Home > Neighbors with the Single Dad (The Single Dads of Seattle Book 8)(32)

Neighbors with the Single Dad (The Single Dads of Seattle Book 8)(32)
Author: Whitley Cox

Her breasts swayed heavily beneath her. Even in her bra, they jiggled with each one of his mighty thrusts. Her hard nipples ached for the heat and relief of his mouth.

The smell of sex, hairspray and Scott’s own citrusy, manly smell circled around her, combining into one intoxicating scent that was uniquely their own.

“Eva, babe.” He grunted. “I’m close.”

His thumb shifted from her hips to the top of her crease, sliding just south enough for the hairs on her arms to tingle and her pussy to tighten around his cock.

“Come for me,” she whispered, curious to one day find out what it felt like to have him show her the pleasure she could experience in that intimate, forbidden erogenous zone.

“Eva.” Her name was more of a strained purr as he pumped into her harder and faster, his fingers tightening on her hip.

She squeezed her muscles around him as best she could. His breath hitched. He stilled, inhaled sharply, held it and then let it out in a moan of satisfaction as his cock began to pulse inside her.

“Oh fuck, babe,” he ground out, hunching over her again and wrapping an arm beneath her, his fingers delving into her bra and tugging on a tight nipple.

That was all she needed to send her back over the edge. To send her back to heaven. Squeezing her eyes shut and gripping the armrests until her knuckles ached, she allowed the orgasm to consume her. To shred her very existence, take all the remaining muscles that worked, and pummel them until they were nothing but jelly. Moaning with each pulse of her orgasm, she milked his cock as best she could, pulling him deeper inside her as his own release began to wane.

She knew he was spent and his orgasm over when his warm breath swept across her sweat-kissed skin and his fingers on her nipple relaxed.

“Babe,” he cooed, planting gentle, sensual kisses across her shoulders as he held her there in place, still safely nestled inside her. “So good.”

“So good,” she echoed.

A mewl of mourning slipped from her throat as he gently stood up and slid out of her. She missed him already.

While Scott went about zipping up and disposing of the condom, she went on the hunt for her clothes.

They took turns in the bathroom, then met up again under the bright recessed lighting next to her desk and computer. Neither of them was able to keep their grins at bay. And let’s be honest, why would they want to?

He reached for her hand and brought her knuckles to his lips. “I’m glad we were able to clear the air,” he said. His nose wrinkled, and then he grinned even wider. “Now that air smells like sex. Hot, hot sex.”

She giggled foolishly.

He squeezed her hand. “I mean it though. I’m glad we talked. I’m glad we’re not over.”

She stared down at their entwined hands and nodded. “Me too.”

“I’ll talk to my boss tomorrow and see about transferring Todd to another executive,” he said. “I can’t … ” He shook his head and glanced down at her. “I don’t even want to be in the same room as that man. I’m afraid of what I might do, now that I know what he did to you.”

His protectiveness was touching, but he also needed to know how dangerous Todd could be. Scott did not want to cross her ex-husband. Todd’s morals were questionable and his scruples lacking. Who knew what he could do to Scott, not to mention his career, if he got a bee in his psychopathic bonnet and decided to exact his revenge?

“We’ll figure it out, babe,” Scott said, releasing her hand and pulling her into his arms, his lips pressing against her forehead. “Todd is the least of my concerns right now. Let’s just ride the wave that we’re good, the sex was great and there is plenty more where that came from.”

She chuckled against him, her hands splaying across the warm solidness of his back. “Okay. Just please be careful, Scott. Todd is dangerous.”

He kissed her forehead again. “I will. Now, let’s plan a date, because I meant what I said, woman, I want to take you out. Hot sex in hotel rooms and salons is great, but I want to be your boyfriend. I want to show you off to the world.”

Heat flooded her cheeks, and she smiled shyly. “I’d love that.”






“What do you mean it’s a conflict of interest?” Remy, Scott’s boss, asked snidely as Scott sat in Remy’s enormous office the following day. “Since when?”

Since it’s none of your damn business.

“Since recently. I, uh … ” He scratched the back of his neck as nerves prickled along his freshly shaved skin. “Since I discovered that the woman I’m seeing is actually Todd’s ex-wife.” Scott swallowed. “Their divorce was not exactly amicable.”

And Todd is a motherfucking rapist bastard who should be behind bars right now.

Remy’s normally rather pale complexion turned the color of a tomato fresh off the vine. “You’re saying that our biggest client in I don’t know how long is suddenly a conflict of interest because of a woman?”

Scott’s hands gripped the armrests of his chair to keep himself from lunging at Remy for making such a remark, not to mention the irritated facial expression that went with it. “Not just a woman. Todd’s ex-wife. This has no way of ending well. If you haven’t noticed, the man is fiercely competitive, demanding and is used to getting his own way. If he gets a bee up his ass about me dating his ex-wife, what’s to stop him from just up and pulling all his businesses from our service?”

“Uh, I dunno, how about a little something called a binding contract?”

Scott chomped down hard on his back teeth. How old was Remy anyway? Twenty-five? Twenty-eight? He was no more than a maggot. A grotesque, white, wiggly little flesh eater. And how in the hell did he get into a senior partner position?

Oh yeah, that’s right. His daddy was the CEO.

Clearing his throat and loosening his grip on the chair, Scott made sure to keep his tone as respectful as was humanly possible when faced with an idiot who was possibly still in diapers when Scott was busy losing his virginity in the back of a Chevy pickup. “Yes, we do have a contract, and it is binding, but that doesn’t mean Mr. Fletcher wouldn’t try. There is an escape clause in the contract, even though I’m not sure my romantic life is grounds for contract termination. But the man has an army of lawyers at his disposal, and he doesn’t strike me as the type of guy who’s used to losing. It would come down to whether or not you want to waste our company money on lawyer fees during a lawsuit.”

Remy worked the jaw of his baby face back and forth, his amber eyes closer to a catlike yellow, which combined with his orangey-red hair reminded Scott of his childhood cat Chester, a bit fat ginger thing missing half an ear and with a docked tail.

“Look, Remy.” Scott sat forward in his chair and rested his elbows on his thighs, his gaze level with his dumb-dumb boss. “I’m not saying we cut ties with Fletcher Holdings. I’m just saying it would behoove us—behoove the company for me to be removed off the file.”

“Or you just break up with this chick,” Remy offered, curling his fingertips toward his wrist and examining his nails. He appeared bored.

“Not an option.”

Remy kicked his feet up onto his desk, reached for a dark blue stress ball and began tossing it up into the air. “Well, I want you on this project, Scott. You’re a new hire, you’re still on probation, and I want to see how you’re going to handle this VIP client. You came highly recommended.” His cheeks grew ruddy again. “And so far, I think you were a bit overrated. I’ve yet to be wowed by anything you’d done. I want you to prove me wrong.”

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