting someone else do the job. But I’m good with decorating trees, and I’m good in the kitchen.” He winked at me. “Give me a whisk and I’m happy.”

“I intend to. Everybody’s helping come Thanksgiving. I was thinking of making the pie crusts early and freezing them so we can fill them and pop them in the oven Wednesday. I’m also making the cranberry sauce ahead of time, along with the gravy. Then we roast the turkey and make the mashed potatoes and green bean casserole on Thanksgiving. I’ll prepare the stuffing early too, and the flavors will have a chance to blend together.” I stretched and finished my breakfast. “So, you still want to come over and get started on the tree?”

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