Home > Soar High (Sons of the Survivalist #4)(11)

Soar High (Sons of the Survivalist #4)(11)
Author: Cherise Sinclair

The two children appeared, detouring to show Kit the basket of eggs, before crossing the courtyard to the houses.

“The eggs go to Bull’s house today. He gets extra cuz you and your mom live there now,” Regan told Aric. Followed by the boy and Bull’s dog, Gryff, Regan led the way up onto the deck to set the basket on a shelf. She and Aric stopped to pet her giant furball of a cat who’d perched on the railing to supervise.

Hawk shook his head. The Hermitage sure had changed in the last year. The sarge had been one paranoid survivalist-type to begin with. Then, having illegally brought Hawk, Gabe, Bull, and Caz to Alaska from a California foster home, he’d grown even more cautious. When he’d moved to Rescue, the only people permitted on the property were his four sons and Doc Grayson. Later, he’d allowed Dante, an old Vietnam vet friend, to visit and then…Lillian.

Hawk had to admit it’d been a shock to learn that Mako and Lillian had been lovers.

“Way to go, Sarge.” Hawk lifted his Coke in a toast.

But the sarge had crossed the river, and shit was changing.

Gabe had started the upheaval. A year ago, Audrey had arrived in Rescue, running from a hitman. The sweet, brainy librarian had surprising courage, and Gabe had fallen hard.

Then, needing help in the police station, Gabe brought in Officer Jayden at the same time Caz had discovered he had a kid. Regan was a hell of a gutsy little girl—and had almost killed herself trying to rescue that stray cat from a fucking blizzard. Good kid.

And JJ was a good woman, as Caz had learned.

Last spring, Bull rescued the brown mutt—a Bernese mountain-shepherd mix—from an asshole who was into dogfighting. Gryff deserved better. So, the Hermitage acquired a damn dog.

Couple of months ago, Frankie came to Alaska to rescue Kit and Aric. Hawk smirked. The New Yorker had a temper, and when she started swearing in Italian, it was the funniest thing he’d ever seen. She and Bull fit perfectly.

Now, Kit and Aric were here. The Hermitage was getting fucking crowded.

Aric trotted off Bull’s deck, collected a hug from his mother, and started for Hawk’s place, undoubtedly for another covert check.

Hawk raised a hand.

Startled, the kid stood for a second as if to ensure Hawk wasn’t planning to do anything unexpected—like leave—then ran to rejoin Regan.

Regan had grabbed a camera case off Caz’s deck. “Hey, Aric, Papá gave me his camera, so we can take pictures of the baby ducks. I can take pictures of you an’ your mom too.” The girl turned to Kit for permission since they had a rule of no kids near the water without an adult watching.

Kit nodded and angled in that direction.

Good mom.



Chapter Four



Make yourself a sheep and the wolves will eat you. ~ Ben Franklin


On Sunday evening, Kit followed Frankie across the Hermitage courtyard, and her heartrate increased at the number of people on the patio.

No, no, there weren’t so many. Really.

The logic didn’t help.

One by one, she named them, trying to convince herself to relax.

Bull was grilling freshly caught salmon.

In a cute chef’s hat, ten-year-old Regan was helping him. It was adorable how much she looked like her father, Cazador, who stood nearby.

Prior to her rescue, Caz had set her arm—before Obadiah broke it a second time. The dark-haired, dark-eyed nurse practitioner had been kind, his hands gentle, as he asked her how she’d been hurt. However, with Aric held hostage in the PZ compound, she’d had to lie.

Beside Caz was his girlfriend, JJ. About Kit’s height, but far more muscular, the police officer had a strong face, neck-length, curly auburn hair, and bright turquoise eyes. She and Audrey had visited Kit in the hospital to reassure her that they’d help care for Aric.

Rescue’s librarian, blonde Audrey, stood at the other end of the picnic table with her fiancé, Gabe. A big man with a rough-hewn, cynical face, the chief of police was JJ’s boss.

His eyes narrowed when he saw Kit.

Fear jolted through her, and her feet came to a halt.

Living in Bull’s house, she’d gotten used to Bull and his size—as long as he didn’t move too fast. Although shorter, Gabe was even scarier.

Audrey slapped Gabe’s arm and said something to him. He blinked, and his expression changed. They both moved forward.

Heaven help her, but she wanted to run. I will not flee.

Tensing, she held her ground.

Eyes filled with sympathy, Audrey said, “When I first got to Rescue, Gabe looked at me with his I’m-a-mean-old-cop expression, and I almost ran too.”

Kit’s mouth dropped open, and her stomach went tight. “Don’t—” But he didn’t backhand his girlfriend for hitting him or for the insult.

No, he wouldn’t. Normal people didn’t act like that.

She pulled in a breath. Although she’d lived only months with the PZs, somehow, they’d warped her world.

After another quick breath, she managed to smile at the police chief. “Forgive me, please. Your…expression…is quite effective.”

“All the better to scare the bad guys with.” His grin was rueful and charming. “I didn’t mean to use it on you. Sorry. I’m glad you’re finally here and out of rehab.”

At the sincerity in his blue eyes, she relaxed. “Me too.” She tried to keep the quaver out of her voice. “Thank you so very much for your part in my rescue.”

He blinked, then shook his head. “I’m only sorry we didn’t make it in before you got so hurt.”

He’d risked his life, yet felt bad the rescue hadn’t been faster? Her fear drained away. “Bones heal. You got the children out. Got Aric out. If there is ever anything I can do for any of you, you have it.”

“Just work on getting better.” He grinned at her. “I’d been wanting to shut those bast—” Audrey’s elbow impacted his ribs, and he grunted and amended his words. “Uh, those PZs down since I met the first one. I’m grateful Frankie let us help.”

She could hear the sincerity in his voice. He really was a nice person, wasn’t he? All of them were—and they’d saved her, and even more importantly, her son.

Averting her gaze, she blinked away tears. Where was her son?

There, on the other side of the patio with Hawk.

Tall, broad shouldered, with his sleeves rolled up over muscular forearms to reveal those amazing tattoos, Hawk was helping Aric throw a ball for Gryff to retrieve.

As if he’d felt her gaze, Hawk turned. His eyes sharpened, probably at the tears in her eyes.

At her slightly wavery smile, he gave her a chin-lift.

Aric bounced, waving his hand at her to get her to come over.

“I guess I’d better see what’s going on. Excuse me.” After smiling at Audrey and Gabe, she joined him. “What’s up, honey bear?”

His eyes got wide and uncertain.

Hawk frowned before making an interrogative sound. Did the man have a restricted number of words he was allowed to use in a day?

Still, it was wonderful he could read Aric so accurately.

Reluctantly, she explained what had worried her son. “Obadiah ordered me to only use Aric’s name. He said endearments—especially from a woman—would weaken a man.”

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