Home > Triple Threat (Deception Duet #1)(23)

Triple Threat (Deception Duet #1)(23)
Author: K. Webster

With those words out of me, I cup her breast over her bra and suck on her neck. A hot as fuck moan escapes her. It lights a fire inside me with the need to consume this woman—to pin her down, lick her sweet spots, and drive my dick into her over and over again until we’re both sated.

I suck harder on her neck, the urge to mark her a stupid need I can’t ignore. She whimpers and it sounds like a bit of a protest.

A door shuts nearby, making Landry freeze in my grip. She curses under her breath and then jerks out of my arms, spinning around to face me. I run my tongue along my bottom lip, eager to taste more of her. Her blue eyes track the moment, burning with the lust that’s most definitely mirrored in my own eyes.

“My dad is home,” she croaks out, nearly stumbling as she puts distance between us. “He’s home and you can’t be here.”

I lift a brow, amused by her words. “I’m being paid to be here.” Adjusting my chub in my jeans, I can’t help but grin at how pink she turns. “Am I embarrassing you?”

Her features harden and her voice is shrill. “This isn’t a joke, idiot. He’s… You just don’t understand.” Panic ripples over her making her eyes dart toward the door and her body tremble.

I follow her stare to the doorway. As soon as a man enters the space, the warmth of the room is sucked out. A bone-deep chill creeps its way inside me. Based on the way Landry shudders, I’d say she feels it too.

He’s the typical rich prick in an expensive suit. His arrogance is stifling. As though I’m supposed to take one look at him and bow at his feet. I can’t stand assholes like this. They act like they’re gods.

Reminds me of Winston Constantine.

The chill inside me is quickly doused in gasoline. I light the match, feeling the burn of hatred all the way down to my toes, and face the man, showing him I’m not afraid of him. I hope my expression implies I’d rather kick his ass.

“Landry, sweetheart. Who is this?” He’s glaring at me, but speaking to his daughter in a cold, clipped tone. “I said—”

“Ford Mann. He’s Della’s tutor.” Landry closes her eyes for a moment and then I watch her transform into someone else—someone regal and sure of herself. Someone brave and not at all timid. “She’s already learned so much, Dad. I was just discussing her progress with Mr. Mann.”

I have the urge to laugh, because my lips weren’t discussing anything. I was tasting and exploring. My fingers still tingle with the way her lacy bra felt against my skin.

“Her tutor,” Alexander parrots, his hard glare assessing me from head to toe. “Hmm.”

Landry giggles—girlish and sweet. What the actual fuck?

“Della’s a quick study,” I say, turning on the charm I’ve seen Sparrow use on people countless times. “Surprised the hell out of me.”

“Where is the studious child?” Alexander asks, cutting his eyes to his daughter.

Landry, to her credit, doesn’t falter at his angry tone. Her smile broadens and she regards her father like he hangs the fucking moon. Again…what the actual fuck? Before she can answer, the child in question stomps into the room, scowling with Sandra pulling up the rear.

“Mr. Croft,” Sandra says, a polite smile on her face. “Lovely to see you so early from the office. Can I fetch you a drink?”

This show these women are putting on for this man is nauseating.

“I can grab it for you,” Landry says, taking hold of her father’s elbow. “Plus, I wanted to run some party ideas by you. Come on. We’ll leave them to finish up their lesson.”

Alexander stares at me for a beat longer before allowing his daughter to whisk him from the room. Sandra scurries after, clearly eager to dump the kid back off on me. Della glowers after them.

I tap her shoulder and wait for her to look at me before saying, “Dummy.”

Her lips quirk into a small smile and then she signs back, dummy. At least Della and I have a common enemy. I know why I don’t like the guy, but her? I’ll get to the bottom of it. Pulling out my phone, I shoot my brothers a quick text.

Me: There’s something up with the dad. A real prick. The kid doesn’t like him.

Sparrow: You think he hit Landry?

Scout: Seems obvious to me.

Me: I don’t know. We need to find out. She didn’t tell him she knew me from school.

Sparrow: Because she doesn’t know YOU from school.

Me: Fuck off. You know what I mean. Ford. She didn’t mention knowing Ford from class.

Scout: Daddy’s girl has secrets.

Yeah, she does. And we’re going to uncover each one of them. Because it’s our job—to meddle in people’s lives and fuck shit up. We’re really good at it, too.



Chapter Thirteen




Away. Away. Away.

That’s all that was going through my mind as I ushered Dad out of Della’s classroom and over to the living room bar. By habit, I glance out the panoramic windows, my go-to escape, but his ominous reflection has me jerking my attention back down to the bar top. I don’t want him seeing the desperation in my eyes. My mindless chatting seems fake and slightly shrill from nerves, but Dad doesn’t appear to notice. He watches me intently as I pour him a glass of wine. I can’t stop the trembling of my hands, nearly sloshing wine all over the place. Sucking in a deep breath, I attempt to slow my speeding heart and relax.

He reacted horribly to Ty’s friendliness. I can only imagine what he’d do if he knew Della’s tutor just had his hand up my shirt.

Heat races over my skin, scorching a crimson path. Quickly, I hand Dad his glass and then try to change the subject to anything but the man in the other room.

I can’t believe I let him touch me. Kiss my neck. Play a dangerous game in my own house. So reckless and stupid. Ford Mann tears down my defenses so easily. It’s both exhilarating and terrifying all at once.

“What do you think you’ll be?” Dad asks, drawing my attention from thoughts of Ford to him. “Have you decided?”

“Della wants me to be Little Red Riding Hood and she wants to be the Big Bad Wolf.”

“You do look lovely in red, sweetheart. And Della can be quite feral.”

I laugh at his joke. Though it’s true and probably said as an insult, he says it almost lovingly. I’ll take that over his cruelty toward her any day.

“Are you inviting the entire city again?” I tease, earning a genuine smile from him. “Last time, I’m pretty sure you let anyone in.”

Dad chuckles. “I learned from that mistake. I didn’t get to enjoy myself because I had to make too many rounds. This time, I’ve asked my assistant to send invites to my birthday party to an exclusive, intimate list of names. All influential people, of course. Quite a few Constantines.”

Tension snaps each one of my muscles taut. I can’t help but think of the way he struck me. All because I was chatty with Ty. Will that happen again? I feel like he wants me to be two different people.

Two different people.

Kind of like Ford. I wonder how he turns it on and off because he was a completely different person this afternoon than at school.

Maybe his secrets are like mine. Painful. Hard to swallow. Frankly, humiliating.

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