Home > Shielding Sierra (Delta Team Two #7)(39)

Shielding Sierra (Delta Team Two #7)(39)
Author: Susan Stoker

But she came willingly, squirming to get even closer. She buried her face in his neck and they simply held each other.

“I’m going to do everything possible to make you happy,” Grover vowed.

“You already do,” she said, her voice muffled against his skin.

Moving a hand to her nape, Grover marveled yet again at how small she was compared to him, how large his hand looked against her delicate neck. He was aware of her height and weight, the fact that she was petite, but every time he held her close, the fact was hammered home all the more. She’d had such a big personality when they met, an exuberance that was coming back a little more every day, that it was hard to believe it could be contained in a package so small.

She lifted her head, and he stared into her eyes.

“I’m happy,” he told her seriously.

She grinned. “You don’t look it.”

“I’m scared to death,” Grover admitted.

“Of what?”


Sierra looked surprised. “Me? I’m no scarier than a flea.”

“I don’t want to screw this up, and I’m terrified I’ll do or say something that will make you change your mind.”

“Grover, stop it,” she scolded. “I don’t expect you to be perfect, no more than you expect me to be. We’re both going to screw up. We’ll say things we don’t mean and we’ll irritate the hell out of each other. But that won’t mean I like you any less.”

“You’re a hell of a woman, Sierra Clarkson. Don’t ever forget that.”

She smiled shyly. “I’m not all that amazing.”

“Are you kidding? Bean, you survived twelve months of captivity. Not only that, you manipulated those assholes into doing exactly what you wanted them to do.” Grover ran a hand over her head briefly, physical proof of exactly how smart she was. “You didn’t freak out when my team showed up, you did your best to be an asset instead of a liability. Trust me when I say that doesn’t always happen. I’d choose you to be by my side anytime the shit hits the fan.”

Sierra tilted her head, studying him for a long moment before saying, “You really mean that, don’t you?”

“One hundred percent. Your background in psychology means you have the ability to really see people, and you possess an innate skill for figuring out how to get what you need out of them.”

“You mean I’m manipulative,” she said with a smile. “Aren’t you afraid I’m going to turn my so-called abilities on you?”

“Nope. Because if you ever have to resort to those tactics, there’s something seriously wrong. Besides, I’ll bend over backward to give you whatever it is you want, there’s no need to manipulate me into it.”

“What if I want a Maserati?” she asked.

Grover knew she was kidding, but chose to make his point. “Then we’ll talk about what we need to sacrifice in order to be able to afford it.”

“Grover,” she whispered. “That was a joke.”

“I know. But I want you to recognize how serious I am. I won’t always be able to afford the things you want, and I might not be able to move at the drop of a hat, at least not until I retire from the Army…but almost everything’s negotiable.”

“You’re too good to be true,” Sierra said softly.

“Scared of spiders, remember?” Grover teased.

“I’ll protect you from them,” she promised.

Grover couldn’t stand it anymore. “Since we’re now apparently dating…you think I might get a kiss?”

She grinned, but instead of answering, Sierra leaned forward. It didn’t take much, as they were already so close, and the second her lips touched his, Grover was putty in her hands.

The kiss was slow and easy. Intimate and loving. Grover knew there would be time for out-of-control passion later, but here, in this relaxed setting, for their first real kiss as a couple, he wanted to take his time.

Despite that, they were both breathing hard when she pulled back, and when she writhed against him subtly, he realized she was just as turned on as he was. Grover was no longer embarrassed by his erection pressing against her. She didn’t seem fazed.

Licking his lips, Grover could taste the tea she’d had with her lunch. It was intimate, and he was almost overwhelmed with emotion. He made a mental vow to never let this woman down. She’d been through hell and deserved the best life had to offer. The best he had to offer.

Sierra sighed with a small smile, then leaned forward once more, resting her cheek on his shoulder. Her warm breath caressed the skin of his neck and he relaxed into the chair. Using a foot, he pulled a small footstool closer and lifted his legs.

They both snuggled into each other as he got comfortable. The trees swayed in a slight breeze and in the distance, they could hear Melba mooing, probably for attention or treats.

“Thank you for coming here with me,” Sierra said after a moment.

“You’re welcome.”

“Brick and his friends have an amazing place. I hope it helps everyone else as much as it did me.”

“Me too,” Grover said.

After a minute or two of companionable silence, Sierra asked, “Do you really think those militia people are going to be trouble?”

“Yeah, Bean. I do. Don’t ask me when or how, but something in my gut says that they’ve gone too far to back down now. They’re going to want to do something to show the world they’re serious about their anti-government agenda. And what better way to do that than to mess with the largest military post in Texas?”

Sierra hugged him tight. “Are you and your team going to have to go up against them?”

“I don’t know. I hope not.” Grover didn’t like the idea of going up against American citizens. But the bottom line was that if they escalated their harassment, they could become a terrorist threat.

He couldn’t help but think about some of the other domestic terrorist attacks. Patrick Crusius, the man who killed twenty-three people at an El Paso Walmart; the many attacks on synagogues and mosques; the Portland, Oregon, stabbing of several people on a train by a man while screaming he was a “taxpayer and had first amendment rights”; the Pulse nightclub shooting in Florida; the Boston Marathon bombing; Joe Stack, who flew his plane into the IRS building in Austin. Even the shooting in two thousand and nine on Grover’s own military base, where a major killed thirteen people.

There was so much hate in the world. It grieved him that he might be called to take up arms against his fellow countrymen.

But at this moment, in this place, all was right in Grover’s world.

He honestly hadn’t thought he’d find a woman to love like his friends had, even after meeting Sierra a year ago, despite his immediate interest. He’d had some good talks with the therapist here at The Refuge, and was making strides toward relinquishing the guilt he felt about not looking for Sierra earlier. He’d always hold some guilt in his heart, he guessed, but was doing his best to not let it consume him.

Sierra was doing amazingly well, and by some miracle, that spark they’d initially felt was still there. And she was moving to Texas.

Tuning out the noise in his head about militia groups, protests, and guilt, Grover closed his eyes and enjoyed this moment with the woman who was fast becoming the most important person in his life.

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