Home > Beautiful Nightmares (Fortuna Sworn #4)(82)

Beautiful Nightmares (Fortuna Sworn #4)(82)
Author: K.J. Sutton

His demeanor was almost… cordial. It took me a moment to think of the word because it had never applied to Nuvian before. My mind raced to figure out what the catch was. Unsurprisingly, Laurie caught on before I did. “We humbly request a show of hospitality before we present ourselves, Sir Nuvian,” he demurred. “In our current state, we’re not fit company for a queen.”

“I agree, but there must be no more delay,” the other male said, sounding anything but regretful. “If you’re her welcome ally, as you claim, she’ll want to see you straightaway.”

With that, he turned on his heel and walked away. The others immediately moved into formation, their leather armor creaking into the stillness.

I gritted my teeth and started after them, knowing any arguments would be futile. Nuvian wanted to humiliate me for that little scene I’d made with the werewolves. Well, the joke was on him—I didn’t give a shit what any of these faeries thought, no pun intended. Yanking my half-frozen dress off the ground, I lifted my chin and walked faster. Laurie and Gil strode on either side of me.

The pace Nuvian set was so grueling that we reached the other side of the maze in a few minutes. More additions had been made to the Mural of Ulesse, I noted as we strode out of the passageway. New brushstrokes, spanning two walls that formed a corner to the far right of the door, depicted the battle between Viessa and Collith. The two faeries faced each other, arms thrown out, the air between them crackling with ice and fire. His face was hard and grim while hers was twisted in determination. Looking at them now, it seemed impossible that they’d once been lovers.

The image lingered on my mind as our small party walked through the wide, arched doorway.

I’d hoped to never step foot in this room again. The moment I was past the threshold, memories flew at me like a host of furious spirits. I heard a whip coming down, again and again. I felt the weight of that wooden crown land on my head. I saw the blood running from Jassin’s ears, nose, and eyes after I’d killed him. I watched Collith’s face change when he saw me at Viessa’s side the night I gave her his throne. So much fear. So much pain.

To distract myself, I turned my attention to every detail around us, like Finn or Lyari would. The crowd was larger than I thought it would be. Viessa must’ve been throwing a feast, or the fae were celebrating something. Everything was unexpectedly elegant, especially when compared to the first time I’d done this walk. A string quartet played in one corner, and the melody, amongst all the murmurs and tinkling laughter, was distinctly… merry.

Unnerved, I surveyed the clusters of figures surrounding an empty dance floor—I knew it was a dance floor, because the stone flagstones had been covered in perfectly smooth tiles that looked like ice—and pretended not to hear the distressed exclamation of a female who’d detected the stench rolling off my gown. The current style at Court seemed to involve a lot of brown fur, I saw with distaste. Dozens of courtiers wore pieces of it like shawls, and others had made it into dresses. It made an odd contrast with the refined wine glasses and champagne flutes many of them held in their long fingers.

At least Chandrelle and Tarragon look normal enough, I thought as I passed them. I searched for other council members I knew, like the Tongue, Eamon, or Yarrow, but they were curiously absent from this gathering.

It seemed news of our arrival was already spreading. Or, more likely, our foul smell had. Faces turned and wafts of fear filled the air. I half-expected the music to come to a screeching halt. Glad to see they haven’t forgotten me. I almost gave my old subjects a chipper wave and a smile, but then I heard Collith’s voice again, advising me to play nice.

Annoying, hypocritical, self-righteous asshole. Get out of my head.

A fae male, thinking my glare was meant for him, glared right back. His lip curled with contempt. Probably a Tralee or a Daenan, I thought. They hated my guts. The Sarwraeks and Cralynns weren’t my biggest fans, either. Even with Gil and Laurie behind me, I’d need to watch my back every second I was down here. Suddenly I was tempted to kick Laurie in the shin for getting me into this.

I looked away from the sneering faerie and finished my perusal of the room, still following Nuvian. The buffet table was back, its edges decorated in wreaths and silver ribbon. From this vantage point, I could see cooked turkeys, cakes, and platters covered in silver lids. Christmas trees had been placed sporadically around the perimeter of the space, glittering ornaments tucked amongst the green needles. Guardians also lined the walls, and several stood near the enormous pillars holding the ceiling up. I didn’t see Lyari among them. Disappointed, I focused on the front of the room, where the Unseelie Queen sat waiting for us.

Weeks of freedom and food had done Viessa Folduin wonders. She’d also dedicated efforts to changing the dais itself, and the image she presented on that throne. More Christmas trees, more filmy drapery, more plants. Several figures stood behind her, dressed in gossamer clothing of white and silver. The colors perfectly complemented Viessa’s frosty appearance. Ladies-in-waiting, I thought. Most were human, from what I could tell, but there was also a faerie or two.

As for what the queen wore, it was a gown Laurie would’ve chosen for me, if I’d been the one still sitting there. Her front was covered in delicate white lace, allowing generous peeks of the bare skin beneath. A filmy skirt flared against the base of both armrests, glimmering like the surface of a pearl. Viessa’s red hair, which looked brighter than the last time I’d seen it, had been twisted into a simple chignon. It highlighted the complex beauty of her crown. Despite this, I couldn’t help feeling like her ensemble was missing something. But I couldn’t put my finger on it, and I was no Laurie, so I dismissed the thought.

My gaze lowered to take note of the white tiger resting at Viessa’s feet. It was unchained, and its sides were round, as if the animal had recently fed. Its fur gleamed and those black, wicked-looking claws looked as though they’d been manicured. Had Viessa seriously purchased a tiger for an aesthetic flair? I bit my tongue to stop the question from coming out.

Saving me, she spoke a moment later, her voice carrying dramatically through the drafty space. “Welcome back to the Unseelie Court, Fortuna Sworn. Conqueror of the Leviathan, Challenger of the Fearless, and Slayer of the Undead. It’s good to see you again, friend.”

“Good to see you, too,” I replied, my lips twitching. So this was Viessa’s move—using me just as Collith had. Holding me up as a potential threat against those who opposed her rule. Better not bite me, or I’ll sic my pet Nightmare on you.

Once we were nearly upon the dais, the queen rose to her feet. Her earrings glittered like two small stars. “Allow me to show you to the guest quarters. Nuvian should have done it upon your arrival, and for that, I apologize.”

I had to give her credit—she was a good actress. Genuinely good. As Viessa floated down the steps and glided across the floor, the enormous tiger trailing after her like a housecat, the smile she gave me emanated warmth. Even I struggled not to believe it. Without acknowledging Nuvian, Viessa reached me and linked our arms together. I managed not to shiver at the touch of her freezing skin.

“Try not to look so surprised,” she said out of the corner of her mouth, propelling us forward. Her perfume teased my senses, combined with the scent of frost. It made the smell sharper, somehow. Like a rose with frozen edges. Viessa directed her pale eyes at the band and urged the wary-looking musicians, “Play, play! Please, everyone, go back to enjoying the party. I will return shortly.”

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