Home > Sealed with a Yuletide Kiss : An Historical Christmas Advent Calendar(9)

Sealed with a Yuletide Kiss : An Historical Christmas Advent Calendar(9)
Author: Sophie Barnes

A sudden noise broke through the silence. It sounded like a shot! The carriage swerved and Rowena slid across the seat. She landed against the corner with a thump.

Bracing herself, she clutched at the leather strap that hung from the ceiling and tried to look out, her pulse racing faster than the horses when she saw the masked rider bearing down upon her. He emerged from the encroaching darkness with his greatcoat billowing around him, and he swiftly advanced.

Rowena’s heart knocked against her breast as the carriage rounded a sharp turn and jolted to a halt. She sucked in air and looked about for a weapon – anything with which to defend herself. Oh God! Why wasn’t the carriage moving? A verbal exchange outside made her freeze. She paused to listen but failed to discern the words. The only sound that came next was that of her own breath, ragged and deep.

Holding herself completely still, she waited while silence descended, so acute she feared it might swallow her whole. And then the door opened, a tricorn appeared, and Rowena swung her foot as hard as she could, straight at the scoundrel who dared to try and rob her. Or worse.

“Damn it!” The voice was low and rough yet oddly familiar. A hand found her ankle and Rowena kicked again, repeatedly this time in her determination to bruise her assailant. “Hold still, woman.”

Rowena screamed, hoping someone might hear and come to her rescue.

“Stop. Don’t do that.” The highwayman’s voice turned urgent. “For God’s sake, Rowena, it’s just me.”

Time seemed to slow to a halt. Rowena blinked. She couldn’t quite seem to come to terms with what her brain was confirming. “Devon?”

A pause followed as he climbed in over her, his body pinning hers to the carriage floor. “I’m sorry if I frightened you. That wasn’t at all how I imagined this going.”

She stared up at his silhouetted head. “What are you talking about?” She still couldn’t believe it was him. “And when on earth did you decide to become a highwayman?”

Part of her wanted to hit him for frightening her like that while another part sighed with relief. A third, far more wanton part thought, This is certainly an interesting development.

“I’m not. That is…” He sighed and sat back on his heels, releasing his hold. “It was supposed to be an adventure, a bit of excitement. My gift to you this Christmas. But it seems I’ve mucked it up.”

She didn’t move, her mind whirling with this new piece of information, the fact that she’d decided she wanted him after all, her regrets, and now the knowledge that he had tried to give her precisely what she’d said she wanted. The man was a wizard, except… “You might want to consider warning me next time.”

“I wanted to be spontaneous.”

“Thank you for that, but what if I’d had a pistol?”

He blew out a breath. “I was willing to take that risk, you know. If it meant I’d have a chance to prove to you that our life together doesn’t have to be dull or mundane. We can have all the excitement in the world if we choose to.”

“For goodness sake, Devon. I could have killed you.” When he merely stared at her, she put that awful thought aside and asked, “I gather Jane Shelby was in on it?”

He shrugged one shoulder. “I needed to get you alone in a carriage. It seemed like a good enough plan.”

Rising into a sitting position, she fumbled until she felt his cheek against the palm of her hand. “I’ve been such a fool,” she murmured, “and I’m sorry if I hurt you in any way. Doing so was never my intention.”


“I’ve missed you terribly, Devon.” Her eyes stung with emotion. “You are a good man, my best friend, and I believe you and I can be truly happy together, if you’ll still have me.”

“Of course I’ll still have you. Why else did you think I did this?” He was suddenly upon her – the man she’d known for most of her life, so familiar and yet so utterly different. It struck her the moment he pushed her back and her arms came around his toned muscles. And then he kissed her, confidently and without apology, his mouth claiming hers in a way that spoke of possessiveness and power. It was urgent and yet controlled, demanding and terribly thrilling.

For the first time in her life, Rowena felt her soul rise up and soar, and all because of a man whom she’d almost let go. Never again.

“I’m keeping you,” she murmured.

“I’m glad to hear it.” He spoke against her eager lips. “Because I have many other adventures planned.”

She couldn’t help but laugh. “Really?”

“How does being kidnapped by a pirate sound to you?”

“Is he handsome?”

“Devilishly so.”

“Sounds intriguing.”

“But first…” He rose and helped her onto one of the benches. “I need to know you’ll marry me, Rowena, and make me the happiest man in the world.”

“Yes,” she said, seeking his mouth once more and kissing him with every bit of love she felt for him. After all that had happened, it was suddenly vital he know how much he meant to her.

A thought struck. “Perhaps I can surprise you sometime too? We can take turns plotting our story.”

When he spoke again, his voice lacked the restraint he’d always possessed in her presence. “Then let’s return home so we can get on with it, shall we?” He helped her out of the carriage and into the falling snow. “And so I can give you the ring I’ve selected.”

“My parents will have a fit, you know.”

“Really?” He sounded genuinely concerned. “I always thought they liked me.”

“Oh, they like Devon well enough. As for the highwayman…I’m not sure how they’ll feel about him.”

“All that interests me is how you feel, Rowena.” He brushed a lock of hair from her cheek, grazing her with his thumb and evoking a series of sparks.

“Lucky,” she confessed without hesitation. “And incredibly blessed.”

He handed her up onto the driver’s block and claimed the seat the driver had abandoned earlier as per Devon’s instructions. Whipping the reins, Devon pulled the carriage around and set their course for home.

“I love you,” he murmured, kissing her cheek as they drove toward the future.

“And I love you, Devon.” She leaned against him and sighed with contentment. “The most ingenious man I know.”

“Merry Christmas.” He grinned.

“Merry Christmas indeed,” she whispered.



December 5



Caught in a Snow Storm on Christmas Eve



Miss Serena Matheson cursed her own stubbornness as she followed the road on her way home from town. If only she hadn’t been so determined to visit Mrs. Hodgens that morning. But after the old lady had caught a severe cold, Serena had been bringing her warm meals daily.

With tonight being Christmas Eve, Serena’s cook had been laboring in the kitchen for days, preparing treats for the Matheson household. Unfortunately, it looked as though Serena would be the only one to enjoy them since her father had yet to recover from her mother’s death the year before. He had categorically refused to participate in any form of celebration.

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