Home > Beyond the Play (Out of Reach #3)(29)

Beyond the Play (Out of Reach #3)(29)
Author: Kaylee Ryan

“Come on now. You’re a professional baseball player. The world is at your fingertips.”

“The world might be, but you haven’t been. Not until today.”

“Who knew Holden Bailey could be sweet?” she teases, a little more awake.

“Only for you, Parker. Only for you.” I lean down and place a kiss on the corner of her mouth. “Sweet dreams, beautiful. Good luck with your exams this week. Text me and let me know how you did.” I expect her to argue that I’ve done enough, so her reply surprises me.

“Okay. I’ll talk to you tomorrow?” she asks softly.

I lean close again. “Yes. And every day after that,” I assure her. This time, I kiss her lips. It’s a soft, quick press, but it lights me on fire just as our kiss at the club did that night.

I stand and walk away. I have to, or I won’t leave. When I reach the door, she calls out my name. I turn to look at her. My hand grips the door handle so hard I fear I might rip it off. I want to climb in that bed beside her and hold her all night long. Something I’ve never done, but I want to with her. “Yeah?”

“Text me when you get home. So I know you’re safe. It’s late.”

“It’s just after ten, and I don’t want to wake you.”


I never had a chance of not doing what she asked. “Okay.” With that final word, I release my hold on the door handle and walk out of her room, pulling the door closed. Autumn isn’t in the living room, so I turn off the lights, make sure the door is locked, checking it again once I’m in the hallway, and force my feet to carry me to my truck.








“Time’s up,” Professor Hawkins says from his spot in front of the class.

I set my pencil down and smile. I had enough time to review my answers twice, so I feel good. Confident. It’s been that with each final I’ve taken this week, and this is the last one. I’m officially free for winter break, and I’m not the least bit worried about my grades. I’m confident I passed. I owe that to Holden. Every question throughout the week reminded me of him and our study session. I wonder if I can convince him to be my study partner next semester too.

I’m one semester away from being a college graduate. The past four years have flown by, and now I’m ready for whatever comes next. Uncle Drew offered me a position with the Blaze PR team, and although I don’t want a handout, Paisley reminded me that Uncle Drew wouldn’t do that. He did the same for her, and she earned her spot. Although, he might change his mind when he finds out I’ve been hanging out with one of his players. From what I remember, he was cool with Cam and Paisley being together, so maybe it will be okay. Besides, Holden and I aren’t together. Not really. We’re friends at best. Friends who apparently kiss each other good night and text all day, every day.

This week has been more than I ever could have expected. Monday morning, as I was stepping out of our apartment to go to my first class, Holden was there waiting for me. He had coffee and a muffin in hand. When I asked him what he was doing there, his reply was simple. He said he wanted to see me and to wish me luck. He walked me to my car with his hand on the small of my back and my bag thrown over his shoulder. He didn’t try to kiss me again when I climbed behind the wheel. He handed me my goodies, told me to kick ass, and stepped back, watching me drive away.

I haven’t seen him since then, but every morning I’ve had a text from him wishing me luck and then more throughout the day. I’m definitely seeing a side of Holden Bailey I never knew existed. I feel bad for judging him, and at some point soon, I need to apologize for that.

Slipping into my coat, I grab my purse and my bag and head to the front of the room to turn in my final. Professor Hawkins stands vigil over the room, his thinning hair sticking up haphazardly all over his head and his tiny reading glasses perched at the end of his nose. He makes me smile. Hell, everything this week makes me smile. I’m refusing to think about why. He consumes enough of my thoughts as it is.

Pushing on the metal door, the chilly December air slices through me immediately. I pick up my pace as I head toward my car. I’m officially finished with this semester. Pulling my coat up around my neck to try to ward off some of the cold, I keep my head down, hoping that helps. When I get to my car, I see two boot-covered feet. Very big feet. I stop and look up to find Holden leaning against my car with his feet crossed at his ankles.

“You were supposed to text me,” he says in greeting.

“I was going to once I got in the car. It’s freezing-ass cold out here.”

“Come on, my truck’s running, and I’m taking you to lunch.” He reaches for my hand, and I let him lead me to his truck that’s parked beside my car that I didn’t even notice. He pulls open the passenger door, and the heat surrounds me. “Buckle up,” he says before closing the door and rushing to the driver's side.

I place my hands over the vents to warm them up. “I don’t remember it being this cold in December,” I tell him when he slides behind the wheel, bringing a gust of cold wind with him.

“Yeah, the news said we’re having lower than normal temperatures right now.” He reaches over and takes my hands in his, brings them to his lips, and blows. “How was your final?” he asks.

I smile at him. “Good. I finished early and read over my answers twice. I knew the material.”

“Of course you did.”

“What are you doing here?” I ask him.

“Well, I drove around campus until I saw your car and just so happened to find a spot right next to you. Luck is on my side today.” He winks.

“Who did you have to sign an autograph for?” I ask him.

He laughs. “Some guy. He recognized me right away, and apparently, he’s my biggest fan. A little chitchat and a signed notebook later, he gave me his spot.”

“I bet he was curious as to why you wanted this particular parking spot. You better be careful, Bailey. Rumors are going to fly.”

“Yeah?” he asks as he leans over the console. “Too bad these windows are tinted. We could really give them something to talk about.” He winks, closing the distance and dropping a kiss to my cheek before falling back into his seat. “He was curious. I told him I was waiting for my girl.” His words make me warm and tingly all over, and the cold outside is long forgotten.

“So, where are we going?”

“I wanted to take you to celebrate. I thought we could grab a late lunch. Besides, I was having Parker withdrawals. I haven't seen you since Monday. That’s far too long, sweet pea. Far too long.”

“Where are you taking me?” I ask, reaching for my seat belt.

“Wherever you want to go.”

I pretend to think about it when I already know what I want. “How about Mexican? I think this deserves a margarita or two.” I smile. Before he can answer, my phone rings. I dig it out of my purse and show him it’s Autumn calling. “Hey,” I greet her.

“We’re done!” she yells, making me laugh and pull the phone away from my ear. “It’s time to celebrate. Where are you?”

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