Home > Immortal's Honor (Dark Protectors #14)(4)

Immortal's Honor (Dark Protectors #14)(4)
Author: Rebecca Zanetti

   His bark of laughter caught her off guard. “Oh, baby. You’re wrong on both counts.”



Chapter Two

   Sam’s head still rang from the blast, and his arm felt like snakes had sunk fangs through every tendon, but he couldn’t stop staring at the female. She was stunning. Curly black hair fell beyond her shoulders, and her full lips, lightly painted a glossy pink, would give any male ideas. Her skin was a light brown with warm golden undertones.

   But her eyes. Those eyes went beyond a human female’s. Oh, she was human, but her enhancements glowed bright in her eyes. The color was an iridescent dark topaz he’d only seen in nature once, in a stone worn as a pendant hanging between the breasts of a queen. Intelligence and kindness glimmered in the depths of her gaze.

   She tilted her head. “Do you mind speaking with me?” Her voice was soft and calm, betraying both intelligence and a slight, very slight, Oklahoma accent.

   “I very much would like to speak with you,” he said, meaning every word. For the moment, he was balanced, so he could let down his guard.

   “Good.” She clasped her hands on the table. Her nails were painted a light pink, and several silver rings decorated her long fingers. “Why did you blow up those buildings?”

   “I didn’t.” Probably. Oh, the energy had gone through him, but since he hadn’t controlled it, he wouldn’t take responsibility.

   She withdrew her hands. Good interrogation tactic. “I can’t speak with you if you lie to me.”

   “I won’t lie to you. Ever,” he vowed. Their interaction would be brief, despite her draw. But he could at least promise her that.

   She lowered her chin and angled her head slightly to the side. Air brushed across his neck, along his jaw, and up into his brain.

   He paused. “What are you doing?”

   “Watching you.”

   No. She’d done more than that. He leaned toward her, and she instantly leaned back. “What are you?”

   Her eyebrows arched. “I told you. I’m a consultant.”

   He centered himself completely and scanned her, letting her essence fill him for a moment. Female. Enhanced human female. Not yet mated. For a second, she’d felt like a witch or a demon destroyer messing with him. But she wasn’t. Just a very talented human female who’d apparently found an avenue to use her gifts. “How long have you known you were different?” he asked. Most Enhanced human females either ignored their gifts or explained them away.

   She blinked. Just once. “We’re all different.” Then she shifted uneasily on her chair, bringing attention to her full breasts. She was dressed appropriately in a light gray suit, but she had a healthy figure, and when she moved, he couldn’t help but notice. “If you didn’t ignite those two buildings today as well as the others during this month, then who did?”

   “I don’t know.” Also the truth, because if he could figure out where this energy to create fire was coming from, he’d get rid of it. “Sorry.”

   “That’s okay.” She angled her body toward him again, rewarding him for speaking with her. She was good at this. “Who was the man who rode into the fire? Was he the one who planted the explosives?”

   “No,” Sam said softly.

   She reached for his hand and gently placed hers over it. “He couldn’t have survived driving into that building, Sam. I’m so very sorry for your loss. Were you close?”

   Her touch was warm, generating energy that crackled between them. He grinned. “What can you get from a touch?”

   She straightened. “Excuse me?”

   “You shouldn’t lie to me, either,” he said, lowering his head and leaning just a little closer to her. She smelled like the mountain laurel flowers, sweet and wild, that grew in sacred places. “That’s the deal. I talk to you and you talk to me.” He’d allow her some control over the situation because this was her job and he was in cuffs. But a guy had to have limits.

   She allowed a smile to curve her lips, once again drawing his focus to her mouth. “I’m good at my job, Sam. While I might not understand how, I can read expressions and feel…tension. I guess. I don’t really know. But you seem like a decent man, and I’d like to help you. Help me to do so.”

   “Okay. Let’s go rapid fire,” he said, flipping his hand around and grasping hers as much as the cuff would allow.

   Her quick intake of breath held more than surprise. “Rapid fire?”

   “Yeah. Favorite color?”

   “Pink,” she said. “You?”

   “Violet blue.” The color of his niece’s eyes and the reason he was in this mess right now.

   Honor nodded. “Why do you blow things up?” She tried to extricate her hand.

   “I don’t. If I never see another explosion or fire again, I’d be content.” He held her palm where he wanted it. “Do you think you’re psychic?”

   Her grin was spontaneous this time. “No. Are you compelled to start fires?”

   “God, no.” He’d never wanted to kiss a woman more, and wasn’t that a pisser? He was leaving soon. “How about empathic?”

   “No.” She sighed. “I don’t think so.” She looked charming and at ease, which made the slide he felt against his brain a bit of an insult.

   He mentally shoved her out.

   She drew back on the chair, surprise lightening her eyes.

   “You okay?” he asked.

   “Yes.” Now confusion cluttered the brightness there.

   Oh, she knew she had skills, even if she didn’t understand them. Apparently she was willing to use them. “Can you read minds?” Would she tell the truth?

   “No.” She shook her head. “Sorry. Nobody can read minds.”

   He sensed she was telling the truth. Many demons could read minds, and they could plant pain and excruciating scenes inside minds, but she wasn’t a demon. “Man, I wish I could get to know you,” he said, truly meaning it. This time he let her remove her hand from his.

   “Then let’s get to know each other,” she offered. “If you work with me, I can help you.”

   He was tempted for no other reason than he wanted to know more about her. Unfortunately, from the sound of heavy footsteps down the hallway that she couldn’t yet hear, he knew he was about to get sprung.

   * * * *

   The door opened and Honor jumped. Bill walked inside, his blond hair ruffled and his brown eyes pissed. Behind him came another behemoth of a man. This guy wore a tailored gray suit, Italian loafers, and a white dress shirt beneath a silky blue tie. His hair was messy around his ears in a way no over-the-counter product could create, and tinted glasses veiled his eyes. His briefcase probably cost more than her apartment.

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