Home > Stranger's Game(5)

Stranger's Game(5)
Author: Colleen Coble

The first book was on the history of Jekyll Island with the cover depicting the ruins of the Horton House. The pictures of the old days made her pause to read a few tidbits about the club era and the members who used the place as a hunting club during the turn of the century: Rockefeller, DuBignon, Morgan, Vanderbilt, Pulitzer. The prominent names went on and on. There were pictures of lavish dinner parties with ladies in exquisite dresses followed by ones of men with cigars and whiskey glasses in the library.

She flipped through the pages and found nothing suspicious, then laid it on the desk and pulled out the next book, a book about loggerhead turtles. Hailey might be interested in it. The third book was titled The Creature from Jekyll Island and was about the Federal Reserve. She laid it aside to read herself. The next book felt off when she pulled it out. The dust jacket felt loose and too big for the book it covered.

She opened it and gasped when she saw a Moleskine notebook decorated with Lisbeth’s customary swirling design on the outside. She opened it to the first page and recognized her friend’s distinctive writing: half-script and half-printed letters. She lifted it to her nose and inhaled the scent of Versace Bright Crystal, a fragrance Torie had first bought for Lisbeth’s birthday when she was fifteen. She’d kept Lisbeth supplied ever since.

Torie closed her eyes and could see Lisbeth’s smile. She began to tremble and opened her eyes. The notebook shook in her hands. While she’d hoped for a message from her friend, she hadn’t expected to find anything, not really. Whatever Lisbeth had written here had been important enough for her to hide. What did that mean?

Torie carried her find to the sofa, where she settled to read it. The entries appeared to be dated daily, almost like a diary or a recounting of her events. As Torie scanned it, she realized it was a journal of Lisbeth’s first days here. But it felt off somehow. She flipped through the pages, and looking closer, she discovered several pages had been cut cleanly from the book with a razor. Why?

The task of figuring it out felt overwhelming tonight. She was tired, discouraged, and scared of facing her aunt. Even though she told herself she’d feel better after a good night’s sleep, she couldn’t bring herself to believe it. Not right now.

The first entry was dated the day after Lisbeth had arrived, one month ago today.

June 2

Genevieve didn’t recognize me, and I decided not to make myself known to her. There will be time enough for that later. Granted, I was in the back row of the orientation for new employees, but I must admit I felt slighted when her gaze zipped right past my face without so much as a flicker of recognition. To be fair, she wouldn’t have expected to see her niece’s best friend from childhood in that setting, and she also hadn’t seen me in eighteen years, not since Torie had left the island. The last time we’d been eyeball to eyeball was when I was ten. At the orientation I was next to Bella Hansen, who was going to work the front desk. She seemed nice, and I think we’re going to be friends. In fact, I know we are because I found out she’ll be sharing my cottage since there are two bedrooms here. She’s moving in tomorrow.



June 4

I started work today, and I was able to meet the head of IT. It’s too soon to ask about Lily, so I made small talk and flirted a little even though Kyle Ballard gave me the creeps just a little. He reminded me of an orangutan with his spiky red hair and big hands and feet. I didn’t like the amorous way his gaze wandered either. I wanted to grab him by the shoulders and yell, “My face is up here, Bucko.” I was glad I wasn’t wearing a V-neck top or anything revealing. Ick. But he showed me my office, a tiny cubicle in the back. Today Kyle was in and out too much. I have a feeling he’s going to be a problem. Bella moved in yesterday, and we are getting along okay, though I couldn’t help meddling a bit. She’s engaged, but she’s been hooking up with another guy. I caught a glimpse of him outside the door, and I wasn’t impressed. For one thing he’s too old for her. She got mad when I told her it wasn’t right, but I’ve always found it hard to shut up when I should.



June 6

Someone broke into my cottage last night. I didn’t know it until I got up this morning and found the back door standing open. There was a note on the dining table that read, “I KNOW WHO YOU ARE. GO AWAY OR FACE THE CONSEQUENCES.” I cried when I read it because I knew then for sure that something bad had happened to Torie’s mother. If her death was truly an accident, no one would be trying to scare me off. And it made me more determined to find out who was behind this. If I can, maybe Torie can finally move on and have peace.



Torie closed her eyes and inhaled. Lisbeth hadn’t said a word about wanting to find out what had happened to Mom. Was that the real reason she’d come back to the island? She’d told Torie she missed the water and wanted to come back to her hometown. Torie had been happy to arrange a job for her, but she wouldn’t have done it if she’d realized Lisbeth’s true purpose.

Had it gotten her killed?

She should have known though—Lisbeth had told her the reason Torie was so walled off from other people was she’d never dealt with her mom’s death. And maybe it was true, but if probing Mom’s death had led to Lisbeth’s death, it would be an even harder truth to deal with.

Torie jumped when someone knocked at her door. Her heart rate doubled, and her mouth went dry. Could someone have figured out who she was already? She shut the notebook and tucked it down into the sofa before she went to peer through the window.

It was Joe with Hailey. She let out a breath and opened the door to the moon above the palm trees. “Well, hello.”

Joe held up a take-out box. “We ate at Zachry’s Riverhouse, and I decided you needed to know about the best crab cakes around. Hope you like them.”

She took the proffered Styrofoam box. “I love crab cakes.” She opened the door wider. “Want to come in?”

He caught Hailey’s shoulder as she started forward. “Another time. It’s nearly nine, and you want to eat those while they’re hot.”

Hailey scowled but held out a white bag. “I got you chips and salsa too. Want to go look for nests with me tomorrow?”

“I think I can do that,” Torie said. “I don’t start work until Monday so I have a few days to acclimate.”

Joe turned his daughter away from the door. “Enjoy your dinner.”

Torie shut the door behind them, and her stomach rumbled at the aroma wafting from the box. While she wanted to believe he’d brought her a meal out of friendliness, she didn’t quite buy it. Was he suspicious of her already?

The flavor from the crab cakes lingered on her tongue after scarfing them down. She hadn’t realized how hungry she was. Her lids were heavy, and it was hard to think. She’d study more of Lisbeth’s notebook tomorrow.



Chapter 4


The coast was clear. No sign of Aunt Genevieve.

Torie followed the rich scent of espresso and slipped into the coffee shop inside the hotel lobby. She got into the line of five people. Just ahead of her, she spotted the desk clerk from yesterday when she’d checked in. “Bella, isn’t it?”

The blonde turned with a practiced smile. “That’s right. And you’re Torie. Did you get settled into your cottage okay?” Her smile faltered. “It’s a nice place.”

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