Home > Beyond the Play (Out of Reach #3)(6)

Beyond the Play (Out of Reach #3)(6)
Author: Kaylee Ryan

“To find out what?” I counter.

“Love you, Parker.” She makes a kissing noise, and then the call goes silent.

I’m pulling up my favorites list to call Peyton when my phone rings, and I see the image of my baby sister smiling back at me. “Hey, I was just getting ready to call you.”

“Let me guess, Paisley?” she asks.

“Yep. Did she call you too?”

“No, but she sent me a text that said you were picking me up to take both of us to Mom and Dad’s and that I needed to call you to make sure you were up and moving.”

“It’s noon. Dinner isn’t until five. We have plenty of time,” I assure her.

“I’m guessing she woke you up too?”

“Yep. I didn’t get home until late last night, and it’s Sunday. I’m sleeping in.”

“I think you’ve already slept in, Parker.” She chuckles. “Anyway, I was up late too. Karina and I were making plans for spring break.”

“Nice. However, the planning isn’t going to be the issue. It’s convincing Dad to let you go.”

“Well, I have you, Mom, and Paisley on my side, so I’m sure we can convince him. Besides, you and Paisley have softened him up over the years. I’m not worried.”

“Such confidence, baby sister,” I tease.

“Yeah, yeah. Get your ass moving and come and get me.”

“We have five hours.”

“I want to go early to get some laundry done. It’s so much better than the dorms.”

“Fine. I’ll be there in an hour. Wait, make that two,” I amend, and she chuckles.

“If you’re not here by two, I’m calling Autumn.” It’s a threat that we both know holds merit. Autumn isn’t above dumping water on my head to wake me up. She did exactly that freshman year. However, it was a different circumstance. I’d been up late studying, so when I finally fell asleep and Dad called to tell me that Paisley was in labor, I didn’t hear my phone. Autumn, on the other hand, did. Apparently, she was having a “good” dream, and trust me, you don’t want to know. She was mad she got interrupted and poured a bottle of water I had on my nightstand over my head to wake me up.

“Fine,” I grumble. “I’ll be there.”

“What did you do last night?” she asks.

“Autumn and I met up with some friends at The Outfield.”

“You mean the club and not the actual outfield, right?” She laughs.

“The club.”

“Sucks you have to be twenty-one to get in,” she comments. Peyton is a freshman, and although I know many students who had fake IDs, I’m not going to encourage my baby sister to do so. Besides, I’d never forgive myself if something happened to her because I gave her the access to get it.

“Meh, it’s not all that great. I’m sure you and Karina had more fun hanging out in your dorm.”

“Are you telling me you didn’t have a good time?” she asks.

An image of Holden with his front molded to my back as his hands roamed my body while we were on the dance floor flashes through my mind. “Sure,” I finally admit. “We had a good time, but nothing spectacular happened.”

“No?” she questions. “Was that your twin I didn’t know you had that had Holden Bailey’s hands all over her.”

Deny. Deny. Deny. “That’s crazy.” Not much of a denial, but it’s the best I’ve got.

“I saw the picture. There were a few freshmen there with fakes, and they saw you. They knew you were my sister and texted it to me. In fact.” I hear a beep, and I don’t bother to pull my phone away from my ear. I know she’s sent it to me. “I just sent it.”

“Yeah, we danced,” I confess. I can’t really lie my way out of this one with photographic evidence.

“Is that what the kids are calling it these days?” she teases.

“Hush. It was a dance. We got caught up in the moment. It was nothing.”

“Looks like something,” Peyton retorts.

“I need to shower so I can pick you up. I’ll talk to you soon.” At this, my sister howls with laughter.

“Fine. Pretend it didn’t happen. I’ll get it out of you. See you soon, Parker,” she says before ending the call.

I fight myself for about two seconds before I open her message and look at the picture she sent. It’s of Holden and me on the dance floor. Our bodies are molded together. His hands are resting just above my ass, dangerously low, and my hands are wrapped around his neck. His head is tilted toward mine, and I’m staring at him like he’s the best thing since sliced bread. You can see and even feel the chemistry sparking between us in the picture. I might not be willing to be the next notch on his bedpost, but even I can admit that we look hot together.

I stare at the picture for far too long before getting the courage to hit the delete button. After giving Holden Bailey enough of my thoughts since last night, I refuse to give him more.

Tossing my phone on the bed, I huff out a breath and throw off the covers. Time to get my tired ass moving. I spent way too much time not only thinking but dreaming of Holden Bailey last night. He doesn’t get my daytime thoughts too.



Thankfully, Peyton was on a call the entire ride to Mom and Dad’s. Something about a project for poli-sci, and she’s been trying to connect with her partner for a few days. I send up a silent thank-you to whoever happens to be looking out for me. I wasn’t ready, and I don’t think I will ever be ready to talk about Holden and last night.

“Don’t think I’m letting you off the hook,” Peyton whispers, just as we’re walking into the house.

I ignore her and make my way to the kitchen. My nephew, Jett, spots me right away and gives me a big grin. “Pawker!” he cheers.

“Hey, buddy.” I try to take him from Cameron, but he’s not having it. He circles his arms around his daddy’s neck, and Cameron grins, snuggling him close. “You missed Daddy, huh?” I push his hair back out of his eyes.

“Pey!” Jett exclaims, still holding on to his dad.

“Jettster.” Peyton offers him her fist, and he bumps his tiny one into hers.

“Whatever we’re eating smells delicious.”

“Nothing fancy. Just chicken alfredo, salad, and rolls,” Mom says, pulling me into a one-armed hug. “You too.” She points at Peyton when she releases me.

“Duchess.” Dad opens his arms for me, and I don’t hesitate to hug him tight. “You don’t come home enough.”

“Dad, I’m here once a week. Minimum.”

“That’s not enough,” he says as he shifts his stance and opens his other arm for Peyton. “Lady,” he says. I can hear the smile and affection in his voice.

“Let’s eat,” Mom announces.

“You heard my queen.” Dad releases us. Walking to stand behind Mom, he places his hands on her hips and kisses her neck.

You’d think we’d be grossed out by it, but it’s the opposite. My sisters and I grew up watching my dad show our mom and us what love is. I’ll never settle for anything less. I want that kind of love in my life. A man who looks at me like my father looks at my mother. A man who loves me the way Cameron loves my sister. Soul deep and never-ending. That’s what I’m holding out for.

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