Home > On the Sweet Side (Wish #3)(26)

On the Sweet Side (Wish #3)(26)
Author: Audrey Carlan

   I shrugged. “I don’t need much.”

   “Actually, I have another idea and we’d need to chat with Suda Kaye about it, but it might be cool and it’s definitely safer for you moving between buildings.”

   “What do you mean?”

   “Let’s go downstairs and I’ll show you,” he said.

   I followed him down but hollered to Jas that we would be downstairs checking things out, not that he cared. The man was a kid in a candy store.

   We made it down the stairs, through the kitchen and over to the front of the space.

   “This wall is shared with Suda Kaye. We could tear through the wall here, and it would end up in her stock room. Out of the way, but easier access for you to get to your apartment without having to leave through the back or front door, go into her store and then up to the apartment.”

   “Okay, I guess. I mean, it’s not really a big deal to me.”

   “You will feel differently when you need to show up at six a.m. and it’s still dark outside.”

   I pursed my lips and thought about it. He wasn’t wrong. The back didn’t seem scary in the daylight, but it could if I was by myself. A woman could never be too careful. At least that was what my fathers drilled into me at a young age.

   Kyson walked over to the space near the open windows. “Now, expand your mind a little. If we opened up this wall between the bakery and Gypsy Soul, maybe two doors wide, you could come and go easily. The door to your apartment is actually closer to the front. Though it’s kind of hidden since she’s painted it the same color as the dark walls.”

   “Wouldn’t that be weird? Having our spaces connected?”

   He lifted a shoulder. “Would it? I mean, you’d have more time to go back and forth and chat, but also her patrons and yours could come and go between the stores. Meaning, you might catch some of hers and she yours. When they’re standing in line to get a dessert, they might see a purse or dress they like. And her customers will smell your goodies and maybe get hungry for a treat.”

   “Wow. That is pretty brilliant.” I tapped on my chin as I thought about being able to easily gab with Suda Kaye or dash up to my apartment for whatever reason.

   “We’d have to discuss with her, but I’m guessing easier access to her long-lost sister will make her happy. There’s also the issue of suggesting it to the building owner, which is why I brought it up now. We could make that part of negotiations if this is truly the place you want. And as long as the space can be easily repaired if one or both of you leave and he has to lease again, you can put it in writing that you’d be willing to fix the breezeway if needed.”

   “Sounds like you know your stuff.”

   “I’ve been doing this a while.” He smiled.

   “Oh, yeah?” I said, but it came out breathy.

   He stepped closer to me, lifted his hand and cupped my neck with his big, warm palm. “Yeah. There’s a lot I would like to tell you about me, things I could show you even...”

   I held my breath as he dipped his head closer to my face. “Really?”

   His eyes lit up. “Yeah, if you agree to go out with me Thursday night, I’ll tell you anything you want to know.”

   I closed my eyes and pressed my chin to my chest.

   He squeezed my neck. “What are you afraid of?”

   “No strings. No attachments. Just fun. That’s what you wanted with Suda Kaye, right?” I took a chance telling him the truth.

   He dropped his hand and I missed its warmth instantly. “You’re not Suda Kaye. And a lot has changed in a year.”

   “You made out with my sister. And now you want to date me. Said to my face that you wanted to kiss me.”

   “I do. Very much so.” He took another step closer and I lifted my head to stare into his cerulean-blue eyes. They were dreamy, watery pools and I wanted to wade into them.

   “And what about Suda Kaye?”

   He frowned. “What about her? We kissed...once. I’m not gonna lie and say it wasn’t good. It was. At the time it was fun. She’s a cool girl with a quirky Janis Joplin vibe I like. I went for it. Cam went for it. He won. I didn’t even try to stand in their way. They were meant to be—I could tell the second they got back together. And, Isa, I was perfectly okay with it. There were no expectations. But if I get my shot to kiss a beautiful woman and the time is right, I’m gonna take it and enjoy that experience for what it is. A great freakin’ kiss with a beautiful woman who I’m now friendly with. That’s it. No more, no less. Are you going to let that one experience color the opportunity for something that might be magic between us?”


   “Honestly, I don’t know. The second I laid eyes on you, I wanted to get to know you more. I haven’t felt that feeling in a long, long time.”

   “A year ago...with my sister.”

   He sighed. “Not exactly. There’s something else. Something I want to explore. And I’m asking you to take a leap of faith and go out to dinner. I’m not asking you to jump in my bed, sweetheart. Dinner. A stroll. Who knows? We may find we don’t suit each other at all and that’s okay. If so, you’ll get a nice dinner and a friend out of it. What’s the worst that could happen?”

   My nerves tingled and butterflies took flight in my stomach. I knew what I had to do.


   “Okay?” He tilted his head and focused on me. “As in, okay you’ll go out with me?”

   I nodded. “Thursday. Should I dress up?”

   He grinned wide. “You can wear what you want but I planned on a nice place. A dress on those curves would not go unappreciated.”

   I giggled. Yep, like a little girl. “You’re on.”

   He leaned forward with his hand curled around my hip and pressed his lips to my cheek. “I’m looking forward to spending time alone with you.”

   It took everything I had in me not to shiver but I didn’t want him knowing how much his nearness affected me. I heard feet clomping down the stairs. I stepped back and Kyson reversed a full two feet, bringing his clipboard up in front of him.

   “In order for me to give you a good idea of the cost, we need to discuss what you plan on doing with decor, and the sizing of the ovens and additional equipment my team will need to put in place. However, the biggest expense is going to be the wiring, and the kitchen tiling and cabinetry. The space is better off than I thought it was, especially for what you’re planning on using it for.” He handed me his clipboard and it showed a series of expenditures for wiring, tiling, labor, paint and some empty spots for the expenses depending on the ovens.

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