Home > The Life : First Love Only Love(40)

The Life : First Love Only Love(40)
Author: Jordan Silver

“Ma, they were brawling in the streets.”

“So? This is New Hampshire; it could do with some excitement. In my day….” I had to listen to ten minutes of what it was like for an Italian girl growing up in Brooklyn in the fifties and sixties.

“Okay, Ma, you win.” Their brother would’ve fought for them anyway.

“Don’t you think they’re a bit too old for you to still be doing this? They’re not cute little three-year-olds who got into the candy and ran to Nana to escape a scolding.”

“When you have grandchildren of your own someday, you’ll understand. Now, this stronza, you take care of her?”

“Ma! Where’s Pop?”

“Your father, he had something to do.”

“Is Gabe over there? Was Gabe over there?”

“I haven’t seen him. Where is my grandson? Did you lose him? We’re coming over, this, all this, is no good Draco. It’s been weeks already. Why haven’t you taken care of this coglione?”

“I’m on top of it, Ma.” Why is it that everybody wants me to go legit except my own family? Sofia has to be held down by Sheila, who’s looking for excuses to join her instead of restraining her. Thank fuck I talked her into calming down.

Her ringers, the two that just left here, are not done, I’m sure since they were stopped before too much damage was done. And even Garrett, my levelheaded doctor of a brother, is pissed at me for letting his nephew slip away unnoticed in the middle of turmoil.

Ma finished ranting in both English and Italian then invited herself to dinner before hanging up. They used to be here for dinner every Sunday since they literally live around the corner, but with health issues and not feeling like it, that had tapered off some in the last year, something that did not make my wife happy at all. She’s not satisfied unless the whole family’s here for Sunday dinner. Shit, where the hell is my son?






“What was that back there, might I ask?”

“Victoria’s car.”

“Okay, Uncle Draco’s been ringing my phone off the hook. You better call him.”

“I’ll see him when I get home. I need to stop and get Gianna some ice cream first.”

“Gabe, look, I know you’re pissed, but you need to calm down.”

“I am calm.”

“No, no, you’re not. There’s a difference between calm and ice cold. Right now, the temperature in here is about forty degrees colder than outside, and that’s with the heat on.”

“You think this is ice? It can’t be; Victoria is still alive.”


“She hit her, right in front of me.”

“I know, I understand.”

“Do you?” I looked out the window at the dark nothingness keeping my thoughts to myself.

If there was any doubt as to what she’s come to mean to me, this cinches it. But that’s not what I’m thinking about right at this moment, no. It wouldn’t be fair to think of such sweet softness as love while my heart is in a blind murderous rage. She dared, right in front of me. After how many warnings?

Forget dragging this out for my own sick enjoyment. Starting now, their lives are in my hands. I just have to get around Pop and his legion of men. I know once I get back, he’s going to ramp up security, but I’ve got an answer for that. I came up with it while torching Victoria’s pride and joy.

Fontane is up to something, I know. I watched the three of them closely today, and something has shifted. The females are coming unglued, and he’s starting to open his eyes. Too bad for him after today it’s too little too late. They should’ve stopped while they were ahead.

“What’re you going to do to her?” I turned my head to look at him as he drove.

“What makes you think I’m going to do anything to her?” His answer was just a look that said all he wanted to.

“Due to the nature of your future endeavors, it’s best you don’t ask.”

“I’m not asking as a future cop, but as your brother.”

“And for that reason, I won’t put you in an awkward position, brother.” He cursed a blue streak which I ignored.

“We’re here.” He pulled into the parking lot of the ice cream parlor. “I’m gonna call Unc.”

“Suit yourself.” He pulled his phone and followed me. I could hear him reassuring Pop that I was okay, just needed to go for a ride. His excuse for not answering is that he was out of signal range. Something that’s quite convincing with all the wooded areas on the outskirts of town. But he and I both know Pop’s not going to buy that. I’d have driven myself around if all I wanted was to get away for a while. Plus, I wouldn’t leave Gianna alone and hurt for something that petty.

I realized I was on autopilot only when I left the store with her treat in hand. I don’t think I’ve had another thought other than how to bring Victoria’s world crashing down around her since I left the parking lot. Other than the time spent making sure Gianna was okay, that is.

We drove to the house in silence. “You staying in?”

“Yes, she should be up by now. I’m not leaving her alone.”

“Gabe.” Pop came out on the steps; I could see the relief on his face and felt slightly guilty about what I’d put him through. “You good?”

“Yeah, Pop, I’m good. Is Gianna up?”

“Yeah, your mother just ran her a hot bath when she woke up according to your uncle’s wishes.”

“Okay, I’ll go see her now.”

“Go see your mother first; she’s worried about you.” I took five minutes to see Ma, who stopped fretting once she saw that I was okay before rushing upstairs to Gianna.

She was still in the bathtub relaxing with her eyes closed. The bubbles had dissipated, and it was plain to see the bruise on her side as I got closer. I bit into my fist to hold the scream of rage at bay before turning to leave unseen, but she still heard me somehow.


“Yeah,” I had to clear my throat, “Yeah, baby, sorry, I didn’t want to disturb you.”

“That’s okay; the water’s growing cold. Pass me a towel?” I’m sure she thinks I averted my face out of courtesy because she was naked, but I’ve felt her against me enough to know what she looks like even with clothes on.

No, I’m hiding the rage. She’s so innocent she doesn’t even comprehend the firestorm that was set off today because of her. The storm we ran from in Virginia today pales in comparison. I won’t share with anyone what I’m about to do, least of all her. It’s like my father said, we don’t give warnings, we just act.

I waited patiently all through dinner, watching over her, the way she was cossetted by everyone, including Nana, who tends to be a bit standoffish with new people. No one mentioned what happened earlier that day, but each time she winced when she pulled her side, I had to grip my hands into fists to keep myself seated there.

That night, she didn’t even pretend to go to her room; I didn’t let her. I took her to my bed and got her settled, waiting for her to fall asleep before hopping on my computer to get to work. I felt guilty towards her. There was more than Victoria to blame for what happened to her. I was there; I didn’t protect her. She’s supposed to feel safe with me there, and I let her down. But woe to the one who brought it about, who shattered her sense of safety.

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