Home > Wed to the Wild God (Aspect and Anchor #3)(35)

Wed to the Wild God (Aspect and Anchor #3)(35)
Author: Ruby Dixon

He lounges back in my computer chair, hands behind his head as if he owns the place.

I decide I'm glad that I'm bound to Kassam and not this guy. Kassam laughs and jokes, and his idea of torturing me is shotgunning orgasms in my mom's store. This guy looks as if he'd rather torture me the good old-fashioned way—with knives and a lot of pain.

But Kassam seems satisfied. He grunts and then leads me over to my sofa. The big god drops down and then immediately pulls me into his lap, settling my ass directly over his very hard cock. I suck in a breath as the hedonism waves pull me under once more. With a moan, I rock against his cock. A small part of me is ashamed to do this in front of the stranger, but I don't think I could stop if I tried. And when Kassam runs a hand down my back and thrusts against me, I know he's pleased.

Right. Because I'm supposed to “act” besotted. As if I can do anything but rub myself against Kassam and pray he gives me an orgasm soon.

"Who the fuck are you?" Kassam asks, his voice a strange mixture between amusement and anger. One big hand clasps over the back of my neck, and he pushes me down against his cock, grinding me against him. "And why are you disturbing me when I want my anchor's full attention?"

The stranger—who is directly in front of me, if across the room—rolls his eyes. He raises his hands in the air. "I come in peace…and apparently I'm not the only one coming." He smirks at me. "You've found yourself a lusty little thing."

"She's mine," Kassam growls. He pushes me forward, dragging my skirts out from under me and then spreading them around his legs. I'm not wearing panties—just as he asked—and this time when I grind down against his cock, the only thing separating us is the too-thin barrier of his sweatpants, sweatpants that I'm soaking with my arousal. He pushes forward again, slowly thrusting against me, and I gasp at how good it feels, my eyes fluttering closed.

"I have no desire to take what's yours. Play as you like." The man's voice is bored. "As for who I am, I have had dozens of names over the millennia. Which one do you want?"

"Any. All." Kassam's hand steals between my legs, his fingers brushing over my folds before skimming to my thigh and pushing them apart until I'm straddling him, reverse-cowgirl style. It makes my pussy open wide, and I bite back a gasp when he rocks me down against his cock again, my hands flying to his knees to brace myself on him.

"Very well." The man thinks for a moment, and all I hear is my own ragged panting. "I am Mercury to the Romans…who are gone. I am Hermes to the Greek…also gone. I am Loki to the Norse. I am Ea to the Assyrians, and Seth to the Egyptians. You can call me any of those things and I will answer. Does that help?"

I gasp, recognizing some of those names…just as Kassam adjusts his pants and his cock pushes into me under my dress. No teasing, no prepping me, just seating me atop of him in the next moment and dragging me down over his shaft. A choked noise escapes me, and I'm horribly aware of the other god in the room…and the fact that I don't care. Kassam feels so big and full like this, and I need him so badly that it takes everything I have not to lift my hips and start riding him like a wild woman. "C-condom," I manage to wheeze out.

"Yes, yes," Kassam says in a bored tone. He spanks my ass, sending shivers through my body. "Be good and I won't come inside you, little one. Now hush."

"Asshole," I manage, the words dying in my throat when his big hands grip my waist and he drags me down on his cock, rocking against me. The man certainly knows how to shut me up.

"Now," Kassam begins again. "Seth, is it? I am unfamiliar with your names."

"That one works as well as any other," the other god says.

Do I point out that he's a trickster? That Loki is a name that sticks out in my poor knowledge of mythology as someone not to be trusted? I open my mouth to speak, and Kassam swivels his hips, all thought leaving my head. "Ah!"

"My little one is a bit noisy," Kassam murmurs, affection in his tone, and it makes me clench tight around his cock. "You'll have to ignore her."

"Easily done. Mortals don't interest me."

I flick my eyes open to look over at the god—Seth—and he's not looking in my direction. His focus is on Kassam, his gaze narrow and assessing, as if trying to figure him out.

"And yet you are not affected by my curse despite sitting across the room from me?" Kassam asks. "Is it because I am not from your world?"

Seth smiles, showing sharp, white teeth that make me whimper in fear. Kassam's touch soothes me, and he fucks me again, driving into me by raising his hips, and I welcome it for the distraction it is. "I came prepared," Seth says. "I knew something was twisted up in your making, but I didn't realize it was a curse. Is that why you're here, in my territory? When Lachesis told me we had a visitor, I almost didn't believe her. I'm glad I came to see for myself…and to warn you that you don't belong."

Kassam continues to pump into me, slow and steady and deep, sending shivers wracking through my body. It makes it difficult to concentrate on the nuances of the conversation—I can't see Kassam's face and Seth's disappears every time I close my eyes (which is far too often). But I listen and try to remember for later. Lachesis. Territory. Seth.

"Prepared?" Kassam asks. It's silent, but then Kassam chuckles and I feel it vibrate through where our bodies are joined, and so I open my eyes to see. Seth has pulled open the collar of his long, blousy pirate shirt, and revealed what look like runes tattooed—or burned—into his skin. Wild symbols pattern all over every inch of his chest, and as I stare, they seem to glow against his skin. Kassam flexes under me, his hand stroking my back, but I get the impression his focus is anywhere but me. "Very nice. I admire your cleverness, brother."

"Are we brothers, then?" Seth's terrifying smile grows broader. "Friends? You do not come to take your place at our table?"

"Hardly. I merely seek my way home. Until then, I amuse myself with this little tidbit." He reaches around my front and cups my breast, finding my nipple unerringly and pinching it hard enough to make me yelp. I hate that it feels so good that it sends another pulse of heat straight through my body, too. It's like I'm an instrument he knows just how to play….and it's probably the truth. Kassam has had thousands of years to figure out how to fuck like a demon. Unfair.

Seth ignores me, his gaze locked on Kassam despite the fact that I'm grinding over him, our joined bodies hidden only by the flimsy skirt of my sundress. He tilts his head and says, "Tell me about your world. Maybe I can help. Is it like here?"

Kassam chuckles, tweaking my nipple again as I bear down on his cock. "Nothing like here, other than humans have spread everywhere. We do not have such strange buildings or talking boxes."


"Phones," I manage to whimper out. "He…means…phones."

"Hush, little light," Kassam tells me again, and this time his hand slides between my thighs and spanks me through my dress. I make a horribly loud sound that is part arousal, part surprise, and he only laughs harder. "Let the important ones speak."

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