Home > How to Love Your Elf (Embraced by Magic #1)(12)

How to Love Your Elf (Embraced by Magic #1)(12)
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

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“Where were you?” the Woodsman whispered as Father Kit approached him on the ridge. The priest was holding a rusty old army lantern to light his way. “Where did you get that—Oh, don’t tell me you were captured.”

The priest shrugged. “I was captured.”

“Dammit, Fa—”

“Don’t fuss at me. It was your fault.” The priest held up a hand when the Woodsman started to object. “It’s true. They figured out you were here and scoured the forest, searching for you. That’s when they found me. Or rather, I let them find me. They were getting too close to the copse where the horses were hidden, so I led them away.”

The Woodsman sighed. As soon as he’d realized that General Caladras was sending out search parties for him, he’d asked the Living Oaks to hide his friends and their horses. When it came to keeping himself safe, he could always evade capture by remaining high in the trees. “You should have stayed hidden with the horses.”

“Don’t worry. I gave them the usual story, that I’m a poor itinerant priest from Eberon, traveling about the world to spread the joy and peace of enlightenment.”

The Woodsman snorted. Father Kit had been using that same story since he’d fled Eberon eighteen years ago. His version of enlightenment usually entailed lightening a person’s pockets.

“They gave me some wine. Excellent wine. And they even apologized for not having any food to give me.” Father Kit chuckled. “I tried so hard not to laugh that my eyes watered, and they thought I was crying for them. Then they gave me more wine and asked me to lead them in prayer. Guess what I had to pray for.”

“I wouldn’t know.” With a wave of his hand, the Woodsman moved the tree branches that were hiding the horses.

“I beseeched the Light to help them catch the thieves who stole their food. I had to pray for your capture, too. They’re really looking forward to torturing you.”

The Woodsman gave him a wry look. “I can only hope the Light gave up on you years ago.”

The priest shrugged. “I figure the Light is all-knowing, so he knows when I’m kidding. Oh!” His eyes lit up. “Guess what! They’re laying bets on how the general will decide to execute you. Drawing and quartering is in first place. Apparently, they hate your guts so much, they want to see them up close.”

“I’m touched.” The Woodsman led the three horses out of their hiding place.

“Hanging was second place.” The priest shook his head with a disapproving frown. “Sorely lacking in imagination, that one, but a few of the others were more interesting. Like suffocating you in the mud of Whistler’s Bog or chaining you to a lightning rod—”

“Enough. We need to go before someone wins the wager. Where is Liz?”

Father Kit grimaced at the name he didn’t approve of. “He’s around here somewhere. You know he would never get caught.”

True, the Woodsman thought. Liz, short for Lizard, had an unusual gift as one of the Embraced. He could manipulate colors and camouflage himself so well, he could be standing six feet away right now and they wouldn’t know it. That made him an excellent spy. And unfortunately, an even better thief.

After eluding the elfin army until nightfall, the Woodsman had finally made it back to the ridge, only to discover the horses were there and the priest and Liz were not. While he’d waited for their return, he’d discovered the cages where the army was holding two Norveshki prisoners. Even though it would be dangerous, his instincts were urging him to rescue them.

“Oh, there was something else I heard,” Father Kit said as he gathered the reins to his horse. “They’ve captured two prisoners, a female and a wounded male.”

“I know that.”

“Humph. Well, did you know he’s a dragon shifter? And the girl is the Norveshki princess.”

The Woodsman stiffened. “King Silas’s sister?”

“Exactly. The heir to the throne. I heard the general has already sent a message to Silas. A trade. His sister and the dragon shifter in exchange for Gwennore.”

Holy shit. The Woodsman paced away a few steps. He’d checked on the prisoners only a minute ago. The man had appeared unconscious, the young woman asleep. So she was Princess Sorcha.

He’d watched the battle that afternoon from a spot high up in a tree. From there, he’d been able to use his Embraced power to break the elves’ arrows and spears. And he’d caught a glimpse of Gwennore before her husband had shifted into a dragon and flown off with her. A second dragon had escaped with a female soldier, and he had assumed she was the princess. With most of the Norveshki troops retreating as fast as they could, he’d witnessed one brave soldier who had returned to rescue an injured comrade.

He’d been impressed. The soldier followed the same philosophy that he did—never leave a man behind. Unfortunately, there had been nothing he could do to help when that soldier had ended up captured. Frustration had clawed at him. And then shock had nearly caused him to fall out of the tree, for the soldier had turned out to be a woman. A beautiful woman. Intrigued, he’d made sure to learn where she and her companion were being held.

So the brave and beautiful soldier was a princess. And she was in grave danger. “We have to rescue her.”

The priest’s eyes widened. “We do?”

“Aye. I have a plan.”

“Of course you do,” Father Kit muttered.

“The cages are about half a mile west of here. Whistle for Liz to return, then bring your horses to meet me there. Stay hidden on the ridge.” The Woodsman mounted his horse and rode through the forest to the place where he’d spied the cages earlier. Luckily, they were on the edge of the camp, not far from the ridge lined with trees.

He tied off his horse, then adjusted his brown cloak, pulling the hood far over his head. Leaning against a large oak tree, he studied the two cages. Light from the twin moons and a million stars allowed him to see the two prisoners. No movement from the injured dragon shifter. The lone guard was slumped over, snoring while he slept. The young woman appeared to be sleeping, too.

So she was Sorcha. King Silas’s sister. Adopted sister of the queens of Eberon, Tourin, and Norveshka. General Caladras might think it a smart move to trade her for Gwennore, but he was inviting the wrath of the other mainland countries. No doubt Silas and the other kings would want to declare war. But the general was probably threatening to kill Sorcha and the dragon shifter if the other countries attacked.

Sorcha’s friends and family had to be worried sick. The Woodsman called out mentally to the giant redwoods, Great Kings, hear my plea.

The redwoods responded quickly. We hear you, Woodsman.

The Living Oaks chimed in with several voices. Be careful. The forests are teeming with soldiers looking for you.

They believe they are stealthy, but they are clumsy and foolish.

True, the redwoods agreed. They are disturbing the silence of the night.

My apologies, the Woodsman replied. Great Kings, could you pass another message to Gwennore? Please tell her that I will rescue Princess Sorcha and the dragon shifter. They will be under my protection until I can safely deliver them to the border. This I vow as a man of honor.

We will do as you ask.

Thank you, Great Kings. And Living Oaks, please keep me apprised of the location of the soldiers as we make our escape.

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