Home > Merry Ever After(3)

Merry Ever After(3)
Author: Vi Keeland

“You know what?” She literally fanned herself, then said, “I’ll just take this home and throw it in a bag I already have.”

To my dismay, she then placed a twenty-dollar bill into Bryce’s jar and strutted away looking like she had a new lease on life.

Twenty? I would never be able to catch up if this was his game.

Meanwhile my current customer had me wrapping a fake potted plant, which was a challenge to get right. And he left me a single buck.

After that guy left, I turned to Bryce and cracked, “I guess the only consolation of your swindling ways is that the money is going to charity.”

“How am I swindling? That woman walked away happier than she was before she stopped here. She got something out of it. Win-win for everyone.”

Except me, I suppose.

My son had asked for one thing this Christmas. One thing. And I couldn’t deliver. Of course, it had to be the “hot item” of the season. But he really didn’t ask for much year-round.

It’s going to kill me to have to disappoint him if I can’t make this work.

Relief washed over me to find that Bryce’s next customer was a big, burly man. He wore a leather motorcycle vest and had some chains hanging from his jeans.

Good luck charming that one with your flirting, loverboy.

As I placed tape on a simple rectangular box while a teenager impatiently waited, I glanced over at Bryce as he struggled to wrap the man’s teddy bear.

“Dude, I don’t have all day,” the guy groaned.

I chuckled.

Bryce apologized. “I’m really sorry. I’m new at this wrapping thing.”

“Look. I don’t mean to be a dick, but I’m late in picking up my son. I only have him tonight. Then I have to take him back to his mother’s for Christmas with her and her new husband. It’s hard enough competing with them, and now you’re eating into my time with my son. So, I’m a little frustrated.”

Bryce nodded. “Are you a single dad?”

“Yeah…” he muttered.

Bryce looked him in the eyes. “It’s not easy, is it? My parents were divorced, too, and my dad did the best he could making his house a home for me. I wish I could go back and tell him that he didn’t need to worry. That he was always enough for me. He didn’t need to go over and above to constantly prove himself.” Bryce handed the man the bear that had crinkled paper all around it and said, “If no one else tells you this, you heard it from me. You’re doing a good job, sir. You’re a good dad. And your son is lucky to have you.”

Jesus. This behemoth man looked like he was about to cry like a baby. With red eyes, he took the misshapen package from Bryce before slapping a ten down on the table. He wiped his lids. “Thanks, man, I really needed that.” He sniffled.

“My pleasure,” Bryce said. “Have a Merry Christmas.”

I shook my head as we watched the man walk away. There was a lull now with no one waiting in line on either side of the table.

“Mr. Disingenuous strikes again. I’ve got to give you credit. You can apparently pull anything out of your ass.”

“Unlike my supposed attraction to the green-eyed woman, that was totally real. I meant every word,” he said. “I could tell the guy was stressed, and deep down it had nothing to do with my wrap job.” He turned to me, his eyes lingering on mine. “You know what? I can see the same stress and worry in you. You want nothing but the best for your son. That’s why we’re here in this dumb little competition.”

“Yeah,” I muttered, unable to argue with that. “Is it your son you’re trying to get the toy for?”

“No. Just a boy I know who deserves it. I don’t have kids.”


“Are you married?” he asked.

I hesitated, then said, “My husband passed away a few years ago.”

He frowned. “I’m sorry.”

“Thank you.”

He was silent for a bit, then said, “We never really properly met. Let’s start over.” He held out his hand. “I’m Bryce Holloway.”

I took it. “I’m Holly.”

“Holly Holloway.” He chuckled.


Did he just put our names together?

“The combination sounds like something a movie star would be named,” he said.

“More like a small-town weather girl.” I chuckled.

“Cornily fantastic name.” He laughed. “What’s your actual last name?”




“That explains the Nordic beauty.”

It took me a few seconds to snap out of his vortex.

“You’re doing it to me.”

His brow lifted. “What?”

“Buttering me up. Probably trying to swindle the robot out of me, so I’ll just hand it over to you along with my panties. Not gonna work.”

Bryce bent his head back in laughter. “While I certainly would not refuse your panties, that wasn’t where I was going with the compliment. Besides…look at my tip jar. Look at yours. I’m thinking you’re the one who needs to start buttering me up, buttercup.”

A little while later, a guy I’d hoped to never see again slithered up to the table.

“Holly? I thought that was you.”

Ugh. I forced a smile. “Hi, Aaron.”

“This is where you work now? You can’t possibly be making the same dough I was paying you?”

“I actually don’t work here. I’m sort of volunteering—wrapping for charity.” I leaned to look around him, anxious to move on to the next customer, and pointed. “Do you…uhh...have something for me to wrap? Because there’s a line behind you.”

He grinned. “I got something for you to wrap alright…”

The leering tone caught Bryce’s attention. He looked at Aaron and then me. Seeing uncomfortable written all over my face, Bryce handed the package he just finished wrapping to the customer and cleared his throat. “Can I help you with something, buddy? If you have something you want wrapped, I can take care of you.”

Aaron’s seedy grin widened. “I definitely would rather Holly take care of me.”

“I have to take the next person, Aaron. Have a good holiday.”

Aaron leaned down. “You still got the same number? I’ll call you.”

I’d actually changed my cell phone number because of him. Yet I nodded. “Yep. Bye. Next!”

After the dirtbag moved along, Bryce leaned to me. “What’s the story there?”

I blew out a puff of hot air as I shook my head. “Nothing really. He was my boss for a few months. I’d taken a second job for a while, waitressing on the weekends, and he was the manager. He’s just…let’s just say he didn’t get the note that #MeToo was a thing.”

Bryce’s face hardened. “He touched you?”

“No, nothing like that. He just made me feel uncomfortable. He would always turn any conversation sexual. Sort of like when he just said he had something for me to wrap. And then, after I left, he kept texting me and asking me to go out. I actually changed my number to avoid him.”

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