Home > How to Love Your Elf (Embraced by Magic #1)(17)

How to Love Your Elf (Embraced by Magic #1)(17)
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

She grasped the saddle horn and hunched forward.

“That will give you a backache.” He pulled her back against his chest.

Beneath his arm, he felt her rib cage expanding with each quick breath. She was nervous, dammit, but what could he do? If he tried to console her with soft words and a gentle touch, she would probably think he was molesting her. She already considered him a thief with no honor.

He ought to tell her the truth, but dammit, why should he have to explain himself? Why should he care what she thought? She was completely wrong for him. Even her gift was an utter disaster. While his Embraced power relied on wood, her power destroyed wood.

Just how dangerous was she? “Can you make a flame with both hands or only your right one?” he asked.

“My right hand has a much stronger flame. The left one tends to fizzle out, but that might be from lack of practice.”

“I see.” He transferred the reins to his left hand and took her right hand in his.

“What are ye doing?” She attempted to pull her hand away, but he held tight.

“We’re going into a dense forest. I can’t have you accidentally starting a fire.”

She scoffed. “That’s ridiculous. I don’t accidentally snap my fingers.”

He laced his fingers with hers. “Now you won’t be able to.”

She yanked her hand away. “Ye don’t trust me at all, do you?”

“As much as you trust me.”

She turned her head to look at him, and her hair brushed against his chin.

He leaned back to sever the contact.

With a huff, she faced front. “I am fully aware of how dangerous my gift can be. That’s why I rarely use it. I live with the fear that I might hurt someone.”

He winced. Why was he being rude? He’d seen her endanger herself to save her friend, so he knew she had a good heart. And he knew she wouldn’t actually try to burn down the forest.

He lowered his right hand, accidentally brushing against her leg before resting his hand on his own thigh. Dammit. Would she think he’d done that on purpose?

Had he? Since when did he not have complete control over his own movements? He winced when she leaned forward in a futile attempt to put some space between them.

She held on to the saddle horn. “So ye said ye have a plan?”

“Yes.” He nodded. “It’s imperative to always have a plan. First we go to Drudaelen Castle. I’ll ask the physician to meet us there. She’ll take good care of your friend.”


“Yes. And once you and your friend have rested a bit, we’ll move on to the village of Haven. The army doesn’t know where Haven is, so you’ll be safe there while your friend recuperates.”

“It’s like a secret hideout?”


“I see.” She took a deep breath and seemed to relax a bit.

They rode in silence for a while, weaving through the trees. In the dark, he could hear her soft breathing, feel the motion of the horse and their bodies swaying together. Don’t think about how good she feels between your thighs.

He turned his attention to the forest around them. His night vision was better than most, but even when he couldn’t see well, he could sense where the trees were. He also had a good sense of direction, made even better because the Living Oaks would let him know if he veered off course.

For now, he had better alert the physician so she would be ready. Thankfully, Morghen could also communicate with trees. Living Oaks, will you pass a message to Morghen? I’m bringing an injured man to Drudaelen Castle. Can she meet us there? We should arrive tomorrow by noon.

We will do as you ask, Woodsman.

Thank—His mental conversation screeched to a halt as his horse climbed a steep hill and Sorcha fell back against his chest. Should he wrap an arm around her to hold her steady? Would she object to being held in his arms?

“Actually, I was a bit frightened when I thought I would have to set Aleksi’s cage on fire,” she whispered. “It was a great relief when ye stopped me.”

He took a deep breath. Don’t talk to her. Don’t hold her. Don’t get closer to her.

She turned her head to look at him, and the feel of her hair was like silk against his skin. How easy it would be to cradle her head in the curve of his neck.

He took another deep breath, and the scent of her hair was sweet. She must use a soap made with honeysuckle. “I watched the battle earlier from high up in a tree.” Oh hell, why was he talking?

“Ye broke a bunch of arrows and spears,” she murmured.

“Yes.” He leaned forward to breathe in more of the honeysuckle scent. “Before the battle, I asked the redwoods to warn Queen Gwennore about the trap.”

Sorcha gasped, turning toward him so suddenly that her temple brushed against his mouth.

He sat back.

“That was you? Oh!” She pressed her knuckles briefly against her lips. “I just had a wonderful idea! Could ye ask the redwoods to tell Gwennore that I’m safe?”

“I already did. I told her I would return you to your family.”

“Oh, thank you!” She beamed up at him, and his heart skipped a beat. Still grinning, she faced front. “Gwen and Silas will be so relieved. Thank you.”

He was hopelessly attracted to her, he realized with a wince. Attracted to a woman who could easily start a forest fire. And if that wasn’t bad enough, she was a princess from another country. Dammit. She was probably betrothed for some stupid political purpose. Or perhaps her brother would have mercy on her and let her marry for love.

A startling thought jumped into his mind. If she hadn’t gone back to rescue the dragon shifter, she would have escaped. She could be safe at home now, but she’d turned back to save the dragon. Even now, she was determined to save him. Dammit, what brave young woman wouldn’t be attracted to a dragon? Was she in love with the wounded warrior?

Good. Then she won’t be interested in you. He gritted his teeth. Crap. “The . . . uh . . . injured soldier . . .”

She glanced up at him. “Aleksi?”

“Yes. He’s a . . . dragon, isn’t he?”

She sighed. “So ye know about the shifters.”

“Yes. Are you . . . ?” Don’t ask if she’s betrothed, you fool. “You seem to care a lot about him.”

She nodded. “Of course. He’s one of my brother’s best friends. I consider him a good friend, too.”

“And . . . nothing more?”

She stiffened and her hands tightened around the saddle horn.

Damn. Now she knew what he was really asking. As time stretched on, the air around them felt heavy, the silence deafening.

“After you’ve rested a few days in Haven, I’ll take you across the border into Eberon,” he said to fill the awkward silence. “That will be fine with you, right?”

“Yes.” She nodded. “Queen Luciana is like a sister to me.”

“Good. It should take about two days to cross the Haunted Woods—”

“Haunted?” She glanced back at him. “Ye mean with ghosts?”

“Something like that.”

They descended a hill and came across Norus Creek. He let the horse splash along the creek for a while. This waterway flowed northward, eventually merging with the Vorus River, which served as a boundary between Woodwyn and Norveshka. Streams located in the south flowed into the Wyn River, where the River Elves lived and Wyndelas Palace was situated.

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