Home > Soar High (Sons of the Survivalist #4)(82)

Soar High (Sons of the Survivalist #4)(82)
Author: Cherise Sinclair

Oh heavens, he really did love her. Enough to offer to move to Anchorage—somewhere she knew he wouldn’t like.

Yet he’d set boundaries. He wouldn’t do something truly unhealthy for him or Aric—and she loved his honesty.

His beard was soft beneath her fingers as she caressed his cheek. “I think that’s more than I’ve ever heard you say at once.”

He shrugged.

Aaaand there he was again, her word-stingy warrior.

“You took me by surprise.” She didn’t even need to ask her son what he wanted. He’d loved the deadly ex-merc from the very beginning. “Of course, we’ll move in.”

Tugging her man down, this time, she took her own kiss and took a moment to savor the joy spilling like warm rain from the air and welling up from the ground.

“Because we love you, Hawk. Both of us.”



Chapter Thirty-Three



Good job. You men got the makings of a fine team. ~ First Sergeant Michael “Mako” Tyne


For fuck’s sake. The school’s parking lot was so full, Gabe had to park well down the street. Cars lined the shoulder of the gravel road. Had the entire population of Rescue shown up for this event? “There are a lot more people here than we expected.”

“Poor Chief. You sound so grouchy.” Laughing, Audrey slid out of his Jeep before he could walk around and help her.

He was looking forward to the days when she’d be so big, she’d need an assist. Being a wise man, he kept that thought to himself.

Instead, he took her hand and laced their fingers together. “Actually, I think it’s great the town is so invested in our children.”

As they walked down the side of the road, he smiled down at her. The afternoon sun brought out the golden colors of her hair and lightened her gray eyes to silver. Her blue hoodie displayed the graphic, Come to the nerd side. We have Pi.

His highly-educated, research-loving librarian was fucking adorable. No wonder the town loved her.

They walked through the gate of the newly installed fence onto the school grounds. There were children everywhere and adults carrying food, blankets for picnicking, and drinks. The light breeze carried the scent of charcoal and grilled meat.

Off to one side, the Roadhouse servers were clustered around Bull. Spotting Gabe, his brother broke off and strode over. “The place looks good, doesn’t it?”

“It does.” Sarge’s Investment Group—aka SIG—the corporation they’d set up to manage Mako’s investments and properties, had donated the one-story house and the land it sat on. At the edge of town, the property had plenty of acreage for the school to grow.

Last fall, the news coverage about the school-destroying earthquake and landslide had brought in a flood of money. It’d taken until now to remodel the house into the school administration building and add the four new portable classrooms around it. The construction of the playground and athletic field was nearly finished.

In celebration of the beginning of classes last week, the school was having a Sunday afternoon open house and celebration.

Perfect timing, really. This morning, termination dust had sprinkled the tops of the mountains with white. It was September, and summer was officially over.

Bending, he kissed Audrey’s soft hair, breathing in her light citrus scent. By next summer, there would be three of them.

“Uncle Gabe, Uncle Bull, Audrey!” Regan ran across the grassy grounds followed by her small pack of children and Gryff. His niece was a natural leader, and Gabe couldn’t be prouder. “Come and see our classroom first.”

Herded by the kids, they started with the third-through-fifth-grades’ classroom. Ms. Wilner, the same teacher Regan had last year, was standing beside her desk, talking with visitors.

With a warm smile, she hugged Audrey, then looked her over carefully. “Thank goodness, you’re all right. I’m sorry I didn’t stay longer at the party. I could have helped; I’m a good shot.”

Gabe stared at the curly-headed instructor who was very clearly sincere. She would have willingly put her life at risk to defend others.

Back in L.A., he’d quit the force when it seemed as if the entire civilian population was against him. Here, his problem would be keeping the civilians from getting killed when trying to help.

Damn, he loved this town.


Standing to one side of the grounds, Kit was darned glad that Knox and Chevy had caged off her new landscaping plants last weekend. She’d been thinking only of keeping moose from nibbling, but boy, the mob today would have trampled her knee-high baby shrubs and slender trees.

But the crowd provided an excellent chance to observe the flow of people on the property and make plans.

That curve there should definitely be turned into a pathway.

The area just below the rise cried out for a shade tree and a comfy bench for a student or teacher who wanted a little quiet time.

“Ms. Sandersen?” a man called.

Tensing at an unfamiliar voice, Kit turned.

A businessman with white hair and a receding hairline stood at a polite distance.

She was apparently still a bit nervy after last weekend, wasn’t she? Get it together, Kit. She was not only in a crowd, but…she had backup, as Hawk would call it.

JJ, who was patrolling the crowd, was veering closer.

Chatting with Principal Jones, Bull had his gaze on Kit.

On the playground, Hawk was pushing Aric on a swing…and watching. He glanced at the white-haired man, then grinned.

Okay then. Kit smiled. “Yes, I’m Ms. Sandersen. Can I help you?”

“I’m hoping you can.” He held his hand out. “I’m John Biese, and I handle the facilities and grounds management at McNally’s Resort.”

She shook his hand, pleased that his handshake was all business. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“I have to admit to poor behavior. The COO and I were eating lunch—and eavesdropping—when you were telling Hawk what you would change about the resort’s landscaping.” He gave her a rueful smile.

She winced. How badly had she criticized the grounds? “I’m sorry?”

“No, your ideas were spot on. I asked around about your job history and think you might be a good match for us. As it happens, our grounds manager’s wife hates Alaska.”

Hate Alaska? Kit’s gaze took in the rolling forests and the gorgeous mountains christened with the first snow. Around her were the townsfolk, everyone here to support their school. Who could hate this paradise?

Kit tried for a polite response. “I’ve heard that not everyone likes this state.”

But what did this man mean by her being a good match for McNally’s?

“Unfortunately, that means they’re moving back to Kansas.” Biese spread his hands. “If you’re interested, I’d like to set up a time to discuss the position of grounds manager for the resort.”

Just like that, her breathing went away for the winter.

Breathe, fool. She inhaled and kept her voice even. “I’d definitely be interested.”

“Excellent.” He pulled out a card and handed it to her. “If you could call and schedule an appointment with my admin, we can go over what we’re hoping to accomplish. I told him I hoped to hear from you, so he’ll be expecting a call.”

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