Home > Damon's Deal (Terkel's Team #1)(39)

Damon's Deal (Terkel's Team #1)(39)
Author: Dale Mayer

She didn’t even growl back at him. It was probably a good thing because, what she wanted to say, she probably shouldn’t say to her boss. But then again, she had to laugh at that because she could do nothing else. It’s not as if she was getting paid for this assignment anyway. What she hopefully was doing was helping to keep them safe, so they could actually have a life when this was over. Although it appeared there was a pretty slim chance that would happen at this rate. Pissed, she sent Damon a message, telling him how she felt about his decision.

What she got back froze her in place, as she stared down at his message.

I love you too.

And all she could think about was whether or not he meant it. Or was he just being flippant, like they so often were? She studied the message and then forcibly put it away, so it wouldn’t just sit there and taunt her. But all it did was mess with her head as she continued to question it, then realized she couldn’t afford to let him sidetrack her. Yet isn’t that exactly what he didn’t want her doing for him, … tracking? She groaned, then settled back and proceeded to eat, plowing through the food in record time. That was unusual for her, as normally she could get the food she needed and enjoy it too.

When Terk’s hand landed on her shoulder, she immediately stopped eating and looked up at him.

“Slow down,” he said quietly. “Damon is fine.”

She took a deep breath, let it out noisily, “Is that what’s bugging me?”

He gave her a ghost of a smile. “Well, I could tell you how this will all go”—he paused—“but I think the journey is more special if you find out for yourself.”

And, with that cryptic remark, he turned and headed back to his computer. She wanted to ask a million questions, but it’s not as if he was up for giving even a single answer, much less one million. Now she really couldn’t get Damon off her mind.


It probably wasn’t fair that Damon had taken off without saying goodbye, but, with only the three of them, he was pretty well the one who needed to be out here. He also couldn’t let Merk walk into anything too dangerous without a partner here on the ground with him. Merk was here helping them after all, and everybody needed backup, sometimes even Levi’s team.

Damon raced over to the coordinates they’d been given. As he approached, he heard a voice inside his head. Wade, what’s up?

He said, Watch it.

Wade, are you okay?

Not really, he muttered. I feel like I’m being hunted still. And I don’t know if that’s an actual fact or if it’s just paranoia setting in.

It’s something that we always have to watch out for.

I know, he agreed.

So what did you mean when you told me to watch out?

It feels like a trap, Wade stated.

Yeah, I don’t have much choice though. We have to spring it.

Damn, I wish I was on my feet, Wade said.

How are you doing physically? Damon asked, as he studied the area hidden in the shadows. He’d left his vehicle a couple blocks away.

I feel like shit, but I don’t think I’ve regained consciousness.

Damon had to stop and think about that. Seriously? Do you really think you’re unconscious?

Well, I don’t think I’m necessarily all there, he muttered.

And I know that probably doesn’t make sense, Damon replied.

You know the stuff we do, he said. It almost never makes sense, but a note of laughter was in his voice.

You actually don’t sound too bad, considering that you’re likely still comatose.

Maybe, he replied, but I don’t feel great.

No, of course not. You’ve pretty well been annihilated by some asshole.

Yeah, that’s what it feels like, he agreed.

You got any hints on the trap?

It’s the same spore I picked up outside the place you guys are staying. What is that anyway?

It’s a warehouse among warehouses, Damon said.

Yeah, feels like something along that line.

If you get anything else, let me know. We’ve got Merk here too though, so make sure you’re not mistaking that energy.

Merk? Merk? he repeated. I don’t feel like I know that name. Did you mean Terk?

No, I don’t. I mean his twin brother.

Oh shit, man. Levi’s team is involved?

We didn’t really have too many people we could call on, Damon replied, so yeah.

Well, they have a different energy too, he noted, but I haven’t worked with it very much.

Enough to know it?

Not really, he noted. I wish I could say yes to that but I really can’t.

Don’t worry about it, Damon replied. I’ve got this.

Well, you must have some of it, he stated, but I’m not kidding about it being a trap. And it feels like it’s closing in on you right now. Man, you better move your ass.

And, with that, Wade was gone, but Damon was already on the run. He wasn’t exactly sure who or what was after him, but nothing quite like this industry and the work they did to make him realize so many things were worse than a bullet. He pulled into a shadowy doorway and sent out a message to Terk. You there?

Terk immediately answered. Yeah, what’s the matter?

Wade warned me it was a trap.


Damon wasn’t sure if it was shit because of what the message was or because of the fact that Wade was using his skills. He also told me that he didn’t think he was conscious.

That gave Terk pause. He was operating in a coma? he asked, puzzled.

That’s what he said, but I have no idea. Maybe you’ll want to ask him yourself. Can you find out where Merk is?

Yeah, hang on.

Damon waited, feeling the same buzzing energy that Terk always used when he grabbed hold of your energy so he could take a look around.

He’s up three blocks to the left.

Anything in between us?

Not that I see, Terk replied, but I get Wade’s feeling of something being off.

“Of course something’s off,” Damon muttered. “Like I need this shit.” But he slipped through the shadows, heading forward. Do you want to tell your brother that I’m here?

I already sent him a message that you were a few blocks away and to expect you in a few minutes.

Is he likely to shoot me in the process?

He hasn’t yet, has he?

No, not yet, Damon said, but I really don’t want that handicap right now.

You’re good to go.

And, with that, he raced forward the last remaining bit. When he stepped into the next hiding spot, he wasn’t alone. He stared at Merk. “Hey.”

“Hey. What’s this about a trap?”

Damon shrugged. “One of our team contacted me to say this was a trap. On a slightly bizarre sidenote, he also believes he’s in a coma.”

Merk stared at him for a long moment. “Jesus Christ, you’re all nuts.”

“Maybe, but it’s what we do.”

“And that’s why I’m here,” Merk said.

“Well, in truth,” Damon corrected, “you’re here because of your brother.”

“Yes, that too, but also because he put out a call for help for your team. We know all about what teams are for, and we won’t leave ours on the ground when help is required.”

“Much obliged,” Damon replied quietly. “This mess has been a FUBAR from the beginning.”

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