Home > Ashes (Men of Inked - Heatwave, #9)(48)

Ashes (Men of Inked - Heatwave, #9)(48)
Author: Chelle Bliss

And for the first time in my entire life, I’m looking forward to the future and seeing a world of possibilities.









Almost One Year Later

Dylan leans over, staring at the small human in my arms, as he sits on the side of the hospital bed. “He’s just so…so…”

“Perfect,” I whisper, trying not to wake the baby. I’m exhausted after being in labor for twelve hours, but never happier than I am in this very moment.

“I was going to say tiny, but we can go with your words too,” he says, smiling. “I mean, his face is smushed and his head is a little lopsided, but if you say he’s perfect, then he is.”

I stare up at my husband, loving and hating his brutal honesty. “Dylan,” I warn, not having my usual sense of humor because I feel as if my body’s been through a war.

He lifts his hand, moving the blanket away from our baby boy’s face. “He’s beautiful like his momma.”

“I don’t feel beautiful,” I mutter, knowing I look like shit because I feel like it too.

Dylan peers up, staring at me the same way he did the first time he told me he loved me. “I’ve never seen a creature more beautiful than you are now. You did something I can never do. You gave me a gift which I can never give to you.”

“Baby, he wouldn’t be in my arms if it weren’t for you. I didn’t make him alone.”

“I didn’t grow him inside me, Ro. I didn’t keep him safe and healthy for the last nine months.”

“You kept us safe and healthy,” I tell him, holding out the baby to Dylan. “Take him.”

Dylan slides his arm underneath our son with ease, having had practice with his younger brothers when he was just a kid himself. “I take it back,” he says to me as I yawn. “He’s perfect.”

I smile, my eyes getting heavy, but I force them to stay open. “He’s like his daddy.”

“Nah, Momma. This one’s all you.”

I relax into the bed, watching my two men together for the first time. “Does he look like a Salvatore?”

There’s a softness on Dylan’s face I usually only see when he’s looking at me. “It fits him perfectly. Your grandfather may have more hair, but I hope our little boy has the same wisdom and heart as the old guy.”

“You better not let him hear you call him old.”

“He’s like a hundred years old, Ro. I think he knows.”

I chuckle and don’t even have the energy to smack him. “He’s not that old.”

Dylan gets up from the bed, holding our little man in his arms. He sways slowly, rocking our little boy gently in his arms. “Welcome to the world, Salvatore Joseph,” he says softly, looking at Sal like he’s the most precious and important thing he’s ever laid eyes on. “I promise to always love and protect you, giving you all the love you deserve and more. You couldn’t have a better mommy.”

“Or daddy,” I add, watching my two men.

“I hope I’m worthy of him, Ro,” Dylan replies, running his fingers over the smattering of strawberry-blond hair on top of Sal’s head. “I had a shit role model.”

“You’re not him, Dylan.”

He peers over at me, staying in constant motion. “I know, love. I know. And if this would’ve happened a year ago, I would’ve been freaking the fuck out, but being part of your family changed me.”

“You were always that man underneath.”

Dylan stops and slides back into the bed with me. “You brought him out, reminding me of who I was. Without you…”

I place my hand on his arm, soaking in the sweet face of our boy. “We never have to worry about what could’ve been. This is how it is supposed to be.”

Dylan shakes his head, smiling from ear to ear. “Salvatore Joseph Gallo,” he whispers in awe.

“There’s something so beautiful about that name.”

“You know your family thinks we’re a little off in the head,” he tells me. “Men don’t usually take their wife’s last name.”

I nod. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

When we went to fill out our marriage license a few days after we found out we were expecting, Dylan made it clear to the county clerk that I wouldn’t be taking his name. He felt Walsh was tainted, and he didn’t want the stigma in town to follow our kid into his future. He insisted that he take my name, passing it down to our children instead, and to say I was beside myself with joy is an understatement.

“You made Dad happy,” I say.

He smiles. “The old guy is a sap for sure.”

“You got major brownie points for that stunt, and I’m pretty sure you can never do any wrong in his eyes anymore.”

“Oh, I’m sure I’ll fuck up at some point.”

“Hello,” Luna says, knocking on the hospital room door as she pops her head inside.

Her hair is a mess, wild and matted on one side, and her lipstick is smeared. “Can we come in?”

“We?” I ask.

She laughs, opening the door for Ian to stick his head inside the room too.

“Nice shade,” Dylan tells his brother as we see where Luna’s lipstick has gone.

“Oh Jesus,” I mumble. “You’re going to give Dad a heart attack.”

Ian lifts his black T-shirt, wiping away what Luna calls the perfect shade of red from his lips. “We were just passing time. We’ve been here for hours.”

“You know,” I say, staring at them with nothing but love, “most people would talk to fill the hours.”

“Not that much to say,” Luna informs me as she walks softly into the room like she’s scared of waking a sleeping giant. “And sex is way more fun too.”

“Can’t argue that,” Ian agrees with her. “I don’t like spending too much time in this place after…” Ian shivers, having spent way too many days and nights inside these walls, battling and eventually overcoming his cancer, thanks to Dylan’s bone marrow.

“I wanted to take his mind off being here,” Luna adds, pulling a small mirror from her purse and fixing her face.

“Mission accomplished,” Ian says, winking at her. “Memories have been changed.”

“You two a couple now?” I ask.

They both shake their heads.

“Just fuck buddies?” Dylan asks.

“It was a one-time thing,” Luna says as she walks up to Dylan and Sal and stares down at her new nephew. “He’s beautiful.”

“Where’re Mom and Dad?” I ask, surprised the room isn’t full of people by now.

“They nodded off in the waiting room, and I didn’t have the heart to wake them. Plus, I was being selfish, wanting a few minutes with my twin before our lives change forever and the insanity starts.”

I lift my arm, motioning for her to come sit with me. “Some things will never change, Lu.”

She leans into me, placing her head against my shoulder. “You’re a mom now, Ro.”

“You will be someday too.”

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