Home > Immortal's Honor (Dark Protectors #14)(16)

Immortal's Honor (Dark Protectors #14)(16)
Author: Rebecca Zanetti

   She pressed the gas pedal, flying through the storm. Rain splattered the front window along with pine needles, and she flicked on the wipers. Her lungs struggled to keep up with her panicked breathing.

   Okay. She was safe. It was okay. The mantra repeated itself inside her head. All she had to do was find a phone.

   Slowly, her heart rate returned to almost normal. Even if Sam had somehow gotten up, there was no way he could follow her now. As soon as she reached a phone, she’d send the authorities out to help him.

   She took another deep breath. The tires threw mud up, but she had no problem staying on the road. Something moved in the trees, catching her eye. Her mind spinning, she looked closer. Nope. Just darkness and trees. She was losing it. Her shoulders trembled, and cold slithered through her. Shock. She was going into shock. Swallowing rapidly, she leaned over and turned up the heat.

   Three bears bounded out of the trees and skidded across the road.

   She shrieked and slammed on the brakes. The car hitched and then spun, kicking up more wet mud. She wrenched the wheel to correct and then slid to a stop.

   The bears looked at her. The hugest one was in the middle. He remained right there, opened his mouth, and yawned.

   The other two bears scampered off, leaving just the biggest one blocking her way.

   Honor stared at him, her heartbeat echoing in her head. She waited. He was right in the middle of the road and didn’t seem inclined to move. Rain bombarded him, turning his brown fur a darkish red. His ears twitched, and his golden eyes seemed to focus on her. He was solid muscle and looked like he could take out a tank.

   She had to get out of there. Her hands prickling, she tightened her grip on the steering wheel, looking in the rearview mirror. Only an empty, dark, wet road lay behind her. Okay. She could handle this. Her mouth had gone dry, but she tried to swallow anyway.

   The bear remained in place. Even though he was sitting, powerful muscles played beneath his fur.

   Maybe her headlights had captivated him somehow? She gingerly reached forward and turned them off. Rain continued to lambast her car, and in the darkness, for the briefest of moments, there was only her and the bear. With the lights off him, he was only a dangerous shadow in the middle of the road.

   What should she do? Holding her breath, she reached for the knob and flicked the lights back on. Maybe she’d startle him into leaving.

   He blinked several times but didn’t move.

   Oh, this was crazy. She didn’t have time to deal with an insane bear. Should she honk her horn or try to drive closer to intimidate him? She bit her lip and gingerly pressed the horn. No sound came out. Darn it. Taking a deep breath, she planted her hand on the horn, and the sound blared across the forest.

   His right ear twitched.

   Irritation pricked her, and she pressed harder this time, keeping her hand on the horn.

   He waited a couple of beats and then stood to his full height on two legs and growled, showing a full mouth of sharp teeth. The fur rose along his back, puffing out.

   Crap. She’d made him angry. “Sorry,” she whispered, releasing the horn as if she’d been burned.

   He roared again, this time louder, looking like he could rip the car apart if he so chose. Could he? What if he rammed her? Bear against car? Right now, she wasn’t sure she’d win.

   She had to get out of there. Lights and horn didn’t work. There was only one other possibility since she couldn’t go around him. The trees were too thick on both sides of the road, as if he’d chosen the perfect place to stop her. Which was impossible. She gently stepped on the gas and rolled toward the animal.

   He dropped to all fours, staring right at her.

   It was silly, but she swept her hand out wildly. “Get out of the way,” she whispered, trying to wave him away.

   He cocked his head, and one of his ears twitched.

   She continued toward him at a slow roll. Why wouldn’t he just move? The car kept moving toward him, and when she was about three feet away, he lifted to his full height again, roaring wildly. She slammed the brakes again. A slightly hysterical laugh bubbled up from her chest. “Get out of the way!” she yelled, about to lose it.

   He dropped back down and snorted, looking even more powerful and dangerous this close.

   Her door was ripped open, and a strong hand yanked her into the storm. She yelped and slipped in the mud, pivoting as she was planted against the car, her butt to the back door. Sam loomed over her, fury cascading off him in waves.

   Her mouth gaped open even as pine needles scattered against her side. “Sam.”

   “Yeah. I cannot believe you stabbed me.” In the storm, his eyes looked more black than green.

   She shook uncontrollably and looked down the empty roadway. “How did you get here?”

   “I ran,” he growled.

   There was no way. Not only had she stabbed the guy, but nobody could run that fast. “I don’t understand.”

   He shook her with restrained violence, not hurting her but definitely scaring the crap out of her. “You pierced my kidney and my colon. That was a kill strike.”

   She shoved him, unable to stop herself. “You kidnapped me. What did you expect?”

   “I didn’t hurt one hair on your head.” He towered over her, the heat of his body warming her despite the storm.

   “Yet,” she yelled, no longer thinking clearly. The bear growled and she shook her head, spraying water, looking at the animal who seemed to be watching the entire scene. This was truly insane. “You have a bear for a pet? One who can block the road?”

   The bear looked at her like she was nuts. Then, in front of her eyes, his fur receded, his snout narrowed, and soon a muscled and very naked man stood in the rain. His hair was shaggy and the same color as the fur, and his eyes were a pissed off honey brown. A tattoo of sharp talons covered his left bicep and shoulder, looking like part of a dragon. Was the rest on his back? “Pet? Do I fucking look like somebody’s pet?” he snapped.

   Her brain shut off. Completely. She was pretty sure Sam caught her before she hit the ground, but at this point, she no longer cared. Unconsciousness was a decent place to land.



Chapter Nine

   The smell of burnt fabric was the first thing that caught her attention. Then a thrumming headache that hurt down to her neck. She remained perfectly still, listening.

   “She’s awake,” a low voice all but growled.

   “I know. Give her a second,” Sam said, his voice familiar at this point.

   She opened her eyelids to find herself on a blanket on Sam’s sofa. Early dawn light had begun to filter through the windows. How long had she been out? That was the first time she’d ever fainted. “What smells like burned cotton?”

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