Home > Shadow Web (Moonshadow Bay #5)(37)

Shadow Web (Moonshadow Bay #5)(37)
Author: Yasmine Galenorn

“Where to now?” Tally asked.

“Maxwell’s. I just wanted to drop in downtown and take a look at how things were going.” At that point I realized that I really wouldn’t mind being involved in the town activities. My irritation at the Witches Guild vanished and I felt more than a little petty, and somewhat embarrassed. I decided that I would volunteer in the future.

Maxwell’s parking lot was more or less filled, but I kept looking.

“I’m still trying to figure out what to give Killian. He doesn’t wear jewelry, and if I get him clothes they would probably be the wrong style. I know he needs a new drill, but…that just seems… Has he said anything to you about what he wants?” I turned to Tally.

“Yeah, a drill isn’t very romantic.” She scratched her forehead and leaned back in the seat. “Actually, this morning he did mention something. I think you were out of the room at the time. He said that his leather jacket has a slash in it—he accidentally caught it on one of the fence wires. He needs a new one. I know what size he wears, if that’s something that you’d be interested in buying him. I know my brother, and he’s not going to go shopping on his own anytime soon. Not until his jacket ends up in tatters.”

A leather jacket would be perfect. I thought about it for a moment. They were stylish as well as functional and it was hard to go wrong.

“That sounds perfect,” I said. “What size does he take?”

“He wears a 42. I know he prefers black leather to brown. He also loves zippers,” Tally said. “I think that would be the perfect gift. I’ll get him the drill.”

“Maxwell’s should have both. It’s a fantastic department store and it has almost everything you could want.” I pulled into the nearest parking space that was open—it opened up as we were approaching it, actually. “Perfect! Carla the parking goddess strikes again.”

“What’s it like being a witch?” Tally asked as we walked toward the store.

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know, I guess… What’s it like, having powers that can make things happen?”

I tried to think of an answer, but finally said, “I could ask what it’s like to be able to shift into an animal, but would you be able to explain?”

“Good point. Which reminds me, Killian and I need to go for a run soon—in our wolf forms. That’s one thing you should know about being involved with a shifter, if you don’t already. When we don’t turn into our alt-forms often enough, it can result in some pretty unpleasant behavior and eventually, spontaneous shifting.”

That’s one thing I hadn’t known. “How often is enough?” The truth was, I hadn’t often seen Killian in his wolf form. It wasn’t because I didn’t want to, but he almost seemed shy about it. “And also, can I ask you something? Is transforming into your alt-shape a personal thing?”

Tally hesitated for a moment. “It depends on the shifter. And also, the Pack that you belong to. In the Rainier Wolf Pack we’re encouraged to shift around others to get them used to us so that we don’t seem so alien. But there are some Packs where it’s considered a private affair and asking to see someone in their alt-form can be an insult.” She glanced at me. “You’ve seen Killian in his wolf form, I assume?”

“Not as often as I’d like to. I wondered if he was uncomfortable with me being around. I felt awkward asking him, but it seems safe to ask you.”

“That’s because we’re both women. Women can talk over sensitive issues easier—at least I think we can. You should tell him you’d like to go walking with him when he’s in his alt-shape. I think maybe he’s worried you feel awkward around him when he’s in wolf form.”

“Why would I feel awkward? He’s a beautiful wolf. And I have to admit,” I said with a shy smile, “I love being able to pet him. Does that sound silly or like I am demeaning him?”

There were so many areas that could be fraught with misunderstandings depending on what kind of Otherkin a person was. It felt good to be able to talk directly about the subject.

“Not at all to either part of your question. Killian loves being in wolf form and for the woman he loves to see him as cuddly either way, well…I can’t imagine my brother being sensitive about that. To be honest, I’m fascinated by magic and witches. It seems so incredibly cool to have witchblood in your veins. It’s like you work in a different universe.”

I held out my hand. “Hey, let’s make an agreement that when we have questions like this, we feel free to ask each other. Since I’m dating Killian and you’re his sister, we’re bound to see a lot of each other over the coming years.”

Tally giggled, one of first giggles I had heard from her on this trip. She wrapped her arm around my waist and hugged me tight. “I love having a sister. I always thought that my sister-in-law—legal or not—would be a wolf shifter but it’s so cool that you’re a witch. Now, which way to the power tools department?”

After Tally found the perfect new drill for Killian and had it gift wrapped, we headed to the men’s clothing department and I found a gorgeous leather jacket that I knew he would love. It had buckles and zippers and all sorts of hardware all over it, and the leather was supple and soft under my fingers. I also had it gift wrapped, and then we headed to the seasonal decorations department. I tried to resist adding more than I needed to the cart, but I ended up with icicle lights, and a lighted snowman, and an acrylic lighted bear that stood four feet high and about five feet long.

“Are you sure those will fit in your car?” Tally asked.

“Oh yeah, the Ocelot holds more than it looks like it will.”

After I made my purchases, we headed back to the car. By the time we stopped for pizza on the way home, the clouds had socked in heavily and the rain sheeted down, spattering against the windshield and bouncing off the asphalt.

Everything felt vibrant and alive, and I opened my window a crack so that the fresh air could pour through. I could feel thunder in the distance, that sense of ozone on wind, and it felt like the approaching storm was bringing something with it. Hoping we’d make it home before whatever it was appeared, I pushed on, carefully ascending Arnica Avenue.



After putting the gifts under the tree, I texted Killian that we were home with the pizza and that I had more decorations to go out in the yard. He texted that he’d be right over.

Tally turned to me. “Do you mind if I go for a run in the woods in my alt-form?”

“Not at all, but are you sure you don’t want to wait for your brother?”

She shook her head. “No, he’ll want to eat first, and I want to give you two some time alone.”

Something occurred to me. “Does shifting change because you’re pregnant?” I asked.

She tilted her head, thinking. “It’s usually safe through the first five months, then the body shuts down the ability till after birth. That’s why most shifters who are pregnant are pretty darn surly during the latter half of their pregnancy. The urge builds up, but the body won’t cooperate—probably a self-protective measure to take care of the baby as well. I won’t be able to shift more than a couple more months, not until after I give birth.”

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