Home > Mountain Topped(45)

Mountain Topped(45)
Author: K.M. Neuhold

I rub his arm. “Babe.”

Thorne turns to Aldis. “I was so jealous of you. I thought I’d finally opened my eyes to what could be with Bowen and you were going to steal him away. Damn, was I wrong.”

Aldis smiles. “Very wrong.”

“The both of you shifted the path I was on and led me to this amazing moment of realizing everything life had in store for me. I have an amazing business, a gorgeous house, a growing passion project, and the love of the two most incredible men I’ve ever met.” He laughs as his eyes turn glassy. “Said I wouldn’t cry.”

“What’s going on, Thorne?” Aldis asks.

“I know we said we didn’t need ceremonies and all that to declare our love for each other. The tattooed rings were perfect, really, but when I stood back a few months ago and really looked at how happy I was, I knew I needed a way to show you both with more than words what you mean to me.”

He opens his hand, displaying the round wooden disks dangling from a thin leather chain. He hands me one and then gives one to Aldis.

“Our initials are carved into them. You wear it around your neck.”

I run my fingers over the ABH engraved on the disk.

“I thought I couldn’t commit,” Thorne says. “But I can. I’m yours forever. Both of you are engraved in my heart. You trusted me to figure out this is where I always belonged. I love you guys.”

We descend on him, the three of us sharing sloppy but passionate kisses dripping in love. The last couple of years have been beyond anything I could have imagined for myself. Not only the dream of loving Hawthorne and him loving me in return, but the excitement Aldis brought to our world.

He’s a visionary, always seeing more for us than we knew possible. We combined finances to buy a dream house just enough outside of town that we’re surrounded by woods and silence. Hawthorne and I have more work than we can keep up with, and now, with his online shop open, he’s able to share his beautiful carvings with the world. Today’s party is to celebrate his first month of sales, but now it’s so much more.

“Thank you,” I whisper on his lips, still clinging to both him and Aldis. “I love you so damn much, and I’m so proud of you.”

“I wouldn’t be here without you guys.”

We both look at Aldis, who is surprisingly quiet.

“Is something wrong?” I ask.

“Wrong?” Aldis chuckles. “Babe. I think I might implode. I’m so damn happy right now. The day we got the tattoos, I told you how much it meant to me, how much I loved you, but I don’t think I even understood how much I needed you both. I don’t even remember what it was like before this, but I know it was empty. Now my life is so full.”

“Like hopefully, my ass will be tonight,” Hawthorne says, causing all of us to explode with laughter.

“I can guarantee that,” Aldis says.

“You’re gonna have your hands full,” I tease.

“I always do. And then tomorrow, you guys can tag team me. Been a bit since I took both your cocks at once.”

I groan, adjusting my dick. “Babe.”

He leans in and kisses me before turning to Thorne and doing the same. “Let’s get out there and greet our guests, huh?”

“Let’s do it,” Thorne says.

We walk through the house together, greeting friends as a united trio. As Thorne beams while people praise his work, I finger the disk still in my hand. Aldis appears next to me, bumping his arm against mine.

“We have a pretty great life, don’t we?”

Smiling, I catch Thorne’s eyes, blowing him a kiss. “It’s perfect.”


* * *





Watching Hawthorne and Bowen mingle with friends and some family, I lean against the island, sipping my cocktail. The two of them are my entire world, which I planned to show them tonight, but Hawthorne’s gift sort of upstaged my plans. It’s okay though. I have plenty of time to tell them.

One good thing about being an independent consultant is having the ability to make your own schedule, which has definitely come in handy since we got together. Tons of trips, climbing adventures, and plenty of fishing for Bowen have filled our days. This house, purchased with all our needs in mind, is like a shelter from the rest of the world. I love it here, but there’s just one more thing I need to do with these guys before we’re old.

The evening wraps up as our guests start to leave. I’m pleased that no one really batted an eye at our non-standard relationship. I truly don’t care what people think, but I didn’t want anyone’s negativity to ruin Thorne’s night.

Bowen and Thorne stand near the open patio door, chatting with one of their clients they’re friendly with before Thorne twists in my direction, waving for me to join them. I stroll over, smiling.

“Rick, this is our partner, Aldis,” Hawthorne says. “He’s the reason all of this happened.”

“I can’t take credit,” I say, shaking Rick’s hand. “Bowen and I encouraged him to pursue his passion.”

“No, I meant all of this. Our relationship, this home, the business. All of it.” He kisses my cheek. “Aldis helped us get our heads out of our asses.”

Rick chuckles. “That’s a good thing.”

“Definitely,” Bowen agrees.

We say goodbye to Rick and the last few guests. Bowen closes the door, leaning back against it with an exhausted smile.

“Tonight was awesome.”

“It was perfect,” Hawthorne says. “Thank you both so much for your support.”

“You’ll always have it.” I rub his arm. “We should get to bed. It’s been a long night.”

Hawthorne yawns, nodding his head. “It has. Raincheck on the wild sex?”

Bowen frowns but nods. “Deal, but I vote for morning sex.”

“You’re on.”

In the bedroom, the three of us strip down and climb into bed. The sheets are cool and crisp, just the way Thorne likes them. The comforter is soft and plush, the way Bowen likes it, and me, well, my pillow is firm. Perfect.

I cuddle up behind Bowen, draping my arm over him. Hawthorne is on the other side, all of us in one big spoon. I kiss the back of Bowen’s neck.

“I love you, Bow.”

He grips my arm, pulling it closer to him. “I love you, Aldis.”

“Love you, Thorne,” I say next.

He twists his head to look at me. “Love you, babe.”

Thorne and Bow kiss sweetly, whispering words of love and goodnights before Bowen twists slightly to kiss me too. We’re quiet for a few seconds until Thorne laughs and practically climbs over Bowen to kiss me.

“I couldn’t sleep without my kiss.”

“Fine by me.”

I close my eyes, drifting to sleep wrapped around my two favorite people in the world. Life is sweet.


* * *





I’m the first to wake up, which works perfectly for what I have planned. Quietly, I crawl between Bowen and Aldis, careful not to wake them. I tug the blankets down to reveal two gorgeous dicks just begging to be sucked.

I start on Bowen, licking his shaft and massaging his balls. He likes that. He stirs and murmurs but doesn’t quite wake up. I move over to Aldis, sucking on the head of his cock. I don’t know how many times I’ve had this beast in my mouth, but it still always takes me a little warm-up to get used to it.

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