Home > Sealed with a Yuletide Kiss : An Historical Christmas Advent Calendar(14)

Sealed with a Yuletide Kiss : An Historical Christmas Advent Calendar(14)
Author: Sophie Barnes

Flynn took a fortifying sip of his tea and studied Miss Starling. She was looking anywhere but at him, her cheeks an even deeper shade of pink than earlier.

“My name is Flynn,” he said without the slightest bit of finesse.

Her eyes met his, wide with incomprehension and something else – something elusive he wanted to understand. “I know.”

His chest tightened. She knew his given name, which could only mean either she was a keen reader of Debrett’s or she’d paid attention because of interest. He hoped it was the latter.

“And you are Arabella.” There was no point in pretending he hadn’t made an effort to discover this vital bit of information. “The way I see it, our recent interaction with one another ought to allow us to dispense with the honorific and address each other in more familiar terms. Would you not agree?”

She frowned. “As friends?”

“Certainly.” He set his teacup aside.

Arabella hesitated a moment. She bit her lip in a tantalizing way that had him mesmerized. Slowly, she nodded. “Considering everything you have done for me after all the times I have…“ She dropped her gaze to her lap. “You must think me exceedingly clumsy.”

He stared at her, at the timid manner in which she sat with her hands neatly folded in her lap. She looked increasingly uncomfortable and self–conscious.

“Do you have a general tendency toward accidental mishaps?” he asked. In hindsight, he could not recall her having unfortunate run–ins with anyone else.

“No,” she said. She expelled an aggravated breath and straightened her spine, fighting for composure it seemed, even as the hands in her lap shook. “It is only with you for some reason.”

Flynn’s pulse leapt. “Why do you suppose that is?”

She shrugged and proceeded to study the carpet. “I have no idea.”

Apparently she was not going to make this easy. He tilted his head and wondered how best to proceed, then decided to be as direct as possible. “Is it because I make you nervous, Arabella?” When she nodded, he paused for a second before daring to ask, “Why?”

He’d seen her in countless ballrooms since her coming out earlier in the year. She’d danced and laughed and appeared to have a jolly good time with the gentlemen who kept her company. But the first time he’d asked her to dance, she’d pushed him into a fish pond so he’d been forced to leave the ball. The second time he’d asked her to dance, she’d promptly spilled the contents of her champagne glass over his jacket. Both incidents had led him to believe she was purposefully trying to avoid having to partner with him, which had made him angry since he would rather she’d simply tell him no.

But it was time to consider a different explanation. Perhaps she wasn’t herself when she was around him.

She swallowed with a jerky movement. “I have no idea.”

“Don’t you?” Unable to resist, he stood and came around the sofa table so he could sit beside her on the settee. She shook her head to confirm her answer, and he realized he would have to take a leap of faith for both their sakes. “Is it because you like me?”

She went utterly still. Flynn sucked in a breath. Hesitantly, she raised her gaze to his and held it. Light danced beyond the brown depths of her eyes, illuminating flashes of hope.

“Of course it is.” Her voice was soft but bold. “I never know what to do or what to say when I am near you because of how” – she waved her hand – “you are.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Handsome?” he asked in a playful tone. “Perfect in every way?” Her lips began to tremble, so he dipped his head and offered a cheeky smile. “Utterly charming?”

She laughed. Finally. And his heart felt lighter.

“You are incorrigible, Your Grace.”

“Flynn, if you please,” he gently reminded her with a nudge. “And you mustn’t be nervous when you are with me. I am only a man.”

This produced a snort, which she stifled with her hand. “Forgive me, but you are not only a man. You are a duke. A very eligible duke. While I am no more than a Miss.”

“On the contrary, you are much more than that, Arabella.” His hand rose to her cheek, offering a careful caress with his thumb. “You are the very embodiment of happiness. Your laughter can light up a room. I’ve seen you do it. And your friendship is valuable. I noticed how you defended Miss Samantha Trawley when she was being mocked by Lady Juniper.”

It was one of the reasons he’d asked Arabella to dance in the first place. Because he’d been rather impressed.

“That woman has a penchant for cruelty toward the less fortunate. Her accusations were unfair and I…” Arabella sighed. “I only did what was right.”

“Indeed you did,” he murmured. His hand moved round to the back of her head and he felt her stiffen. “You are worthy of admiration and affection and I…I…” Damn it all but he was now the one getting nervous because of her. He pulled himself together and forced the words out. “I would like to propose a courtship.”

“With me?” Surprise was evident in her voice.

“Yes.” His free hand found hers and held it. “I realized something when I pulled you out of the lake, something that cemented itself while you were ill. I want you by my side, Arabella. I want you in my arms for the rest of my life. I want you to be my duchess.”


“No buts. Only yes or no.”

She nodded and suddenly smiled, bright and lovely and utterly irresistible. So he did the only thing he could think to do, the one thing he’d been wanting to do since he’d carried her through the park and toward his carriage. He pressed his mouth to hers.



Arabella’s mind went blank. Forming coherent thought was out of the question. All she could do was feel, and if she wasn’t mistaken, what she was feeling was Hollyoak’s – Flynn’s – mouth upon hers. Unless she had not yet recovered and was suffering from feverish delusion.

To be sure this wasn’t the case, she wound her arms around his neck and leaned into his strength. He was solid and very, very real. Which was rather extraordinary and wonderful and a whole lot more. Not to mention that he was kissing her with keen determination, which caused her heart to beat faster and heat to suffuse her and oh! Oh yes, this was just what she needed in order to fully recover – a heady dose of Flynn’s full attention.

He pulled back slightly, just enough to rest his forehead against hers. “A courtship, Arabella, and then a wedding, followed by years and years of this. How does that sound?”

“Splendid,” she said. “The best gift I can think of for Christmas.”

“Oh dear.” He released her and stood, then sat back down. “I was supposed to spend this evening with my aunt, but it is getting late and I…” He reached for her hand once more. “I do not wish to leave you.”

“Then stay. Send a letter to your aunt apologizing for your absence and informing her you will arrive tomorrow instead.” She squeezed his hand and savored the warmth. “We are having goose for dinner and pudding for desert.”

“In that case, if you have some writing implements handy and your parents approve, I will send a letter express to my aunt apologizing for my delay. And I will spend the evening with you.”

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